Chapter Two

Natalie POV

" That's the story of how we met " - I dreadfully answered continuing to sanitise my stethoscope after using it.

" Aw come on, I gotta know what happens next? When did you find out who he was? And please tell me that you had sex with him " - Dean asked begging for more answers

Dean was a fifteen year old patient that suffered with Barlow's Disease. It is a type of heart condition that affects the mitral valve which separates the chambers within the left side. In most cases, Barlow's Disease is not as serious or life threatening if treated. Dean was diagnosed five years ago when I was only an intern. I was assigned on cardiac duty that day.

Today I'm a chief resident and my specialty is paediatrics. A month ago the world health organisation declared a global pandemic .

The Corona Virus. Hence the reason for all the sanitising. In my five years of being a doctor, this has got to be the most difficult.

" Are you just going to ignore me then? " - Dean whined

At that instant, Dr Adam ( head of cardio ) walked in with a cheeky smirk across his face. What was he thinking now?

" Hi Dr Adam " - Dean said

" Did you check him up ? " - DR Adam asked turning towards me

" Yes, I was just about to leave. There's a new box of nitrite gloves in that drawer and yours your sanitiser. Thank you, I refilled mines" - I said and handed him the spray bottle

" We're not done with this conversation Dr Stewart " - Dean shouted as I left reached for the door handle

" Oh we're done" - I laugh

" To be continued " - he chuckled

~5yrs ago~

I woke up and noticed that James has already left. With a deep sigh, i force myself out of bed and into the shower. I smile as I notice his bite marks left on my body. Sex with a patient is certainly against our moral code of conduct and could definitely get me in trouble if anyone were to find out. I get to the hospital and line up with the rest of the first years as we wait to find out which doctor we're assigned with today. I found my name on the board besides Dr Adam

" Oh Dr. Adam, his head of Cardio. Absolute F***ing genius and super attractive, I'd like to see you get any work done today" - Eliska said

" Thanks " - I laughed

We walk through the hallway towards the elevator before going to find our designated doctors. I pull Eliska back and hide behind the nearest wall as I recognise James walking across.

" Oh my God, why is here ? What is he he doing here? I can't be seen with him or my career is ruined " - I frantically blurt

She sticks her out trying to find who I was talking about

" What are you talking about? And why are we hiding here? " - she asks confused

" That's James, look I need you to do whatever you can to distract him so I can run across and escape" - I beg

She looks over and point to James

" You're trying to hide from him? " - she asked with a raised eyebrow

I nodded yes and directed her to go towards him so I could get to the third floor without being noticed.

" Yeah!! Good luck with that because that's Dr Adam" - she said

" What? " I scream in shock, my eyes widen and my hands begin to nervously shake.

I became lightheaded and could only think of running away. James was not just a doctor at this hospital but was head of cardio. He could easily get me fired or take away my medical licence because of my unethical misconduct yesterday and behaviour with a patient. I lay against the wall and realise why I was assigned at Cardio today. Each doctor gets to randomly select an intern to work with everyday and I'm sure this was not coincidental

" You wanna explain what's going on ? " - she asked

" I SLEPT WITH HIM" I blurt out

" Nice " she laughed

" no!!! I slept with him YESTERDAY!!! and I didn't know who he was " I began to explain as he walked pass and looks directly at me

" Great, there you are! " - he said as his eyes met mine

I sighed and faced the ground as I followed him to the cardio department. I walked into his room and he slammed the door behind him. I was terrified of what he would do or what he was about to say. I've heard a lot about Dr Adam. Many patients travel across the world to get treated by him. I awkwardly standstill in his room with my head down as I could feel him staring at me from behind.

" You weren't this quiet yesterday " - he chuckled as he walked forward and stood directly in front of me.

I was too afraid to respond and continued to say nothing. He lifted up my chin with his index finger with a slight smirk.

" Okay, I'm going to administer this lidocaine injection on your knee. It is a local anaesthetic that will help ease the pain and will last long enough until a doctor can fix you up " - he teased remembering what I said to him yesterday before injecting him

" I was just doing my job and informing you what I was injecting you with" - I try to calmly explain.

" So you knew who I was?" He asked as he stepped closer , his body an inch away from mine.

" Yes, of course I do. I did! " - I nervously respond

" Liar" he softly whispered into my ear and brought a shiver down my body

He took a step back and and laughed " you can't lie to a cardiologist, I can spot Afib"

To be honest that was pretty funny, he made a heart joke that caused me to look up at him and giggle.

" Regardless of last night activities, it is not only inappropriate and unethical to take a patient home and sleep with him but also against the hospitals policy " he said with a very serious tone of voice

Oh no, here it comes. If not a resignation letter his going to give me a lecture. He quickly walked towards me causing me to take a few steps back until I hit the wall. My breathing became noticeably heavy again as he reached for my ear once more.

" Shhh , I won't tell if you don't" - he seductively whispered and stared at me. His eyes were full of lust as he pulled me forward and kissed me.