I gave the vision my absolute focus as I didn’t want to miss even the tiniest detail.
Tessa was with another girl her age - they looked about eight, making me guess it’s this same year I got out of coma- and they mostly just sat and talked, other than that, they each had a book they read.
On a not-so-distant part of the park, James was sitting quietly next to Reggie who kept trying to get him to play. I understood the expression on his face, I’ve seen it a lot of times to understand it whenever; he was in his private world and from the dark circles under his eyes, I could guess he’s been there for a while.
I knew what was going to happen next, Tessa would see James and recognize him, it just had to be that.
Tessa’s friend suddenly stood up, closing her book and snatching Tessa’s book too.
“I don’t want to be a huge nerd, no one comes to the park to read.” The girl said to Tessa, who got up as well.
“We do that all the time, it’s fun.”