chapter three

Bryan made it back to his cabin and stretched out on a long brown sofa.

"Aine." He sighed out, a smile on his lips. His plans to stay seemed to be looking up. He would still have to work on getting people to check out his horses. He'd done the extra check on them after his ride, showered and now all he wanted to do was stretch his legs. And think about the beautiful Aine.

The truth was, he still couldn't remember where he'd seen her before, however he was sure he had, her eyes were all too familiar. A sweet memory. He would remember, maybe he could ask his parents. yes, he'd do just that.

He sighed again, got up and stretched, moving to where the light switch was he put off the light in living room, put on the lights on the porch and walked to bedroom where the only light on was from the lamp on the table by his bedside.

He laid on the bed and in seconds he was out, and in dreams he was visited by brown curious eyes that held so much depth, and laughter that rang out like a sweet song.


It had been two days since Aine met Bryan and the encounter still managed to put a smile on her face.

"What are you so smiley about?" Aine was done for the day's job at the shop and got together with branna to grab a bite at a pub, she had left kenell at her parents house.

"Oh nothing." But she still couldn't keep the smile off her face.

"Definitely isn't nothing, since you're smiling into your food and I know it isn't the chips and fish that's doing this to you." A giggle escaped her lips and she looked at her friend in wonder.

"You never know. you see, there are many who can't afford a meal like this, but here we are, eating like queens. Maybe I'm smiling cause I'm thankful."

Branna gave a snort.

"Thankful you are, but I know you, that smile is totally unrelated."

This time Aine laughed and attracted a few glances their way.

"Cut it. Their staring." But she was grinning. "so come on, tell me."

But just as she was catching her breath, as she was about to speak, she caught sight of something at the door that made her stop and her mouth drop a few inches, and following her gaze, branna turned around and looked towards the door, her eyes growing as she turned back to look at her friend, whose expression was now composed, obscuring what was only just a moment ago. A smirk grew across branna's face, and she placed an elbow on the table, resting her chin on her Palm.

"Now, about the real reason for all that smiling."


Bryan noticed her the minute he walked into the pub, it was hard not to. Her eyes all but draw his to hers, and it was like invisible sparks of electricity existed between them. It took him more than he dared to admit to pull his expression away from hers, and after giving her a smile, it was all he could do to keep his wits together. The woman was just so beautiful.

He made his way to the counter and sat on the stool, contemplating ordering and taking his meal to join her at her table or just sitting there. But by all of heaven, he wanted nothing than to be close to her. Memories from the other night flooded him and he was reminded of how much he had felt drawn to her, how much he desired to kiss her, sheer chivalry and willpower that he was sure wasn't his own kept him from doing so.

"What will you be having tonight, good sir." The bartender stood before him wiping a glass with a clothe.

"Chips and fish, and a beer please, thanks." The man gave him a quick nod before turning to go through a door, leaving him once more with his thoughts.

He turned on his spot and watched as her friend said something to her that made her look behind her. In that instant the world shifted, refocused and centered around her, her beauty radiated the divine, God's beauty he thought, in form of a woman named, Aine.

He waved at her, which she returned with a smile, that held a hint of shyness, before returning her attention to her friend. And it hit him at that moment how much he wanted to know her, wanted to understand her. Needed to. Desperately, as much as he needed to take in his next breath.


"Spill it!" Brianna hissed out in a low breath. " have you two met? Is he the reason you're in such a good mood? And don't lie to me, you can save it. I know when you lie."

Aine rolled her eyes, it was all she could do to keep from placing her hand over the mouth of her friend.

"Maybe. Could be."

"Not enough information, my friend. You know a stud like that and didn't tell me?" She was grinning now and Aine couldn't for the life of her seem to be able to understand what all the fuss was.

" I don't know him, we just sort of bumped into each other. I was plucking berries and he just sort of was there." It was the best explanation she could give, her tummy was doing a dance, and she didn't understand why. "He is the Maher's son." She added and watched branna's jaw drop for the second time that night.

"No Way!"

"Yes Way, and his name is Bryan. Bryan Maher."

"Bryan Maher, huh? Why do I get the feeling you two more than just bumped into each other." She made air quotes with her fingers when saying the word 'bumped'

"Fine. We spoke a little." Her friend gave her a quick grin and seemed to focus a space above her head.

"Don't look now, but Maher son is looking this way." But she didn't seem to catch the words 'don't look now.' It was only a few seconds but it felt like a life time. His stare penetrated through her to what seemed Like the deepest parts of her soul, leaving her breathless. She rose her right hand to wave at him, which he returned before turning back to Branna.

" a little huh?"

"Shut up." She said, and went back to what remained of her chips.

It was only a few minutes later when she heard a deep familiar voice speak behind her.

"May I join you? She turned sideways and there he stood standing before her, all lean and muscular and male, his dinner in hands . Her tongue seemed to be caught in her throat and trying to say something seemed impossible.

"Of course. There's enough space." Brianna said, but His gaze was on Aine, as if waiting for her assent.

"Yes, you may." She shifted a little, to make room for him in the small booth. And they sat, hip to hip, his very scent intoxicating her and she wondered just how the rest of the night was going to turn out, and prayed within her, upward to the heavens. Because what started out as a girl's night out was turning into a long night.