Getting Along Well

Chen’s POV~~

After all of them were done introducing themselves, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. Turning around I came face to face with my bias Young-ie Gege, Arghh~~his presence pulled me back to reality from my thoughts on this cutie pie of a human Lee Jihun. Like how can a person be so cute, he is just like a hamster, god I can’t get over him now.

“Chen-ah, you’ll be sharing a room with Ren, Jino & Jihun, who are roommates !! OK?!” Young-ie Gege informed me.

This news made me nod happily, now I was gonna share a room with Lee Jihun and he’s the only person whom I'm most interested in knowing more after Young-ie Gege since the time I’ve come to Korea. I just feel a sense of familiarity with Lee Jihun although according to my understanding and my dull mind I’ve never met Lee Jihun before in my 15yrs of living.

As I was again lost in my thoughts, the next moment I found myself being dragged by the human hamster himself aka Lee Jihun who looked excited with a big ear to ear smile decorating his face, he was dragging me towards their room I'm guessing which shocked me because of this unusual behavior. I didn’t expect him to be this friendly, he looked like a child well protected behind his 16 geges to even talk freely to a stranger rather than be dragging a person on their first meet smiling so happily, as the saying goes you should never judge a book by its cover. But I guess it was just Lee Jihun also being super excited about having a friend who was just a few months older to him at least I would be after having so many geges and no same age or younger friends.

When Lee Jihun opened the door to their room with a bang for dramatic purposes, Awe such a cutie pie~~ I thought, he looked proud to show off his room but all that I could see was two bunker beds on both the side walls being a mess with clothes lying all around and just one lower level bed on the right side of the room being all clean and organized.

The room looked like it was used by kids who didn’t know where things went after use, while living with them was a neat freak who was just content enough to keep his area clean. “It’s obvious isn’t it? To tell that I’m raising kids within this room!!” Ren Gege said sighing heavily suddenly coming from behind me, I hope he is Ren Gege cause this room is shared only with one Chinese member and it’s damn confusing for me to point out who is who as of now because there are a lot of members.

To add on, I was pushed aside by the one and only Lee Jihun who was actually helping me by bringing my suitcases inside the room. I heard Young-ie Gege then announce in a loud voice from the living room saying “IT WILL SOON BE DINNER TIME SO GET FRESHENED UP AND COME TO THE DINING TABLE!!” which surprisingly didn’t even faze me now as I was already getting used to the chaotic ways of these chaotic people.

Thus when the other geges went for showering, I decided to unpack my luggage and set them in the cupboard emptied for me by Ren Gege, yup I was sure now that it was him because he explained to me in Chinese. Now I felt being watched, it was making me feel uncomfortable, that's when I saw from my side view Lee Jihun staring down at me from above as he was on the first floor of the bunker bed which he shared now with me with his eyes following me moving across the room unpacking my stuff.

When I had enough of him staring me down, I decided to asked him feeling awkward speaking an foreign language but I tried with whatever Korean I knew to make him understand me "Have I done something wrong Jihun, if no then why do you keep staring at me?!!” I think my straightforward question made him a bit taken back as he looked shocked but he quickly collected himself together by clearing his throat and saying "You look even more cute this close up in person.” I can guarantee 100% that I’ve grown pink and red when I heard Lee Jihun say those words looking so serious that I almost believed him but assured myself that he was just joking.

But I still became shy and started avoiding eye contact from Lee Jihun as I felt like fainting feeling lightheaded from all the blood rushing to my cheeks. I was such a blushing mess I couldn’t even think of looking at Lee Jihun now though also wanting to show that I wasn’t any way in hell affected by those words in the slightest, so I just pretended to unpack but actually was already melting on the inside. Jesus Christ never expected him to be this smooth a talker at this age while looking so innocent.

Unknowingly I had gotten closer to Lee Jihun as time passed maybe because we felt comfortable to talk to each other as there not being much difference in age or it may had been Lee Jihun speaking carefully in front of the elder geges but casually talking or to say flirting with 'Me' which made the atmosphere less awkward around us and boy was he smooth, but to me Lee Jihun just didn’t feel like a stranger as the others had given of that feeling while talking, like 'nope sorry meeting you for the first time in my life.'

When Ren and Jino gege were done with their shower, Lee Jihun’s shy smile turned into a sly smirk giving off mischievous vibes. "Here they come, the love birds!!” he said and upon hearing that my ears stood straight. I immediately turned to look at Ren and Jino Gege with a taken back face getting whip-lashed in the process argh~ my neck hurts now.

Anyways Ren Gege stared at Lee Jihun with an angry and dirty glare to shut Lee Jihun up countering "YAH!! LEE JIHUN!! How could you say such things in front of Chen, he is still new and could take your teasing seriously, look you scared the kid!!'' hearing that Jihun turned to look at my blown away state and bursted into laughter. Still laughing while climbing down the stairs he confirmed my thoughts by saying "What you’re thinking is absolutely right!! they are the most famous couple or to say ship amongst us according to our fans.” Lee Jihun stated.

Ren and Jino Gege started to blush upon hearing what Lee Jihun had explained. But to interrupt our interesting gossip came Young-ie geges loud voice calling "DINNERS READY!!" so leaving our talks for later we started to move towards the dining table. Lee Jihun came and sat next to me on the table whereas Ren and Jino Gege sat to the right of Lee Jihun, Young-ie and Ten gege sat to my left as Young-ie Gege wanted to be close to his new cute baby, his words not mine.

Then there came Mark and Hajoon gege who sat next to Jino Gege, they were arguing about something foolish according to Young-ie gege. Besides them sat Jae Gege totally ignoring them just stuffing his face with food, now looking around the table I noticed Lee Jihun eating like a starved little kid which made me comment unconsciously "You eat like a kid. So cute stuffing food in just like a hamster.'' This unexpected comment by me made Lee Jihun chock on his food and blush profoundly. Young-ie Gege upon hearing this teased us saying "Awe~ you two sure are getting along well, such cuties!!" I innocently and proudly replied "Yes hyung!! we two became friends.” (Hyung- Korean term for elder males used by younger boys) Earlier I had asked Lee Jihun which word is used instead of gege in Korean to which he adorably replied “Hyung~”

The conversations around the dining table just followed on with the geges talking about their day and that marked the end for this eventful day of mine.