Psychic Abilities and Old Dairies (D)

"Stop!" Dad ordered. He walked over to Mom and took her hand, leading her out quietly. As soon as they got outside, he let her go. No words passed between them for a few seconds.

"I'm really pregnant."

"I believe you; you wouldn't come here if you aren't." Was all Dad said.

"This happened because I wasn't very careful and I know it looks like I'm trying to force myself into your life but it's not really the case. I can't kill my baby..."

"That's not an option!" Dad said firmly, making Mom's face light up.

"Good, we just have to..."

"There's no 'we', Doris. I can't leave Abigail, I love her a lot." Mom's face fell.

"I'm not raising this child alone."

"You don't need to, I'll be there for my kid."

"While you're married to another woman? There's no way that's happening. I know what it's like being born to parents who aren't together and I'm not doing that to my baby. You're either married to me or I'll go look for another Daddy for my child."