Luca helps me paint, surprisingly. He may not be the greatest artist but he really has good taste. I hear when the adults come back but I make no move to go downstairs. Instead I let Luca continue to paint the first wall grey while I search for life quotes on Pinterest.

"Aren't you gonna help?" He asks.

"In a minute, I'm searching something," I reply without looking up.

"What is that?" He asks, trying to peer at my phone but I move away before the paint from the brush drips on me.

"Be careful," I warn but he just roll his eyes.

"–I am so tired of your rants–" I hear mum's voice scream but it gets muffled when she enters a room. Luca hears it too and raises a brow at me.

"I think we should go," I start pulling my over all off and signal for him to do the same.

"Are you alright? Are they alright?"

"They're gonna argue like they usually do but I really don't wanna get in the middle of it, please let's just go," I send him my puppy eyes and he yields easily.

"Where do you wanna go?"

"Anywhere, take me anywhere."


"Huh," I say mostly to myself. Luca's standing beside me and I'm shivering from the breeze. We're staring at trees. I don't know what else could be in here cause I can't see anything at all.

"Come on RV," He doesn't take my hand as he moves on. I wish he did cause I'm this close to pissing my shorts from fear.

"This is a forest," I growl as dry leaves crunch under my foot.

"It's a beach," He turns to look at me and gives me his hand.

"Don't fall," He cautions and I growl again. Like I needed him to tell me that.

Still, I trip 5 times and curse at him for not using his phone as a torch or actually switching on the torch in his phone but he says it'll attract flies. Flies. The only source of light in this tree congested place that apparently is too small to be called a forest are the fire flies buzzing all around the place. Finally we're out of the woods and the sweet scent of sand and sea attacks my nose. It's freezing out here but I really don't care. I remove my brown sandals and let my legs sink on the sand. Luca disappears from my sight and all I do is run around the beach and touch the waters a little. It's freezing cold.

"What are you doing? Watering your tongue?" Luca asks standing far away from me. I make a face at him to show him I don't understand but he doesn't reply, instead he takes his shirt off and dives into the water. I'm glad there's no light here and he's too far to see me blush at the sight even if the moon's up.

For ten seconds he doesn't surface and I'm getting really scared already when he jumps out.

"Ravi! Come in, it's so cool!!" Yes yells but I roll my eyes an yell back.

"No thank you! It's cold and sharks are probably around!"

Yeah and my heart's probably gonna stop working for like two seconds and then the rhythm will get ruined and I'll hyperventilate til death.

Luca's laughing at me now and somehow I'm laughing too. I sigh and start to get up when all of a sudden Luca's right next to me and grabbing me by my left hand with his shivering cold, slippery hand. I try to push him away but he makes a jump for the water, dragging me with him.

I get my grip underwater before I drown too deep and take Luca's outstretched hands. He pulls me up.

"Not so bad now is it?" He asks once I've gasped my breath back.

"You bastard. Do you know how dangerous that was?" I say but my voice comes out weaker than I meant it. Luca splashes water on me and I realize how close we actually are.

"I'm not playing games in here until I know for sure that my left leg won't be bitten off by a shark. I love Hiccup but I don't need a mechanical leg,"

Somehow this gets him laughing harder, he stops once he sees that I'm not laughing along.

"Ok RV, I've been coming here all my life. No sharks. Yet."

"Luca!" I whine and splash water on him. He does the same to me and soon we're even wetter than before.

"I'm going back now. If I stay here any longer I'll die," I say after successfully beating him at our game of splash and he grins.

"Race you there."

I took swimming lessons throughout 7th grade but I haven't been in a swimming pool ever since Rohan's death but Luca's clearly been hitting the gym frequently cause he gives me a gapping so long I quite before I actually start.

"You could've slowed down you know. For a lady? Be a gentleman," I say once I get to shore. He's using his shirt to dry his hair but the water is still dripping from his body. I not so subtly stare at his abs and nearly drool (that is sooo embarrassing.) But when I look at him I see he's also staring at me. Abruptly, I'm reminded that my outfit wasn't the first thing I would choose for swimming but I did swim and now the fabric is see through.

"How long have you been coming here?" I ask and his eyes shoot to me. If he realized that he was caught, he doesn't let on.

"Since i was 11. I came here with Nelson sometimes but mostly alone. It's my spot."

I reject the shirt he's handing to me even though I'm shaking now.

"And you brought me to your spot?"

He chuckles and lifts my hands then forces the shirt on. I try to look straight at him throughout.

"It's a public place. 'sides, you might need it for future purposes."

