Surprise Welcome Party

Third Person POV~~

The elder members had left early from practice as they had planned to prepare a surprise welcoming party for Chen, it was decided way back when they had gotten the news that a new member would be joining them, thus to make the new member feel more comfortable and relaxed around them they had come up with this plan.

Young and Ten had gone to the supermarket straight from practice and the other elder members were decorating the house for the party. As there was excitement in the air, the main door suddenly opened with a bang startling the members thinking that Chen, Jihun, Ren and Jino had already arrived but there came just Young and Ten struggling with both hands filled with bags of food for the party. Young, Tae, Dowon and Hajoon being great cooks immediately went for the kitchen and started making all those famous Korean street foods that would impress the teenage Chinese boy’s taste buds.

Amidst all the chaos for the party, Young got a call from Jino saying "Hyung!! We tried our best keeping Chen away from the dorm all this time but couldn't do so for long and now Lee Jihun and Wang Chen are on their way back to the dorms. So just to inform you'll Hyung, that there isn't much time before they reach, even we’re leaving now. So Fighting Young-ie Hyung!!!” Not allowing Young to say anything in return Jino had already cut the call, scared of getting scolded by the elder for not completing the given task.

Upon seeing Young sighing deeply with a stressed out look Ten asked his boyfriend being worried "What's wrong Young-ie Hyung?? Is something going on??"

Young replied with a worried tone after sighing a relieved sigh, always grateful for Ten to be looking after him, because Young was always busy looking after the other members being the groups leader "Yeah now there definitely is!! Because Jino and Ren couldn't control the kids and now they're on the way back home, apparently will be here any minute." On saying that Young ran to the living room and shouted to be heard in all the chaos "THE KIDS WILL BE HERE ANY MINUTE SO LET'S HURRY UP!! OK?!”

If it was a chaos before with the members roaming around the whole dorm decorating and getting dressed for the party, now it could be called a total disaster with all the members now starting to run around yelling orders at each other to get the party a success.

There was so much going on that one could misread the situation as them being late for their debut showcase instead this was just them putting together a welcome party, that's when suddenly the doorbell rang with it the whole house went into pin drop silence as if they were caught doing some illegal smuggling or caught by police at a fighting scene. Young being the smart and already so done with the parties chaos went slowly towards the door to open it carefully and peeped out to see that it was just Ren and Jino, upon seeing the NoRen couple enter through the doors everyone released a breath of relief.

Ren seeing the house still in a dismal state asked Mark "Haven’t Lee Jihun and Chen reached yet?? They should have reached by now we even waited back for a bit to not get scolded upon and to say they left before us." Now everyone was worried and panicked hearing what Ren had said. Where could have the two youngest gone to instead of home this late at night??

Mark, not grasping the situation at hand and just being relieved about Chen not coming back, said "No!! They haven't but that's a relief right!!?" He questioned seeing the worried faces of his Hyungs.

That's when Young came with their handmade cake in hand from the kitchen in a fast paced walk and kept it on the cutting table saying "Jino-ya call Jihun-nie and ask him where on the earth’s hell they are off to because I’m worried sick for my babies!!" Upon hearing the elders childish order Jino laughed but still took his phone from Ren’s hand calling Jihun, which after a few rings was picked up by Jihun himself.

Jino who was also worried immediately nagged at Jihun as soon as the boy picked the call "YAH!! Lee Jihun, where on earth did you disappear along with Chen?? We already reached home, WE!! who left after you guys are already home!! Where are you both??" Jino used a tone that resembled a dad telling the child to be back home before he is grounded for the whole month.

Jihun when finally given the chance to speak sassed back saying "Awe~~you missed me so much Hyung. But now stop acting like my Appa (Dad in Korean) cause we’re almost there. We’re on the ground floor of the building waiting for the bloody lift to come, we’ll be there in no time!! OK APPA?!" Jihun teased with a bit playful and annoyed voice as he cut the call fearing to get nagged at even more for talking in such a manner with his Hyung and blah blah blah.

So the behind the scenes of their disappearance was, when Jihun had left while dragging Chen along with him they had stopped by an ice cream parlour as Jihun had said he wanted to spend more time with his favorite hyung. Thus they were catching up on memories that they had made on their first meeting in China. When they were talking Chen was all but smiling and laughing that he had ice cream all over his lips which had caused Jihun to skip a heart beat just looking at the childish boy seated right next to him. All he could do was rant about his hyungs cuteness and clumsiness to himself and fall even more to the elder. It was love at first sight for Jihun.

When Jino looked dumbfounded at being hanged up Young asked him "So where are they?? Are they OK?? and when will they come back??" To which Jino just grumpily answered "They’re on their way back home, in fact almost reached home as are ‘on the ground floor waiting for the bloody lift’ Jihun’s words to be exact not mine" and on cue the doorbell rang again but this time everyone was sure that it was Jihun and Chen as how much time would it take a lift to reach the second floor.

So knowing that nothing more could be done one of the members turned off the lights and everyone gathered to stand in the center with Young holding the cake in his hand and once Hajoon had opened the door for the two youngest to enter, there suddenly began a congratulations song and with totally confused looks they looked around, they got the idea what was going on and smiled happily upon knowing the fact that it was a welcome party arranged for Chen becoming a new member for the group. Chen who was now very excited patted Jihun on his shoulder like an excited kid, pointing at Young who was slowly coming towards them as he was holding the cake.

Chen voiced a very excited and happy thank you to all his hyungs who arranged the welcome party for him and said "I'm so happy and grateful that I get to debut and spend the most beautiful years of my life with you all hyungs!!" Blowing the candles gave a huge smile that reached his ears towards Jihun which melted the already fallen boy's heart even more making the later blush secretly.

Then began the celebration with a lot of music, dancing, lots of food and drinks that were of course soft drinks as they had many underaged members in the group, they had their party going on till 3 in the night as they didn't have practice the next day, also because everyone was tried to their bones and retrieved to their beds for a good night sleep.