
After my "meeting" with Papyrus I went on the way to waterfall, in waterfall I found a yellow monster without arms called Monster kid.

"Yo, are you sneaking

To see her too


She's very cool, isn't she !?

I want to be like her when I grow up ...

Yo, don't tell my parents that I'm here.

Ha ha. "Said MK I walked away and went to the tent that sans was going through a savepoint


Never seen a guy with two jobs before?

Fortunately, two jobs means twice the required breaks.

I'm going to grillb's.

Do you want to come? "I nodded at him

"Well, if you insist ...

I will miss my job ...

Here I know a shortcut. "I followed sans the opposite way from snowdin where he teleported us to grillb's

"Fast, right?

Hey guys "sans said

"Hi sans.

(Hello sans)

Good to see you, sans.

Oiiii, sansinho ~. "Some monsters said, when we got close to the bar chairs a monster we stopped

"Hey sans, you weren't here for about five minutes for lunch?"

"Nah, I had lunch almost half an hour ago.

You must be thinking about the afternoon snack "sans replied making a joke

"Here, you can sit," he said and we went to sit, when I sat there was a fart noise, Chara started to laugh

"Wow, watch where you sit

Sometimes weirdos put fart pillows on the stools.

Anyway, let's make the orders.

What do you want ...?

Fries or hamburger? "Asked Sans

* Fries *

"Hey, that looks really good

Grillby, we want a double order of fries "said Sans combing his skull and getting a strange look from Chara

"So what do you think...

My brother's? "

* Cool "I answered

"Of course he is cool.

You would be nice too if you always walked around with that fantasy.

He only triates that thing if it's really necessary. Do what.

At least he washes it.

And by washing I mean he uses it in the bath. "It ended when grillby arrived with our fries

"Here comes the ranch, do you want ketchup?"

* No * i replied while giving Chara some fries hidden

"More for me" he started drinking the ketchup

"Anyway, legal or not, you must agree that he works hard.

Like how he's always trying to get on the royal guard.

One day, he went to the home of the leader of the royal guard ...

And he begged her to let him in.

Of course, she slammed the door in his face because it was midnight.

But the next day, she woke up and saw him still standing there.

Seeing his dedication, she decided to train him as a warrior.

It's still, uh, a work in progress. "He stopped to eat a potato

"Oh yeah, I wanted to ask you something

Have you ever heard of a talking flower? "

"Talking flower, wouldn't it be flowey Frisk?" Asked Chara

* Yes * I replied to Sans

"So you know about her.

About the echoing flower

They are in every corner of the swamp

Say something to them, and they will repeat it again and again ...

What about them?

Well, Papyrus said something curious the other day.

Sometimes, when no one is around ...

A flower appears and whispers things to him.

Praise ...


Incentives ...

... predictions

Bizarre, right?

Someone must be using an echoing flower to play a trick on it.

Keep an eye, okay?


Puts, that was a long break.

I can't believe I let you take me out of my post for so long.

Oh, by the way ...

I'm broken.

Can you pay for me?

It's just 10,000 gold. "Sans

"This comedian is crazy, where would we get that much gold?" CHARA

* DO NOT EXCUSE SANS * I replied


Grillby, put it on my account "Sans said leaving

"By the way ... I was going to tell you something else I forgot" left the door.