"I don't even know the way here. I sleep through the ride remember?" I tug on the shirt, his smell filling my lungs. It's like mint and honey.

"Of course I do," He gives me the same look daddy gives me after a road trip I slept through and I'm saying things like 'I didn't know the trees were green' and he'll say

'of course you didn't you were asleep.'

You can detect the annoyance there right? I guess it's the same with all drivers.

"I can show you another time," He says and I say slowly.

"Another time."

From his eyes I can tell he's thinking the same thing as I am.

"Yeah. Another time. Meanwhile. I'm freezing here let's get back to the car,"

I nod and follow him, holding his shirt tight around me.

I wonder what Ken would say if she saw me in Luca's shirt. Probably something like;

Oh my God, Ravi's all grown up!!!


Luca turns on the heat in his car and I contemplate removing his shirt but I'm still freezing and I think it would be better if I wash it first.

"So do you wanna talk about what's going on with your family?" He asks after a while.

How do I answer that? What is going on in my family?

"I think we're just struggling to adjust with this extended family stuff," I say finally but he doesn't reply, I realize he wants me to go on.

"It's like a clash of worlds and personalities. I'm pretty cool with it sometimes but Mara can't take it. She's too protective of her personal space and that's been ruined for her so...I'm worried about her," I make a pout and Luca reaches for me but his phone rings.

"It will be okay," He says to me as he picks up his phone, looks at the ID and drops it.

"Go on," He says but I frown.

"Who is it?"

"No one-" the phone rings again. This time I pick it up.

"It's Kim."

"I know."

"Answer it," He gives me the same look he gave when I came out of the shopping mall earlier today. Like I'm crazy.

"That would be so awkward."

"Why? It's not like I'm your girlfriend."

"Still. 'sides, it's unhealthy to talk to your ex so frequently."

"Maybe it isn't. Maybe hearing their voice will remind you of what you left behind. And that's good if you're over it."

"I'm not sure if I am," He says sharply and I pause.

Oh-k that was some useful piece of information.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to come as harsh."

"Oh no. It's fine."

"I just...it still hurts sometimes."

"Yeah I understand," I totally do not.


I turn to face him.

"Why exactly did you break up?"

Luca sighs and I quickly remind him that he didn't have to tell me but he does.

"Kim had this huge crush on one of her dad's friends son but they moved to Canada a long time ago, so I guess she gave up on it. But he moved back here two months ago for college and she just dumped me," His shoulders slump. I wonder how much harm she did to his ego.

"So is this-" is make air circles around us. "-to make her jealous? Revenge?"

He swallows. "Maybe. But you know the actual reason why I'm doing this."

I sit back and shake my head repeatedly, hoping it has the same effect it always has on me when Amba's the one doing it to me.

Luca McQueen, star player of Legacy Football Team, is chasing after a funny looking live mannequin when he could have all the girls in the world. I must have said this aloud because he's suddenly sitting straight and looking at me strangely.

"You think so?"

"You sure do like a compliment. But yes. I know so."

He grins. "Any girl?"

"Any girl?"

"Except you," He's smiling now and I ignore my thumping heart.

"Except me."

He feigns heartbreak and I laugh at his pout but my laughter dies when I hear dry leaves crunch. Luca hears it too because he starts the car and the headlights turn on automatically. I scream at the sight of a red fox right in front of us and Luca curses and curses. He reverses roughly and I'm literally feeling my heart in my throat. There's no way Luca's favorite car will make it out if this one unscathed, especially with the fox clawing on it. My screaming increases everytime I hear it gnashing it's teeth. Luca finally gets the car straight and speeds away and in no less than a minute the tall trees are out of sight.

Then we laugh.

We laugh and laugh and laugh inbetween words until we're in front of my house. The third time today.

I'm tempted to ask him to take me somewhere else but it's almost nine thirty and I know mum's probably getting nuts.

"Thanks a lot Lucs," I say opening the door.

"Lucs? Seriously? That's like saying Lukes," He comes down too and stands in front of me.

"Yeah, can you think of something better?"



His eyeballs nearly fall out and I shriek with laughter.

"I'll give you a nickname too," He says and I nod.



"Everyone at home calls me Rav or RV."

"Dang it. Ok wattabout Vivi?"

"Terrible Luca. Face the fact, you can't nickname a four letter word."

"I can and I will. You'll see Vivi."

"Don't call me that."

"See you tomorrow Vivi," He enters inside his car and drives off.

I walk inside the house with a small smile that no one in my house could wipe off.

