The morning went by horribly. Mr. Black told Candice to be at the house tonight and left. The girls or better, the twins were soaking up the drama. Candice and the twins stayed behind at my place. They were going to lock up when they leave. I made Ben breakfast and got ready.
I was wearing a white shirt dress with black sandals which matched my purse. I was excited. I didn’t experience a Ben Day in forever. Ben's day is when Ben is all mine. He plans the activities but I must be with him. When it’s Rose day, I plan everything and Ben has me for himself, no Candice no nothing. And on these days, the person pays as well, like Ben will pay for everything do today and let's say it’s Rose day tomorrow, I will pay for everything. These days are the days I loved in our relationship.
It was about ten in the morning when we stopped in front of my sister's mansion. Ben brought Emily a gift. Emily was literally the princess of darkest. Ben took my sister’s child with flaws and all. He knew she had a weird choice in toys because my brilliant sister decided Emily will be an assassin, now Em only wants knives.
“Let's enter the house of doom.” I joked. He rang the doorbell and we waited.
Ben was strange. He did nothing when he saw the weapons around the house. A normal guy would have freaked out but Ben brought my lame excuse and what was even weird was the fact that he acted as if he knew my sister. My brothers didn’t like Ben and it was okay because I knew he wasn’t like other guys which is why I didn’t investigate Ben’s strange approach to the weapons.
“It's you.” A girl, I call my niece said.
“Hello to you too, Emily.” I kissed the top of her head and entered.
“Benny!” she said in the angelic voice her mothers has. “I missed you.”
I rolled my eyes at my sister's offspring. She is as fake as her mother. I walked towards the kitchen and that’s when I heard the noise. My sister loved cooking. For her evil ways, she did pretty normal things. She baked for a bakery in town but she won’t open her own shop because her ‘business’ is of importance.
“Roddy, I said no.” My sister said sternly.
“Mamma, Emma has friends.” A little voice said.
“Rodrigo, please go to your father.”
I walked into the kitchen to find my beautiful sister arguing with her three-year-old. She gave birth to him just a few years after Emily and it is pretty clear who the mother favors.“ Auntie!” I smile. And a person can clearly see who the Aunt favours.
“Big boy!” I picked him up. “Who is looking so sexy?”
“Meee!” he said excitedly as his mother rolled her eyes.
“Of course, it's you.” I looked at my sister and then smile. “Auntie brought you and Emily something. It's in the car only if you good and leave mamma and auntie for a minute.”
He squeezed my neck as he hugged me. “I promise, Auntie.” and with that, he left.
“Big sis.” I walked to her and kissed her cheek.
“Ben day?”
“Yeah but that not what’s up.” I gave her a knowing smile and she directed us to our little catch-up room, where we can gossip freely.
“We going to need a bottle of wine because trust me, I sure as hell need it.”
She brought me the wine and we started and I told her all about Mr. Black and our little moment. It wasn’t something to be proud of but I need advice and although my sister has blood stain hands, she still my big sister and I will always come to her when in need.
“My word,” my sister started laughing. “You almost got yourself finger in public, it’s a different level of crazy, baby sis.”
I huffed at her. “That’s not the point.” I looked towards the door. “I have this crazy attraction towards…” I couldn’t continue because the man on the television caught my attention. “You! Put this louder.”
Mr. Black's face was all over the news along with my brother. CEO and funder of Devil’s tech was just spotted at the crime scene of a believed drug dealer. Mafia boss and mass murder strike again. The trademark of the devil was found at the scene. A devil emoji popped on the screen. A bypasser called in the crime. Could it be that Mr. Black is the mafia boss? Why was Mr. Black in hiding? And more importantly why come out of the dark now? Mr. Black answers questions when we return. I am Mark Chanelburg and this is channel 5 news.
I looked towards my sister who was typing angrily on her phone. “Do you guys have a plan? Why is Charlie a bypasser?” I questioned but I got no answer. She just continued typing. “Rebecca, I need answers. My- Our brother could be in trouble.”
“It's fine, the Boss has a plan.”
“What did you think?” she looked at me. “The guys and I all work for the devil but we have a different rank.” she started typing again. “My business is mine but the devil, he helps me get clients and because I am dealing on his ground, I fall under his rule. He is the King.”
He is the king…under his rule? All of this is confusing, why couldn’t I have a normal family where my brothers work in accounting or business and my sister is a chef and then it hit me. Mr. Black… with his own mouth, he said he was the King of the underworld…But I am no prince. I am a King. Why didn’t I listen to him? I built my Kingdom from the bones of those who weren’t of importance. Oh my god. Could he be the mass murderer? "Is it Mr. Black?” I asked my sister bluntly.
“Rosie, Those who chase the devil ends up getting burnt.” She pulled me close. “August will explain in due time but you and Ben need to leave. I have to go, a ship has come in and I need to short out Charlie shit because August and Oliver are with the boss.” I hugged my sister. “Rosie, what we do is dangerous but it’s safe as well.”
“I love you, Beckie.”
“I love you too, Rosie and remember one day you’ll be the queen to a man’s world.” She smiled. “Stop acting like a princess.”