Missing Puzzle Piece

Ren's POV~~

Upon coming back from my boyfriend Jino and Jihun-ies room as I left that god forsaken disrespectful couple to themselves, I saw Jino and Jae making their way into the living room, coming back from Jino's schedule. They were talking happily about some stuff I didn't know about. Like I don't get it why does Jae have to accompany Jino to his schedules.

But WHY THE HELL DO THEY LOOK SO CUTE TOGETHER! It's making it even harder for me to hate their friendship~ YAH!YAH!YAH! You should be jealous and not FANBOY over them pabo-ya’ I thought to myself trying to collect my thoughts on this matter.

"Hey guys you're back already?! Actually that's great, we ordered pizza for dinner so...um...wanna have some or did you like, eat already?" I asked them awkwardly, smiling and trying to show them that I was completely fine. God why do I feel like I'm intruding on them.