Standing Up for Tessa and Missing Memories (B)

I was still thinking about this when Abigail knocked lightly on my door and came in.


"What's wrong?" She had a kind of nervous look.

"Nothing really, I just wanted to make sure you're okay." I laughed at her.

"You guys worry a lot, why won't..." I stopped when I felt a pain in my head like before. I guess this is the down side of being a psychic, I get to deal with frequent headaches.

"Are you alright?" Abigail was on the bed next to me in an instant.

"Yeah, just a little headache."

"Don't stress yourself, rest more. Come on, under the covers." I grinned like a little kid and obeyed her, getting under the covers.

"Yes, Mom. Will you read me a bedtime story?"

"Don't tease me." She said, laughing.

"Get under the covers too. You want to make sure I'm okay, right?" Just saying those words made my head ache again. What's wrong?

"Are you sure you're okay?" Abigail asked as she studied me, in-between getting under the covers.