But they did...with shock. Mum and grandma are sitting side by side peeling lemons. I tried not to stutter as I explained where I was, I never mentioned Luca but the way mum was looking made me think she saw us outside. Then a worse kind of cold hit me when I realized my siblings and my cousins were upstairs chatting happily, Mara included. I checked on them and tried to join in on it but I realized they were talking about anime and they formed a circle and didn't make any space for me to sit so went back to my room and stared my wall.

What the hell happened to my family??

**** (((Edited•)))

Monday morning was even more surprising. Simmi and Kendall talked a lot throughout breakfast and kept exchanging inside jokes. Mara spoke in whispers with Raman, mum, and grandma we're having easy conversations. My food got stale.

It's not like I don't like them getting along...it's just odd. And it's even odd-er that I'm not involved in this new change.

"Ravi. Won't you eat?" Dad asks me once he noticed the small bite of spaghetti I'd eaten.

"Yes of–" Luca's horn interrupts me, I see Mara's eyes light with joy.

"That's our ride. Bye." I say as I drag Mara out with me.

"Amara, what the hell happened in our house?" I ask as soon as we're out. She grins at me.

"It was hell at first. I would've given anything to be in your place." She makes wiggly eyes at Luca's car and I feel myself blush.

"Shut up." I'm smiling as I say it and that only makes her laugh.

She opened her mouth to say something but stopped when she saw Luca.

"Luca! What are you doing here so early?"

Luca starts talking."I'm–"

"Oh wait, don't tell me. You're driving us to school!" She's already opening the back door.

"How did you know?" He grins at her and she smiles at him brighter than the sun.

"I'm awesome like that." The door opens and she jumps in. I roll my eyes.

"Or...maybe I just explicitly mentioned that he was our ride."

None of them pay attention to my words.

I enter the car and buckle my seat belts.

"So should I continue the tale or do you guys do the serious dating conversations?" Mara asks casually but I choke on my spit. I'm about to mention that I never mentioned us dating but Luca shrugs.

"It depends on what the tale is."

I'm still recovering when Mara starts.

"So actually it started when mum came for dinner. Dad didn't dare ask her to sit with him and she didn't. In fact, she was about to leave again when grandma called dad 'Ravi' with the goal of irking mum. Of course, it did and then mum started her roll of hidden emotions that were so deep that once she finished, grandma was mortified. They went inside to talk some more and then Aunt SanJ locked all of us in your studio and we were forced to talk to while away time. It turns out we've got a lot of things in common."

I frown as I try to imagine all this going down.

"Did you wish I was there?" I turn to look at her as I ask because I really want to know. I guess this is my weakness.

Mara looks straight at me.



Of course, she says this casually and doesn't really know to what extent she has hurt me. Even Luca winces.

"Oh...ok," I say and turn around again then try hard to not read too much into her words. She just said offhandedly. Nothing to it. I try to sleep but I'm too nervous about today and the least conscious part of myself is dissecting Mara's words. So I end up playing Candy Crush to refresh myself, it helps cause when Luca drops off Mara I don't force my smile. But of course, it falls the moment she's gone. The reality of today just hit me.

"You ready?" Luca asks, he sounds perfectly calm, probably because this little show today won't really affect his social life as it would mine...oh wait, you have to actually have a social life for it to be affected.

Either way, I nod then dutifully add:

"Just don't do anything stupid that'll catch me off guard."

He smirks and gives me a side-eye, "Like?"

"Don't kiss me, don't rub your hands on my jaws, don't make horny comments, don't call me babe."

His jaw is dropped.

"Don't call you babe? Babe what kind of relationship is that?!"

"You just called me babe."


"We've gone through this stage, Luca. We discussed this earlier."

"Ok if I don't call you 'babe' what should I call you?"

"How am I supposed to know? That's your job."

He rolls his eyes and opens his door, I open mine and get down.

"Whattabout 'shorty'?" He asks once he's standing beside me.

I glare at him, "then you're just straight-up mocking me."

"Or I could just call you Vivi? I'll come up with something Ok?"

He adds once I give him another glare.

With a soft chuckle, he grabs my hand and leads me to the school.


Never have I ever seen so many faces at once before, looking at me. It felt like even the walls were looking. Luca's hands were still locked in mine and he didn't come too close. The way we walked gave the ' we're together but she's way too cautious but I still love her so we're working on it.' kind of vibe. Some people looked away the moment they registered it, some didn't. I felt stupid. I used to be those people, (the ones who looked away) I literally insulted every girl dumb enough to date a jock.

