Chapter Twenty-Eight

Bryan arrived right as Winslow was on his way and although Winslow didn’t feel right about keeping secrets from Aine, he knew it had to be done if he was going to keep her safe.

“Bryan!” Aine called out as he got out of his car, and Winslow looked down to look at his friend.

He makes her happy. He thought to himself and nearly sighed when Bryan all but lit up. He didn’t know the man personally, but the hopeless romantic in him could see love when it was right in front of him.

He watched as Bryan’s eyes move away from Aine and rest knowledgeably on him. He was still in his uniform.

With a smile, Aine took Bryan’s hand,

“Bryan, this is Officer Winslow. Winslow, This is Bryan Maher.”

With his Freehand, Bryan shook Winslow. And just that act of not letting go of Aine’s hand told him that in some ways the man was just what Aine was needing in her life. He was a cop after all.