
Chapter 19

Author's POV-------------

The two stared at each other for a good while. Silence filled them. One with a smile while the other with a frown. After being quiet for a while,Qingyuan finally opened his mouth; "Mingyu is so interesting."He said as he chuckled a little then slowly walked closer to Mingyu. A sweet and gentle smile was put on but somehow Mingyu could sense a devilish aura from it. He squinted his eyes,staring at the other intently,not moving a muscle. Qingyuan stopped in front of Mingyu. He smiled as he patted his head. "Interesting~ Interesting~ Let's get along~"Qingyuan said.

Mingyu was startled when Qingyuan suddenly patted his head. He stared at Qingyuan,unblinking. Qingyuan did the same before he stopped patting his head,smiled once again and walked away from Mingyu.Mingyu just stood there,glancing a little and clenched his fists. "Don't treat me like i'm a kid,I'm a grown-up man."Mingyu said.

Qingyuan stopped on his track,smiled before he glanced and reminded; "My class is next. Don't be late."He said. "And,patting one's head doesn't means it's because that person is a kid or what,it has no relations to it. I patted if i want,i ruffled if i want. You're my student. I gotta treasure you. Just think of me as a brother if you can't accept me as a teacher. If you still can't,think of me as a friend. After all i'm your teacher,your brother and also your friend."

Mingyu laughed sarcastically hearing him. "You're not worth being my brother or friend. As for teacher,let's see how. Treasuring me? Do i need to treasure you too in exchange then? I don't wanna be neither your friend or brother. We're just strangers. You're only here to teach me as it's your duty to. No need to go this far by saying all those cliché things. You're making me feeling sick! Acting all kind and such! How annoying!"Mingyu said,glaring.

Qingyuan was quiet for a while before Mingyu heard footsteps coming closer and once again,a hand was extended and patted Mingyu's head. He frowned and said "That's enough. Stop bothering me. Just be a teacher! No need to care."

"You said to be a teacher,i'm being one now. Right now,the one who's behind you,patting your head is your teacher,brother and friend."

"I've said it that you're not worth----" "I'll just make myself worthy. You're also lying right? If not,you wouldn't have clenched your fists so hard. You're trying so hard to squeeze those words right? You want me to leave you alone. You said you'll make me suffer but now you're not trying to do any of it at all.Instead,you're shoving me away,not doing something you said. I'm not leaving. So,try your best. To bear with me and to make me suffer. I won't leave you."

Mingyu stiffened as silence once again filled them. No one is moving,not saying anything And at last,Mingyu laughed out loud. He turned,looking at Qingyuan as he laughed. "Ahahahah! Qingyuan laoshi is so cliché! So cliché! I was just saying but you took it seriously! You're such a fool,Qingyuan laoshi! How foolish! How foolish!! Hahahaha!" Mingyu's laugh was endless while Qingyuan was stunned for a while before he too smiled and knocked Mingyu's head. "Brat,you tricked your own teacher? how mischievous. "He said. Mingyu finally stopped laughing. "Qingyuan laoshi is a teacher but is such a fool. This is funny."

"You don't actually mean those words?"Qingyuan asked. Mingyu lifted his shoulders. "Your words are shocking and cliché at the same time. Those are just something i say without meaning it. But,hm,brother and friend? Sorry,i'm not interested. Oh,also did you just call me 'brat'? You're treating me like a kid again,hmph. "Mingyu complained. Qingyuan chuckled. "AH! You asked me to make you suffer right? I will.. I will.."Mingyu nodded a few times.

Qingyuan raised his eyebrow slightly,smiling. "Ah,here,a gift for you."


Qingyuan showed him that gift and Mingyu's eyes widen in horror He screamed as he ran. Qingyuan chased after him as Mingyu yelled;"Get away! Get awayyyyyy!"

To Be Continued....