Chapter Four

After receiving the ventilator from Dr Adam, I left and allowed the interns to connect it to Ethan. I knew this would create trouble but I was in hot water and I had to make a choice that would benefit my patient. Dr Adam was not going to be thrilled with this. I tried avoiding him for the rest of the day dreading our next meet. Fortunately, I didn't see him for the rest of the day and walked to the dorms where the doctors have been living since the beginning of the pandemic.

Dr Adam and I often stayed together at the same room. We were each others enjoyment, pleasure, leisure and escape from reality. We weren't dating, nor were we officially or unofficially boyfriend and girlfriend. Nothing like that, can we call it friends with benefits? Maybe, but we were more then friends, we were doctors at the same hospital that were deeply attracted to each other but refused or denied any feelings towards each other apart from it being sexual.

I strolled into an empty dorm room, I let out an involuntary sigh of relief. I knew that he wasn't avoiding me, if he had it his way, he would have found me the second I snatched that ventilator from him and strangled me to death or at least until I choked, which seems to always turn him on. I was agitated and had a difficult time falling asleep but eventually I did.

A loud noise abruptly wakes me up in a shock, it was the harsh sound of the door scraping as it banged against the wooden paneled wall. I jump up on my bed and face the door to see him, he was furious. I could tell that he was enraged even in pitch darkness. I knew he was about to take out his anger out on me and I knew that I'll gladly let him. As he walked forward, fear filled me and I tilt my head facing the ground. He forcefully snatches me with his mighty arms, he tightly grasps my neck with his dominant hand and forces it up to face him as he begins to slowly grip his fingernails into my skin.

" Ah " - I let out a little moan from the pain

He shoves me against the door and loosens his grip on my neck, taking a step back.

" No one has a say at this hospital except me" - he yelled in a deep loud and unsteady voice

" Do you think that I'd jump at whatever the Fuck you say to me ? " - he continued, his voice got louder and unpleasant as his anger began to build.

" You knew that if you sent them that I'd have no choice but to agree and hand it over. I was almost done connecting it to him, I was ... " - he said and grabbed a glass frame within reach and threw it on the wall inches away from me.

He came towards me and pulled me closer towards him, his eyes staring into mine with hatred

" If he dies it's on you " - he whispers rather toneless

" His just a kid James " - I tried to explain as a tear dropped from my eye

" IF HE DIES!!! IT'S, ON, YOU " - he screamed and punches the door behind me.

" And I will never forgive you " - he said in a low and stern voice

" James, I'm sorry. His only seven and I didn't have a choice. " - I said

" Shut up " - he commanded and flung me across the other side of the room.

He forcefully opened the door and instantly left.

Forget James not forgiving me, if something happened to his favourite patient because of my actions. I would never forgive myself.


The next morning, the first patient I was eager to check on was Ethan but to my surprise Dr Adam was already in his ward. I had noticed from outside that he was off the ventilator and had a sudden feeling that something was wrong. Dr Adam was furious and upset with me but he would never take his anger out of our patients, especially mine since they were all kids. With a heavy weight of distress on my shoulders, I take a step in the room that was spontaneously filled with laughter.

" What do you call an alligator in a vest? ...

An investigator" - Dr Adam laughed

I glance at Dr Adam, he was known for his cheeky and inappropriate jokes with his older patients but also had many silly ones for kids. I was wrong, why would I ever suspect that he would have done anything to put Ethan's life in danger. He was amazing with kids but a guy like him isn't someone you should settle down with. He isn't the faithful husband every girl wishes for, he isn't the dad that would stick around forever and teach you how to ride a bike. He was committed only to his career, he was married to medicine. He was great with kids if they were one of his patients, although Ethan was not his patient, Ethan had minor issues with his lungs and nothing that affected his heart and therefore did not require Dr Adam's brilliant mind in cardiology.

I realised that I was caught staring too long at Dr Adam when he tried snapping me out of my thoughts.

" Dr Stewart, Can I have him treat me instead of Dr Alice today? " Ethan asked sounding excited

" What did he do ? Did you really fall for his charm ? " - I chuckled and picked up Ethan's file to have a look at his report.

" His funny unlike Dr Alice, she's always giving me an injection and she doesn't want me to see my mum " - he explained

" Sorry Ethan but no one's allowed to see their mums during the visiting hours anymore because of the virus" - I explained

" It's for your safety and your mum's safety, okay kiddo ? " - Dr Adam explained

" When can I go home? " - Ethan asked with a sad expression on his face

" Today " - Dr Adam says with a smile

" YES!!! thank you dr " - Ethan shouted in excitement

" Wait what ! No " - I said in shock and turned around to look at him

" Relax, there was a mixup with his covid test. It was a false positive. " - Dr Adam reassured me

" But he had an attack, and he needed oxygen " - I said

" It was an asthma attack yes, but it was not affected or aggravated by covid. I informed his parents and signed his discharge form. His safer at home then being surrounded by hundred's of covid patients " - he says