chapter seven

"Every time! This happens every time!" Aine rolled her eyes at Branna's tantrum,

"If you'd just lower the heat they won't burn when you look away."

"They didn't burn, they just.. I don't even know, you'll eat them still?"

"You know I will, I love scorched eggs" Branna laughed, Aine smiled, it was their thing.

"So tell me!! What is he like?" Branna asked as they settled down at the dinning table for breakfast, they'd had their girls night out and had cone to Branna's for the night, kenell was with Aine's parent.

"He... He is sweet and kind... And puts butterflies in my tummy. No man, no man has done that, the butterflies, really, not even..." She trailed off and Branna's hand covered hers across the table, even as her eyes lit up something fierce.

"He is history."

"I know, I know. I'm just trying to say it's a new feeling. Gentle and soft, with him I have the gentle and soft, and I like it, I like it a lot."

Branna's easy smile came back as she forked an egg.

"You do know, I'm sure you know, he's dead. If he tries any funny business he's dead."

"As with you, Brie."

Branna's mouth dropped open

"If I try any funny business?"

A giggle escaped Aine's lips,

"If he tries any funny business with you. "

"Who? Bryan?"

"Jesus. Brie, if any man tries any funny business with you, he's dead too."

" ohhh, Aww. I know, baby."

" Good, now eat the scorched eggs."

"I hate you."

Aine smiled as she watched Branna eat. The eggs weren't all that bad, but Aine couldn't pass up a good tease.

"I love you." Aine said, and dug into her eggs.


Branna walked back home alone from the hospital, she was a Nurse, and her shift was over.

Aine had dropped her off and made her way home. So now, it was just Branna and her thoughts.

"Dumb ol' mick." And tears sprang to her eyes.

"Did you have to hurt her, dimwitted idiot?" And a tear slipped down her cheek.


She screamed.

He was chasing her with paint on his hands and when he caught from behind, she let out a shrill cry as he painted her white tank pink.

"Screw you, Bryan."

"If you had just been a good girl." He breathed close to her ear. She felt her insides turn to liquid.

"I am a good girl. You're just a naughty boy." She heaved out, trying to ignore what being so close to him was doing to her.

"Naughty, hmm?"

She had a feeling he knew just what he was doing to her, had a feeling he was enjoying it.

"Yes, Naughty. Now, if you mind, I need to change this shirt," she said, reaching for his hands, to make him release her. He only tightened his grip. She didn't complain.

"Not yet, you look good in pink." She heard the amusement in his voice, and made the mistake of turning head to look at him.

The humor in his voice was one thing, the intensity in his eyes were another. Such stark contrast between the two, it excited her.

"Bryan, if you keep looking at me like that, I'm going to turn to mush."

He couldn't help but laugh. Here was his good girl.

He released his hold on her, if she kept looking at him the way she did, he was going to loose control

He released her completely, and looked, just looked. She had big brown eyes that he trusted, the couldn't lie, and he was happy with what he saw.

"Go change, I'll wait."

"And wash your hands." He smiled, "I'll try."

"And pick up those finger paintings."

"Yes'm." He said, with a mock salute. She just shook her head and went to her room, "I'm coming."

"My good girl." He whispered under his breath, as he watched her go.


"Is it okay?" She asked, uncertain.

"The meal? Awesome." She'd cooked up fried rice, her favourite and hoped he'd like it too. Was glad he did.

Kenell padded toward him and sat close to his legs.

"It means he wants food." Bryan looked at the wolfhound and looked back at his plate.

"Can't be expecting me to share, now do you, ken?" The dog only wagged it's tail across the floor.

"He's serious?" Bryan asked, Aine giggled.

"It seems so. Just put some rice in your hands and let him eat off it."

Bryan's jaw dropped. He did things like that for his horses, but a dog– as big as kenell– was a whole new ball game.

"Don't look like that. And besides, if you do it once and for all he'll leave you alone."

"Or come back for more." He muttered under his breath, but filled his hand with rice none the less.

Kenell ate off Bryan's with a wagging tail,

"That means he likes you, the way he wags his tail like that."

"Or he likes the food."

Aine cocked her head, "or both."

That made Bryan laugh, and when kenell was done eating, he didn't bother moving toward Aine for more food, he just spread out Bryan's leg and looked up at him with those big beautiful brown eyes.

"I think I like him too." He whispered, in what Aine thought was boyish wonder. Her heart contracted, the scene that had just played out before her made her heart swell and her eyes sting. This man was it, Dear God he had to be.