Chapter Twenty-Four

“She feels entitled to you,” Aine said, smiling up at him, even though she wanted to scream and shout. She all but wanted to rave at the maddened woman for stalking them the way she did. But instead, she put on the best show of life, running her hand through his hair the way she always did, proving to the woman that she was not afraid of her. She was the one who was being stalked, she was the victim and she was not going to back down.

“ let me call the police,” Bryan said, truly agitated, reaching for his phone, but Aine shook her head.

“We don’t have anything to pin her with.”

“But she’s stalking you,” Bryan said, barely controlling his temper.

“ she’s stalking us. But that’s not enough reason to get her arrested. We can’t prove she’s stalking us. But I will speak to a friend of mine, actually a friend of Cedric’s. He’s a policeman. He’ll make this a personal case. But let me speak to him first.”