The office was in a frenzy. They were all stressing about the boss coming. The boss had a lawyer named, Daniels and although he was the spokesperson for the devil himself, he was a fun person and I liked him. Daniels is the one in charge of informing us peasants that the King will arrive and Daniels made it his mission to traumatize us and he got it right when a female fainted when the news came and the idiot laughed.
I took the devil's trap, also known as an elevator, to my work floor and went to my desk. I wasn't stressed since my work was up to date and my group was sorted. I took out my laptop and set it up before I went to check up on my group and also friends.
"Rose!" I turned to see Candice coming from behind me. "Where have you been?"
Candice is my best friend and she is also the secretary of the devil himself and she refuses to tell us how he looks until he reveals himself to us. All we know is that he is not an old man, that is overweight and has a lot of cats. Nope, he was fairly young, in the late twenties and Candice confirmed he turned twenty-seven this year but no one knew when. Candice gave us bits of information but most of the time she was selfish.
"Relax, Candy. He isn't here yet." I said calmly and continued what I was busy with.
"Your shit is still in the conference room." She nearly yelled.
I gave a short chuckle. "I cleared it this morning before you came." I smiled at her. "Now, my gorgeous friend, what do you say about some coffee?" I wrapped my arm over her shoulders and she couldn't stop the smile from spreading to her face. "That's my baby."
We walked towards the girls who were making coffee. The kitchen was like our home. My group of friends were always in the kitchen. If we weren't by our desks then you had to know we were in the kitchen or the bathroom.
We caught up with the rest of the gang. Candice is gorgeous, model material even. She had great length and the perfect body. Perfect boobs and a perfect butt. She had beautiful blue eyes and blond colored hair which stopped by her shoulder blades. My friend was beautiful whether or not she tried to be.
Then we had Allie also know as Alison. She was the quiet one but she could gossip. She knew everything about everyone and when she had a boss that was a ghost she began hacking and still couldn't find anything and that frustrated her to the bone. She was part of the designing team. She had to design apps she thought was useful to us, humans and then install it on to the phone. She was great with her blue bob hairstyle and her brown eyes that shined when she figured something out. She was five foot six with an amazing ass.
We had the evil twins. Stephanie and Zephanie. They were forever arguing and they were nasty. Those twins confuse their prey before attacking and it funny to watch especially if you couldn't tell them apart. They were alike with long brown-black hair and light skin color and they also stood at a height of five foot five. They worked in HR, drafting contacts and other HR things that they do. According to them, I will be promoted to the Marketing Director by the end of the month since I am needed in the office and not on the streets.
"You guys are seriously nuts," I state as I took a sip of my coffee. " I am not going to waterfalls. My brothers are there and I do not want to be present when my brothers go all hulk."
They were planning a girls' night and I am all for it but the location is terrible. The waterfall is owned by some mafia boss and it is the go-to place for illegal dealing and my brother is in the circle of this mafia boss that's why they are always by that club, making their circle bigger and my brothers in a club with me present isn't the best of situations.
"You need to stop doing that," Allie said. "We going and that's that."
The girls all looked at me but from my point of view it looked like they were looking behind me but I was more focused on the club story. "I will not be going to waterfalls," I stated and Stephanie facepalmed herself and that when I looked behind me and I nearly jumped out of my skin. It was the guy that was talking to Ms. M and I didn't know how to react. Was he the devil? Because if so, then I am screwed and if he isn't then I don't know because my heart is beating a hundred miles per hour.
I looked at Candice and she gave me the looked that confirmed my suspicion. "Sorry, sir." I gave a kind smile at said, don't fire me.
"Ms. Bell." Was all he said, if I wasn't afraid, I would be dumbstruck with his beauty.
"Ms. S.Alexander, follow me." With that, he walked off.
Both me and Stephanie looked at Candice for guidance but she shrugged her shoulders and then we looked at each other. "Down the path of hell, we shall go."
Before we could even leave the Kitchen, Daniels stood there with an evil smirk on his face. "Mr. Black wants you in his office."
Both me and Stephanie head to the death trap. The Boss, now known as Mr. Black had an office on his floor. He had a conference room there which was only used in a meeting where he was present. I haven't on this floor since it had nothing to do with me or my work what so ever.
"Thou I walk in the valley of death..." Stephanie started.
"I shall fear no evil." I finished and we both burst out laughing. "Its no joke, we might not be able to work together after this."
"I love you, Rose."
"I love you too, Mi Amore." I hugged her and the doors opened.
It was pitch black. No light. Demons were sitting in the walkway laughing as we walk down the path of shame. We have committed a sin that caused us to walk down this road. If only, instead, the elevator opened to a modern style office floor. Candice desks sit in the center and we had workers moving around as if they work in a happy environment.
"Fresh blood." Someone said.
I had to stop myself from replying because the idiot that commented is no better than Steven. Our CEO when the CEO isn't present. Steven acted like he owned the place and no liked him. He made working here more terrible than it already is.
We walked down the hallway and followed the guy that got us by the elevator. After many turns, (only one.) we finally reached our destination. We both stopped at the gates of hell. I have never been to this floor. I knew no one so I had no reason to come up. Candice normally comes down to us.
Stephanie knocked, we waited for a come in and when we heard nothing. Stephanie slowly opened the door and I hid behind her back. I was safe behind Stephanie; they'll take her soul before mine.
"What are you doing?" A voice boomed and both me and Stephanie jumped out of our bones.
"O my God" Stephanie said with a hand over her heart.
I understood her reaction. My heart was basically stuck in my throat. This guy demanded respect and his whole being shouted power. He wasn't like this when he was by Ms. M. He stood before us, in all glory.
His imposing height with cold blue-grey eyes. His eyes were beautiful, mystical even but they were cold, void of emotions. As he stares down at us, I felt like he could see our souls and damn them to hell. He was all great and powerful. His hair was styled back bring out his sharp jawline and perfect lips. This man was the definition of perfect. He was temptation at its fullest.
His was sculptured by the hands of God. It was perfectly defined with muscle in the right places. He was, for the lack of better words, beautiful. Beauty has never been so cruel as it is on this man. It should be a sin to even allow him in public, now I understand why he keeps his identity a secret.
I remained silent. I feared that I might make a fool of myself in front of a god-like man. He opened the door and walked in. We followed afterward. He was something I never thought existed in this world.
Now, I know how the female of all females felt when the snake tricked her into biting the apple. Sweet words from a poisonous snake were more forbidden than the forbidden fruit and no matter what, you can't help but want some.
As we enter the office of Mr. Black, we enter a world of desire because as soon as he sat down, the world bowed before his feet. The shadows bowed down to the man and worshiped him because they complemented his golden-colored skin perfectly.
As he sat on his throne, we watched his every move, too afraid to take our eyes off and even if we could, we wouldn't. No one would ever want to miss a chance at seeing beauty at its finest.
"Take a seat, ladies." Was all he said. It was all he needed to say. Our legs, our bodies obeyed every word of this mysterious man. Although he was our boss, he was a stranger and yet we were willing to comply. It wasn't as if we had a choice but we did it willing anyway.
He was the Prince of Darkness and beauty was his key and we...we were willing to bow down to his every move because who are we to question such beauty.