Well, look who got the crown now. Spoiler Alert!! Me!!!

I don't recognize the people who come to do those men shake stuff with Luca, I do note though, that Luca does the stupid shake without leaving my hand. Talk about statements.

But I have to get to my locker and unlike him, I definitely need to let go to grab my books or I'll be late to class. I murmur something about lockers and books and let go of Luca and then walk to my locker with whatever dignity that's left in me.

Pretend Like Nothing Happened.

You did not just walk down the hall with Luca.

You did not just walk down the hall with Luca McQueen.


"Ravi! You just walked down the hall with Luca McQueen!!" Ronnie shrieks, twirling me around. I give her a confused smile.

"Oh shit. I did didn't I?" I say mostly to myself.

"How? When? Why? No, not why...How? Whe–"

"We made it official on Friday." I interrupt while opening my locker. Well, that helps my mantra.

"You guys are dating?"

"Um... that's what official means right?" I ask, she obviously thinks I'm joking but, for the last two years I basically lived a routine of:

Wake up. Eat. Dress and go to wherever I need to. Preferably skip. Read novels. Preferably nothing relating to death. Eat. Paint. Read-eat-sleep.

I was offline for 2 freaking years, lived like a caveman but on the bright side I finished all the books in my library, 200 if u must know, and I'm off to my new list of 300.

"So who started the kiss to seal the deal?" She tries again,

I turn to give her a look. "Ronnie I don't think anyone starts a kiss."

"Of course they do you dimwit!" She gives me an incredulous look. "Who kissed who first?"

"Oh. Yeah that, Luca did that. I'm too much of a feminist to make the first move."

She rolls her eyes. "Girl you are not a feminist, your pride made that move. But I'm not complaining. Now tell me the deets."

Just as soon as she says it the bell rings, I make my face as aloof as possible and race down to my class.

Phew, saved by the bell.

'Class' is worse. It's chemistry, the only class I have with Luca and Teddy together. Ronnie is sitting beside me and we're ranking top celebrity couples. Of course, my vote goes to Beyonce and Jay-Z but Veronica is too clouded in her Dreamworld with Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. I mean, who daydreams about Kanye West?

Anyway, the only reason we're having this conversation is that Mr. Abbey is absent so the class is a total mess. Luca, Teddy, Nelson, and some other guys from the team are at the back of the class and maybe I'm too conscious but I feel like they're staring at me. I also feel like they're talking about me.

They should have other things to talk about right? Other than their captain and dude friend popping up with a new girlfriend...ugh wrong wordings. I'm talking about myself, right? I refuse to believe anyone can 'pop' up with me.

"Someone's coming." Ronnie whispers and I jerk out of my reverie. Why can't she just tell me who it is?

Teddy? Or Luca?? Or none?! Or BOTH?!!!

"Ravi." Luca's voice calls and I let go a long breath of relief.

"Huh?" I look up at him and he has a twinkle in his eyes.

"Come on let's skip, Mr. Abbey's not coming."

My eyes widen. "What?"

He does not repeat himself. I have never skipped a class, oh boy, this is not a good sign. I'm starting to get sweaty. Mum always says once you start a bad habit, you find yourself doing it again and again. And skipping is a bad habit, even if my teacher isn't coming and I'm spending the time arguing over celebrity couples I have never and will never meet. Do you notice that I've done many things I have never done today? Maybe I'll name today Never on my calendar and I'll celebrate it yearly with my beloved friends and family over a piece of cake, ok so the cake definitely isn't going to be a pie–

"Ravi?" Luca's voice is louder now. I shift on my chair.

"Go on." Ronnie urges and I awkwardly stand up and reach for my bag but Luca already has it.

"I'll see you later," I tell her and my voice sounds like a squeak. We walk out.

"Don't make me do this again," I say immediately and he says something I don't hear, then;

"I had to for Teddy to believe me." He moved left just as I went right.

"Where are you going to?" He calls and I turn back immediately.

"Sorry, just used to going this way," I mutter and he waits for me to reach him before we start walking. The hall is empty.

"Why did you need Ted to believe you?" I ask and he shrugs. I've just realized that Luca is in a bad mood. I do not like this Luca.

"I told him we were dating and he went off about how you would never do that and dared me to make you leave class. But I don't think he believes me."

I frown. "Why?"

"Have you seen your face? You look like I fed you dog poop. The color's literally gone from your face."

I mentally wish I had a mirror and then subconsciously rake my hands through my hair.

"Don't worry. It doesn't matter." I say with feeling.

