A Grandma (B)

The bath was oddly less embarrassing, probably because Emma had her eyes closed to make me more comfortable. I was almost done, just to wash my hair was left when Jacey came back but stood at the other side of the bathroom door.

"Hurry up! They'll be here soon."

"In a minute." Emma answered. She quickly washed my hair, rinsed it up and gave me a towel before she finally opened her eyes.

"Better?" She asked with a smirk.

"Yes, thank you."

"Any century now!" Jacey said from the other side of the door.

A few minutes later, I was in my denim shorts as Emma helped me dry my hair.

"Remind me to add hairdryer and body lotion to your shopping list." I nodded to Emma; she had to borrow a hairdryer from one of the staff that lived in the mansion.

"They're here!" Jacey suddenly sprung up from her position on my bed.

"How can you tell? Do you hear voices?" She rolled her eyes at my questions.

"Will you just come already?" She grabbed my arm and we ran down the stairs, the same time the front door opened to reveal a much older looking Jacey. My Aunt Luciana.

"Claire!" She walked towards us, her hands were outstretched to welcome an embrace; I went in instantly.

"Oh love, I'm so happy to finally meet you."

"Me too, Aunt." She pulled away to look at me, brush my cheek and hug me again.

"I've waited so long to meet you. I'm glad you're alright."

"Lucy!" Dad was right behind me as he pulled Aunt Luciana in a side hug, burying a kiss in her hair.

"Hi Matt. Abigail!" Aunt Luciana finally get go of me as she and Abigail shared a really friendly hug. James and Reggie came down the stairs then.

Aunt Luciana didn't need an introduction before reaching for James to hug him and blow raspberries on his neck. He squeaked in laughter.

"Where's Grandma?" Jacey asked her Mom.

"Oh, who knows? She decided to use a different suite this time, we didn't wait to find out which one."

"We who?" Jacey smirked, clearly amused. Her mother looked around for a moment, somewhat confused.

"Antonio and I. Where is he?" She put James down and headed out, returning almost immediately with a teenage boy. He shared the same looks as his Mom and sister, same face features and same brown hair like his Mom; only Jacey had black hair. His expression was bored and drained; it was as if he was watching a very boring movie.

"Hi." He muttered but I heard him. It didn't matter though, someone else came in behind them. The moment I've played over and over in my head was finally happening. I was finally going to meet my Grandma.

She had an almost blank expression on her face but it quickly vanished when her eyes rested on me. Her dark brown hair and very blue eyes just like mine, her sharp eyes and her nose in the air; she looked sophisticated, not to mention her dress that looked like it could sponsor James education even up to college.

"What are you waiting for? Say hello to your grandma." Her voice was crisp and cool, it sent shivers down my spine.

"He--Hello." Too much for imagining that moment, I couldn't even speak properly.

"Don't be silly, child. Give me a hug! You haven't met me all your life and that's how you greet me?" I didn't need to be told twice. Something about her told me that I didn't want to be on her bad side. Her hug was just as I imagined; homey, warm and genuine.

"Let me look at you..." She pulled away instantly and turned me this way and that as she studied me.

"You're almost as tall as Abigail was when she was your age. You have your Dad's hair and my eyes; that's good. It's a relief you look nothing like..."

"Mom!" Dad snapped, interrupting her. She didn't bat an eyelash.

"Claire, why are you so skinny? Don't you eat? There's hardly any flesh on your body and what happened to your hands?" I looked down at my bandaged hands; we'd been careful not to get them wet.

"I had a little accident in the kitchen." She turned sharply at Dad, looking really angry.

"You let her into the kitchen? Don't you have enough staff to prepare meals?"

"Wait, it's not his fault. I was only making cookies for..."

"Claire, you should not do anything. Your Dad has hired people to do whatever you want. I'll have to get an insurance for your hands... and your legs; in fact, every part of you." Uhm, excuse me? What now?

"This is her first day with you after four years and you can't even take proper care of her. Look at her, she has been deprived for so long! Whatever that sl... woman couldn't do, you have to do it times a hundred." Everyone was silent, I couldn't even think of anything to say. Dad looked really pale as if sick; Abigail was standing too close to him as if she was holding him.

"Where is James? I hope he isn't missing a leg." Jacinta giggled, she was the only one who found that funny. James didn't come forward, in fact, he leaned closer to Reggie, looking scared. I couldn't blame him, Grandma was terrifying. Now I understood what Dad was saying; she loves her family... to a fault! She must have taken the hint that James wouldn't approach her, so she gave up and turned to me.

"I'll see you again before I return to my hotel." I nodded, still tongue-tied. She pressed a kiss to my forehead, then released me.

"Matthew, Luciana, a word please. Abigail you're welcome to join." With that, she walked off to a different room.

My eyes locked with Dad's, he looked worried; not to mention that he still looked pale.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm fine." He walked towards the direction Grandma followed, Abigail was behind him. Aunt Luciana first patted me on the shoulder, as if assuring me everything will be okay, before she joined them.

I was left with Jacey, Antonio, Nanny Reggie and James.

"Nanny, can we go back now?" Reggie nodded to James question and they both went up to his room.

"That went well, right?" Jacey grinned from ear to ear. I couldn't understand what was amusing to her; everything was confusing to me. Grandma seemed so caring and... and...

"Terrifying?" I nodded to Jacey's suggestion.

"Terrifying. How can anyone..." I stopped immediately as I realized that I wasn't saying my thoughts out loud, yet Jacey just completed them for me.

God! What is she?!