Chapter Thirty-Four

Meet me halfway (chapter 34)

“I get really worried when you get quiet this way,” Callum said as he stood watching Rhoda while she brooded at the dining table in the home they shared.

“What do you care?” She said, without looking up at him. “I’m sure you can’t wait for the day this is all over so you can be rid of me.”

True, he thought. But said nothing. Sometimes he asked himself why he even said yes to her in the first place.

“Here we go.” He said, and sat on ie of the chairs, “alright, tell me. What’s got your buns in a twist?”

“That’s highly unlikely. C’mon, tell me about it.”

“As you’re aware, the officer is on to me.”

“So you see, that I was right and that we need to leave .”

She turned to face him and shot him daggers through her eyes,

“Leave? Leaveeee? I’m not going anywhere! Well, of course, I need to hasten up now. But I’m not going anywhere until I’m done.”

He shook his head.

“Your desire for revenge is going to send you to jail.”