Who Killed Doris? (D)

He was sweating and wore running shoes and he just stood there observing Jason and I. I waved him over; half-expecting him to refuse and go into the house, but he came over. His mind too was blank, but I expected that because I know we can’t read each other’s mind because of our psychic abilities. Or at least I hoped that’s the case.

“Why are you in a wheelchair? I told you to heal your legs.” I frowned. It’s not like he gave me a manual on psychic abilities.

“I can’t. I tried to focus on my legs to know if…”

“Just heal them and stop acting all pitiful.” What’s his problem?!

“Take it easy on her, she…”

“She can do it; she’s just being lazy and wants everything handed over to her.” Antonio said as he cut Jason off.

“My bet is that you didn’t even bother to check up on Abigail and see how badly she’s hurt. You still think she murdered your Mom, don’t you?”

“I know what I saw…”