Chapter 5

I went ahead and sat on the last bench which was my usual seat. We had been designated our seats the previous year itself and we were supposed to be seated the same way this year too. As our coordinator knew Liz, V, Nao, and I are best friends and if we sit together we talk non stop so she made it a point to make us sit separately. My seat was at the last bench and my partner got transferred to a different school and he and his family moved out of the town, so I was left alone at my place. I am not complaining because I loved sitting alone and being lost in my own world daydreaming and occasionally paying attention to the class. The seat in front of me was occupied by V and one of our classmates Zenith Lloyd. He is one of the toppers in our class, if not in class we would find him in the library buried in books. The bench on my right is occupied by Nao and Balfer Parker. Balfer is like the playboy of our school and Hope’s ex-boyfriend. He has got the looks, luxury, and girls to fall for him. Not to mention his dad owned many businesses in our town and in one my dad was employed. Nao despised him as she had to witness all the girls coming over to their bench and making their move to sweet talk with Balfer. He used to love all the attention and never objected. The seat in front of Nao was occupied by Liz and Brisa Hank. Brisa was an introvert which made her the most silent girl in our class. She didn't have many friends and loved to keep everything to herself. She would always prefer being alone even during lunch breaks in the cafeteria. She had a big-time crush on Zenith but never confessed about it. She accidentally spilled her feelings once when she was talking with Liz and that is how we know. She was so freaked out that she literally begged Liz not to tell anyone. But Liz cannot keep anything hidden from us three so she opened her big mouth in front of us but we decided not to tell anyone else and the secret will be between us.

Our first lecture was Language class, and we were waiting for our faculty, Mrs. Briggs. She has been teaching us for the past 2 years and was also our class coordinator. I loved attending her classes. As she was with us for the past two years, so she knows everything about us like our personality, what we excel in, and what we lack in and so she helps us overcome whatever we are lacking in to get good grades. I was taking out my books from the bag when I saw a girl was practically throwing herself over Baler and Nao getting up from her seat and walking towards me.

“Can I sit here till Mrs. Briggs come?” asked Nao

“Sure thing Nao, you don't need to ask,” I replied

“Good thing you are sitting alone,” she said

“I know. I feel like puking looking at them.” I replied with a disgusted face

Nao did an eye roll looking at them and said “Can't they do this outside of our school? Why here and why in front of us?”

Just then Mrs. Briggs walked inside the class with a big smile seeing us all. We all stood up to wish her Good Morning and sat down again. I noticed a boy had followed her inside our class and boy he looked handsome. He was tall. Like very tall. May be around 190 cms. Mrs. Briggs who is around my height was reaching below his shoulders while standing next to him. He came and stood next to Mrs. Briggs. While he was walking inside I thought he looked at me, but I quickly dismissed that thought. Mrs. Briggs turned towards us after putting down her books on the table and gave a warm smile before speaking. “Class, we have a new transfer student with us.” She turned towards him and said, “Please introduce yourself to your classmates.”

He nodded and rubbing the back of his neck and giving a slight smile which made the girls in the class go ‘awww’. He then stood straight and started with a wave “ Hello Everyone! My name is Shawn Hart. I just got transferred here. I was born and brought up in the states but moved here as my father got transferred here for his business. I hope to make good friends and no enemies” and with that, he flashed his smile and looked towards me. This time I am not mistaken as he definitely looked towards me. I was so mesmerized by him that I was completely lost. Now Mrs. Briggs started talking. “I am sure you will make many good friends here. As for the seating arrangement, you can go and sit with Raylynn at the back. She will also help you in case you need any help around here at school.” She turned to face me and said “Raylynn can you please raise your hand.” I was so lost admiring him that I involuntarily stood up upon hearing my name and said “ Yes Mrs. Briggs?” I soon realized what just happened and looked around to see everyone looking at me in confusion and immediately sat down in embarrassment. V turned around to face me with a smirk on her face and wiggled her eyebrows looking at me. I put my head down out of embarrassment. He walked towards me ever so slowly with a smile plastered over his face while Mrs. Briggs started taking the roll call. I moved towards my right to make enough space for him to be seated. He came and sat putting his bag down on the desk and extended his hand saying “Hey, nice to meet you Raylynn” with a smile. I don't know why but I immediately blushed and could feel my cheeks burning. I obliged to the handshake and replied “Nice to meet you too Shawn.”

Soon the roll call ended and Mrs. Briggs started with her session. The whole time I was stealing glances at Shawn admiring him and blushing profusely. After the session ended and Mrs. Briggs bid us goodbye, V immediately turned around to introduce herself along with Zenith. “Hi I am Wyola and he is Zenith.” To which he smiled and replied “Hey, I am Shawn, nice to meet you” V replied with “Nice to meet you too. So when did you move here”

“Oh, we just shifted here three days back. Everything was quite sudden.”

“OK. If you need any help around here or with studies, do not hesitate to ask us.”

“Sure, will do that”

And with that our second session commenced and soon half the day went by. During the lunch break, I thought as Shawn is new here so he might be left alone. Though I don't think any girl will be leaving this opportunity to be with a hot dude. Still, I thought I should ask “ Hey, you can join us if you want for the lunch break”

“Oh that would be nice but I already have a cousin in this class so I would be joining him. Unless you want to join us, I would love that”

“You have a cousin in this class?” He nodded to my question.

“Who?” I asked with a confused face.

“Balfer” he replied.

“Talking about me brother?” He came in front and stood next to me while looking at Shawn. He looked at me and winked saying “I hope he was not snitching”

I sat there looking at him dumbfounded and I saw V having the same expression on her face so I was guessing she heard the whole conversation.

When he didn't get a response from me he just shrugged and looked at Shawn and said “let's go to the cafeteria, I am very hungry” Shawn nodded and looked at me worriedly asking “are you ok?” I replied with a yes and then he left with Balfer.

Turns out Nao and Zenith were equally shocked at the information about Shawn and Balfer being cousins. Lizeth was unknown to the whole incident.

“He does not look like a playboy at all, though he has got the looks. He just looks so innocent,” stated Nao.

“I know, but looks can be deceiving,” replied V

“I just hope he is nothing like Balfer!” I wished.

“Ohhh! Someone is falling for the new guy I am guessing” said V

“Wait! What am I missing?” asked Liz coming towards us post packing her bag while listening to us talk. We all stood up and started walking outside while V explained to her the whole incident including me blushing while speaking to Shawn and then they both started making fun of me. I just huffed and hung my head low as I found there is no point in arguing back as I knew they just wouldn't stop.