Chapter 15: A Short Flashback




~ 6 years ago | Human Realm ~

Sarah, in her teens, tries to concentrate on the little koi fish in the pond. She reaches out to the fish, but hesitates to touch them when they gather close to her finger. She gazes at their vibrant colours of yellow, orange, black and white. She wonders if she should try scooping one up when a sound behind her breaks her focus. She turns around, but does not see anyone except a wall. Returning to her question of the day, she once again tries reaching out to them.

Meanwhile the sources of the sound hide behind the wall, one pinning the other onto it. The boy with flaxen hair stares at the fair haired boy with a playful smile, while the latter ensures that Sarah did not notice. Then he fixates his black eyes on the boy he had pinned onto the wall and glares at him.

"Phil, why so rough?"

"You know very well why, Brave".

"What, you actually believe in what that old fart said? Me? Kill her? Why would I do that?"

"Just stay away from her, Brave," he pushes Brave's shoulder roughly before letting go.

Brave straightens his shirt and walks up to Phileas who was leaving the spot. They were playmates as kids. They have always been together. Brave, Phileas, Ethan, Peter and Neil. But once the prophecy came out, Phileas immediately became hostile towards Brave. Brave was obviously not content with this turn of events. He felt that the old man with his prophecies was simply jealous of their friendship. He kept trying to attract Phileas' attention in order to be friends again. Or so he has been until it started to get annoying.

"Hey, Phil, what's wrong? I just came to see her. Who wouldn't want to see the princess?"

"Why are you trying to get close to her though? What's your scheme?"

"Why are YOU always around her?"

"I am going to be her royal knight one day. It is my duty to stay by her side".

"But you aren't one yet," he teased Phileas, "come back when you are one".

Phileas stopped and shoved Brave's shoulder again, "and what gives you the excuse to come here all the time, huh? What, you trying to be a knight too? In your dreams, Brave. You can't even pass the basic sword skills test," he taunted him.

This made Brave a little angry, "you see, I don't need to lick her feet to be around her. Unlike you, I can be her friend. But what would you know about friendship? You can't even keep ours, all because of an old man. Geez. I will compensate with my knife skills, mark my words. You can keep that dog house position to yourself".

Phileas' controlled exterior cracked and he pounced on Brave. The boys fought each other, but Brave's punches were nowhere near as powerful enough to even make Phileas flinch. It has been a year since Sir Hanns started training his son rigorously. Brave was no match for an up and coming knight, already showing great geniuses in combat.

At the end of the fight, Phileas dragged Brave back to the magic realm. Phileas' repeated insults and misbehaviour was getting on his nerves. Brave decided he will definitely become stronger, and steal Rhea away from him. Not because he likes her, but because he would teach Phileas loss. His greatest weapon was that he knew Rhea already liked him. All his observation was not for nothing.


