Psychic Abilities and Old Dairies (G)

Once again, the images flashed before my eyes, stopping at the very last day I could remember. The day I planned to run away with James!

Frank was out picking James up from school and I was at home alone with Mom when she suddenly decided to go on her rare trips to the grocery store. I could very well remember that she came back with nothing. She grabbed her purse and left. She only told me where she was going so I'd tell Frank when he got home.

I was pulled along with her to the grocery store and watched her as she shopped for the necessary stuff. I watched as she went from aisle to aisle until she paid for them and headed out.

It was just a normal scenario as she waited for a cab, but then a familiar voice had me turning to the left. It was Abigail! She was on the phone, dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie with cheap jogging shoes. That seemed odd to me because I knew she could afford more expensive looking clothes.