"But it does, I mean that's mostly what you talk about so yeah, it does."

I mentally trash the fact that he just told me that Teddy only mattered to him because he mattered to me.

"Let's change the subject. Where are we going?"

"A cool ice cream spot a few blocks away." He says 'cool' and I swallow my scream.

"I can't do that. Can't we just go to the library? I mean it's beautiful there."

He opens the door and pushes me outside.

"Only you would prefer the library to ice cream."

"I prefer the bookstore to the library, but I prefer the books stacked to the walls of both to everything."


"If you ever want to get me a gift, get me a novel. A novel is better than roses. I can only compromise if it's black roses." I'm going to my own world but thankfully Luca's expression saves me. He's looking at me like he's never seen anything like me before.

"What? Did I do something?"

He shakes his head rapidly and smiles.


"Back to the problem at hand. I'm not coming. Let's go back and find more productive ways to spend–"

Luca sighs and then bends down to wrap his hands around my legs and my back, I'm too freaked to do anything and before I know it, he is carrying me bridal style. I fought back.

"Drop me now McQueen!!" I yelled and he grins wickedly.

"Oh, should I?"

"Yes." I feel my body slipping away and quickly wrap my hands around his neck

"Not like that," I say and he laughs but doesn't drop me.

We walk, or rather he carries me all the way to the shop and I busy myself staring at random stuff to not stare and his neck, Adams Apple, or any other part of him.

It's a small restaurant, not a shop. I don't get to see the name though, Luca finally drops me and I feigns anger.

He takes my hand and leads me to a booth but the window.

"Now it wasn't so bad was it?" He asks. No. It was not, but I'm putting up a show here so...no reply.

"Are you angry?" He peers into my face.

"Yes, I am. It's 10:45. Chem ends by 11:30, we've got to be back before 11:25."

He pouts but I remain undaunted.

"What flavor should I get you?"


"I thought you'd say banana."

I perk up. "Strawberry and banana."

He chuckles and leaves to get the ice creams.

To keep me busy I watch the scene outside, but that doesn't help, especially when I see a tall slender brunette pass. She reminds me so much of Amba.

What would Amba say about skipping, having a fake boyfriend, and not minding at all when he carries me bridal style?

I stare at my phone, I'm still getting used to being online again but it doesn't give me the vibes anymore. Luca's phone is in fact giving me literal vibes as it vibrates on the table.

I pick it up and check the ID. It's Kim.

Luca's still getting the ice creams, I drop it.

It rings again and this time I receive the middle finger for it, WTF it wasn't even that loud. I pick it.

"Luca! I've been calling you non-stop, what the hell's this thing you pulled off with Singh!!" Her voice is high-pitched and sounds like Carey, my dead cat is crying for liver.

"I know this is just a ploy to get me to talk to you and yeah, you win. I know you don't really like that broomstick Asian–"


"So come over this night ok? My parents are out of town and we can settle this like sensible people, plus I've got a new dress I'd like you to see, it's got all the things you li–"

I hang up and practically throw the phone away. Because I'm awesome that way, that's when Luca shows up with the ice creams.

"What's wrong?" He asks I must look like hell because he adds: "you look like I asked you to skip again."

I drown myself in the ice cream and ignore his look.

"Kim called," I say once his gaze falls on the phone between us.

His face falls. He looks like I asked him to read about Chinese History.

"What did she say?"

What did she not say?

"She said you should come over tonight because her parents are out of town and also mentioned that you're only... never mind you get the gist right?"

He nods gravely. "I'm sorry."

"Oh." It was a stupid thing to say. I grab the ice cream and finish the last part. Yum. Ice cream heaven.

"It's great., I say but Luca isn't listening again, he's staring at his phone.

"Call her," I say and he blinks at me. I know, I'm the craziest person on Earth, we've already established that fact.

"I know you want to call her."

"Maybe...but you. We've already started this, there's no going back."

"It's ok. No one said anything about going back."

"Yeah but...you."

"I'll be great. I am great."

"But I don't know if I should, she just hates to see me move on."

I take his own ice cream.

"If." I start, I'm treading on a thin line, "You did go...what would happen?"

I already know but Luca is honest enough not to sugarcoat it.

" What do you think? It's obvious what she wants but I'm not an easy catch," he winks and I roll my eyes.

"Hmm." It's still shocking to know that Luca and Kim have done it before. I shake that thought off my head. This skip has turned sour.

My watch goes off and my eyes widen. "OMG! It's 11:28. Let's go." I say, already getting up.

I'm out before him and I race to school.