Dad's Assistant (B)

"Hurry!" James was whining as I made cookies for him. He had woken me up just to bake cookies for him and he was so impatient. Who knew he missed my cookies so much? It took us some time to find the kitchen as Emma and Reggie were nowhere to be found.

"Almost ready."

"Quickly!" He whined again.

"What are you? A pregnant lady? Why are you suddenly craving cookies." I asked as I placed my creation on the oven tray.

"I don't know, I just love your cookies."

"They are the best, right?"

"Uh-huh!" Reggie and Emma came into the kitchen then.

"There you are! What are you doing?" Reggie asked.

"Making cookies. Where were you guys?" I asked.

"Around. Mrs Wagner arrives today, so all hands were needed in preparing the house for her arrival."

"Do you have any idea when she will be here?"

"Claire?!" James fussed.

"Sorry." I hurriedly put the cookies in the oven and set the timer. "Just give it sometime, okay?" He nodded. I turned to Emma for my reply.

"Your Dad left for the airport already. So, I'm guessing any moment now."

"Hi!" We all turned to the voice. A tall lady with dark hair, green eyes and really really gorgeous features stood by the door. Even in her jeans and purple turtleneck sweater, she looked like something off a Vogue magazine.

I knew who she was immediately... Abigail!

"Good morning Miss Abigail." Reggie and Emma chorused. James was smiling at her, I didn't know why he was smiling but it made me jealous really quick.

"Good morning Reggie, Hi Emma. Claire, James! I'm so glad to finally meet you." Before I could think, she was already hugging me. I pulled away sharply.

"You grew up so much! And so pretty too." Her smile was really wide. She must be faking it; no one gives such a big smile to someone they don't even know.

"Abigail! Dad told me you're his cool childhood friend." James was bouncing, seeking her attention. She swatted to his height and laughed. Even her laugh sounded like chocolate!

"Don't listen to him, I wasn't cool at all."

"That's not what he said. He said you gave a big bully a wedgie! And you kicked his ass really hard." She laughed again, looking embarrassed.

"I was in the forth grade then, it was a long time ago. I was a tomboy in my childhood."

"Wow! And I thought you can't get any more amazing! You keep surprising me." Emma commented, looking dreamy.

"Do you still kick ass?" James asked, his eyes were nearly popping out of their sockets.

"No, James. Men respect themselves around me."

"I can't imagine why." I muttered under my breath but she heard me and looked up at me, still smiling.

"I made cookies and brownies." She said, looking away. Reggie, Emma and James dived for the bag she came in with.

"Your cookies are always delicious. I could eat them forever." Emma was saying as she grabbed a cookie. Reggie settled for a brownie while she gave James a cookie.

"Whoa whoa, James, you can't have those. Your cookies are almost ready." I objected, snatching the cookie from his hand.

"But I can't wait any longer. I'll still eat them, I promise." He fussed, snatching it back.

"It's okay Claire. I'll put yours in a jar and keep it in his room, he can have them whenever." I didn't like it, I didn't like it at all, but I had no reason to say no.

Reggie took the bag of cookies and brownies to the dining room and James and Emma followed her. I was left alone with little-miss-perfect.

"Do you need my help?" I ignored her as I waited for the oven timer to go off.

"I have a feeling that you are mad at me for something."

"You think?" I said sarcastically.

"Claire, we just met. What could you possibly hate about me already?" Oh, wouldn't she love to know. The timer went off immediately. I turned it off and opened the door.

"Why don't you go to James and try to buy his affection with your tomboy stories? Don't think that I..."

"Stop!" She yelled, but it was already too late. I used my barehands to get the tray of cookies out, my barehands! It took me a moment to actually feel the pain as I dropped everything on the floor.

"Ow! It stings!" I bit my lips together to stop myself from screaming. It was so painful!

"Let me see." Abigail came over, trying to check out the burn.

"Don't touch me!" I snapped and moved away, cooling my hands with my breath.

"Try putting it under running water to cool it off."

"Don't talk to me! This is your fault." I ran away to my room, ignoring Emma who tried to stop me. I sat on the rug, cradling my hands. I couldn't think clearly, I could only feel the pain.

"Show me your hands." Dad was next to me in a flash, he looked angry and caring at the same time.

"I'm fine, it'll..."

"What the hell got into you?" He half yelled. I was taken aback, I didn't expect him to be so... Caring?

"I wasn't thinking and it's not like I wanted to get hurt in the first place! Just so you know, this is nothing compared to how much you hurt me. Now leave me alone!" I jerked off the floor and climbed my bed, hiding my hands.

A whole minute passed and I didn't hear anything. Then someone touched me lightly and I turned. It was Abigail, holding up a first aid kit.

"You know you're the least person I want near me right now."

"I can see that. I probably did something to make you dislike me, but let's not focus on that now. You have a burn, let's focus on attending to it." Without waiting for a reply, she made me sit up as she began to treat the burn gently.

"Don't worry, it'll heal." She said so softly that it broke all my defenses. I couldn't understand the kind of person she's. I've yelled at her, accused her and I've been really rude to her, but she just seems to totally like me. How's that even possible?

"Don't you ever get angry? Or maybe you're waiting to be alone, then you can think of a billion ways to kill me." Her hands paused. Clearly my words shocked her. I just needed to understand why she's so sweet to me.

"What goes on in that head of yours? Of course I get angry sometimes, but I can't really get angry at you. You've been through a lot and I know you're confused about my relationship with your Dad." She locked eyes with me, then back at my hands.

"We're just friends, best friends. He is practically my family and his Mom, his sister... they are mine too." She locked eyes with me again. "You and James are my family also. You really can't imagine how important you are to me... both of you." She looked back at my neatly bandaged hands.

"Your words hurt me, yes, but I can't blame you; you don't know what happened. I just want you to stop hurting..." She broke off and stood up.

"Just lie down, you don't have to do anything for a while." With that said, she left with the first aid kit. And I was left to feel like a fool! She didn't do anything to me and I've treated her like trash. If I had a best friend, I'd love their family too.

"The amount of care and kindness I've gotten from Abigail these few minutes is more than I've ever gotten from my Mom in all my fourteen years." I thought aloud. Tears stung my eyes; I've been a fool, a fool with a big mouth.

Someone knocked lightly and came in. Dad.

"How are your hands?" I held them up so he could see the bandage.

"Abigail says they will heal." He smiled a little, standing there.

"I'm sorry I yelled. It's just that it's your first official day here and you got hurt; I can't... I just..."

"I understand. I'm sorry I scared you, I really wasn't thinking straight when I took the tray out." He nodded, saying nothing. It got awkward.

"Emma said you went to the airport, where's grandma?"

"They missed the flight. Antonio went missing all of a sudden."

"Who is Antonio?"

"Luciana's son, Jacey's big brother. He's a few months older than you." Ooh, I liked how that sounded. Maybe we'll hit it off and become besties. Wait, missing??

"Have they found him?"

"Yeah. He was actually on the roof, away from their noise. Antonio likes his peace and quiet." Oh, does that mean he's like Jason? A private person?

"They'll be here soon. You should rest in the meantime. I'll tell Emma to send up your breakfast." He paused, looking at my hands. "You'll probably need to be fed, do you want me to do it or do you want Emma to do it?" I scoffed, flushing a little.

"Trust me, having Emma feed me is less embarrassing than having you feed me." His smile stretched into a grin. He looked really pleased.

"I have no problem with that. You're speaking to me normally again, it's a relief." This time, I fully flushed and looked away.

"I'll call Emma." He said with a laugh and left.