Chapter 31: Free Will!

Sarah --

Things aren't going well--at all. I didn't tell you this before and pre-tended nothing was wrong because I didn't want to make this worse. We pretended everything was fine when you were here. But truth will out, so alas.

My parents accidentally found and intentionality read my journal, so they obviously found out about myself and Augustus. They punish'd me by kepeing it from me. One of so few places I could be myself. This was last month, not long after my birthdaye.

My mother was furious at such dis-obedience. We had an awfull fight. I broke an important heirloom and went into a panic. She blames Augustus for "ruining" me and put him in a separate room. She has gone on numerous tirades about our lack of morals, so we've been fighting ever since.

When I had you over so oftene a few wekes ago, that was all a ploy to pretend I chose you over Augustus to get them to leave us alone for a short while, but stopped when I saw how much it hurt him. He was worth it.