Will and Augustus's frenzy of reading and writing had gone well over the past few weeks. After Will showed him the 24-letter alphabet and how to put them into words, he started practicing them.
One afternoon in mid-February, Will had taken to writing in his journal in the music room. It had more natural light than the Drawing room, and more room to sit and write than the Solarium. Lily was practicing the harpsichord, as he new governess was going to arrive in a few days. Augustus did his newest writing exercises as Will started another entry:
13 February, 1666
Quarter after Two in the After-noon
It's been a month and-a-halfe since Augustus and Mary came to live with us. Augustus has settled in and at last, he is not as sad as before. He has more motive-ation now. Once he opened up and we started talking about society I saw him in such a different light. His mind has changed. He's so aware. I feel guilty, he has not had formal tutelage, but I'm hoping to help with that.
Even when he first arrived, when I looked at him, I could see his mind had changed. Mostly he looked distracted and unhappy. I'm re-lieved that he is happier now and is focusing on his future. But despite his mood in that moment, something else about him looked...different, better. I saw it as soon as I looked. But what was it that made him so different?
As though he was going to find the answer just by looking at him again, Will glanced to his right.
In a split second, he went wide-eyed at Augustus. The planets and stars seemed to align at his discovery:
Augustus was extremely attractive.
And in that moment, Will realized their friendship was very much based on a slightly bewildering awe, an unknown admiration that never seemed to be anything more--until now.
How had Will gone all these years not realizing he was totally smitten by Augustus? Some things about him had changed and some had not. But together, both created a seemingly flawless combination.
Augustus's more obvious changes were physical. Over the past three years, he had grown into his looks nicely, with his striking physique and comely face. He had always been thoughtful, high-spirited and affable. But his friendly demeanor was not a weakness: he remained stubbornly unafraid to stand up for what he believed was right, caring little for consequences if he believed a cause worthy.
Everything Will wanted in his life: freedom, change, vitality had been right there in front of his face for the better part of the past two months.
He saw Augustus, bent over the work he was doing, diligent as ever. The sunlight captured his beautiful green eyes, flickering between his glossy brown locks.
Lily's jaunty, twinkling music swirled through Will's mind, creating the perfect scene to admire his beauty.
Augustus was compassionate and sweet. But how could he get closer to him? Could he woo him? What would he say if he confessed his attraction? What if he kissed him? Or what if they started to--
"William." his mother stated in a firm voice which was actually the third time she'd tried to get his attention. He looked to the doorway and there stood Margaret, a slender hand on her hip, starting to become impatient with his lack of response.
"Uh, yes? Sorry." he hurriedly closed his journal, flustered at his new-found feelings.
Her voice went sweet as honey: "I was just asking, we're planning on meeting with Sarah and her parents next week. How would you like that, hmm?"
"Yes, that sounds...brilliant." Will plastered on a fake smile and tried to sound excited. It was difficult when he'd just discovered where his feelings truly lay. Not with a total stranger, but with someone he'd known for years. Not with a girl, but with a boy.
"Wonderful." she chirped. "I'll let them know." With that, she turned from the room, eager to send word to Sarah's mother.
Despite speaking to his mother, Will only glanced at her for a second, then spent the rest of that time still staring at Augustus.
As though he'd felt his constant gaze, he peered over at Will, and smiled.