Chapter 8: Closer

"Welcome to the Ankur tribe, lady Sarah. I am grateful that you chose to visit your birth land and our tribe as your first destination. Our people shall be glad to give you utmost comfort and joy during your stay. Make yourself at home and be reassured for I am the Ankur leader, and father to Brave, Roger Ankur".

Sarah was equally surprised and happy to have met a powerful man in the land of magic. But she had to make sure she demonstrated the best of her manners and wit for he was also Jake's father.

The servants, who happened to be three feet tall toads, showed her to her room. They would not speak much, but obeyed every word uttered. Sarah remembered to thank them every time they came of help. Even when they did not. Manners, manners.

Daytime passed in a flash and before Sarah could even take a proper look around her room, it was already dusk. A grand dinner had been arranged for the new guest.

Jake's mother arranged a dress for her to wear for the dinner. She was a lovely lady. Beautiful and fair. Her flaxen hair was identical to Jake's. She arranged Sarah's hair into a bun, for she felt that brushing them would ruin the beautiful ringlets in her curly hair. They walked to the dining together.

The dinner was grand. Maybe a little too grand for an ordinary guest, but certainly not enough to pour love over to the princess of the kingdom. Sarah found it difficult to finish the food. She forced herself to stuff food down her throat until Jake told her she did not have to aim to finish the whole table. Wasting food was something Sarah disliked, so she made sure to clean up her plate before the dessert arrived. Dinner proceeded mostly in silence, except for the occasional call for a bowl to be passed. Jake's mother smiled throughout the time as she looked at Sarah, as if though she had finally come across her favourite idol. Whenever their eyes met, Sarah made sure to smile back.

At around nine at night, Sarah took a peak in Jake's room. No one was there. Upon asking a toad servant, she found him on the tiled rooftop. It was slanted so she had to work her way over to Jake's side. He sat there amongst little glowing objects flying in a random, haphazard manner. Some seemed to be dancing.

"Are these fireflies?"

"Lay out a palm and take a closer look".

Sarah held out her hand and soon a little glowing object landed on her palm. She brought it closer for a look and was astonished at the sight of a little being sitting and watching her. She sat cross-legged, her little hands resting in front of her legs. She had wings like that of dragonflies and wore a dress made of leaves. Pixies. The pixie girl giggled and flew off leaving behind a trail of glowing dust which momentarily fell on her palm and then slowly vanished.

Many of these little beings danced around her. Some played hide and seek in Sarah's curls, others played with Jake. A pair of them braided thin strands of hair near her ears. So joyful. Their glow was calming and peaceful. For some strange unknown reason, Sarah felt very comfortable with their fairy dust. The dust fell around her and vanished, but to her it seemed as if though she was absorbing them. Nah, I am thinking too much. Obviously I am not a pixie.

Jake yawned and placed his head on Sarah's shoulder, making her jump ever so slightly. A group of pixie girls giggled watching them, then they lifted Jake's hand by his fingers and softly landed it on Sarah's. Sarah blushed. The pixie girls giggled. One pixie girl went over to a pixie boy and kissed his cheek. The boy went red while she giggled, then she motioned to Sarah to do the same. Sarah went bright red and she shook her head.

Jake was not unaware of all this. He smiled at the little beings and laced his fingers onto Sarah's. He could feel her breathe heavily and go hot from blushing, but to him a shy girl is cuter than a bold one.