pov frisk

we walked until we reached the store of an old turtle.

I bought two crab apples and a sea tea, then we continued walking and entered another maze and went to a temmie village and talked to the first one

"hoi !!

just temmie !!!

I am my friend ...

temmie !!! "we went to the next

"hoi !!

just temmie !!!

I am my friend ...

temmie !!! "another

"hoi !!

just temmie !!!

never forget the girl! "and another


I'm Bob. "This one was different and we kept talking to the other temmies. There was one that said humans were cute and another that was allergic to humans. an echoing flower in the end reaching out to her.

" behind you." the flower whispered when we turned Undyne appeared, she was approaching



seven human souls.

with the power of seven human souls our king ...

king Asgore Dreemurr ...

... will become a god.

with that power, Asgore will finally be able to destroy the barrier.

he will finally take the surface back from humanity ...

and will make them pay for all the pain and suffering they have caused us.


you understand, human?

this is your only chance for redemption.

give me your soul ...

or I'm going to rip it off her body. "with that said, she conjured a spear and started approaching, when a battle was about to start MK left the tall grass on her side

"Undyne !!!

I will help you fight !!! "he looked between me and her


You did it!!!

Undyne is right in front of you !!!

now you will see her box fight !!! "he looked again between the two

"... but.

who will she fight with ??? "Undyne put the spear away and pulled MK by the ear


you're not going to tell my parents, are you? "the two left, going back along the path now lit and walking through a room, I think it's the wishing room, I walk until I reach the end of a bridge and MK appears again


yo, i know i shouldn't be here, but ...

I want to ask you something.


man, I never had to ask anyone that before ...


yo ... you are a human, right?


guy! I knew it!

... I mean, I know now, but ...

Undyne said to me, uh, 'stay away from that human.'

so like one ...

I think that makes us enemy or something

but I'm bad for that kind of thing, haha

yo, say something mean so i can hate you?

please? "I decided not to say anything

"yo, what do you mean?

so do i have to talk?

here goes...

yo, i .... i hate your race!


man, i ... i'm an idiot.

I ... I'm going home now. "He started to leave and ended up slipping off the bridge

"yo, e-and-wait!


I stumbled! "when he finished speaking undyne came approaching when he was going to take a spear saw MK and was paralyzed I quickly went to help him, after putting him back on the bridge, undyne thawed and walked towards us, MK entered on her way

"y ... y ... yo ... man ...

if ... if you want to hurt my friend ...

you're going to have to pass me first! "Undyne walked away and left

" she's gone...

yo, you saved my scales.

I think that conversation about being enemies is kind of impossible, haha.

we're going to have to be friends instead.

... man, I should REALLY go home ...

my parents must be worried about me!

said, man! "MK walked away until I reached the entrance to a cave where Undyne was waiting at the top


seven human souls, and king asgore will become a god.


are how many we have collected so far.

he understands?

through its seventh and final soul, this world will be transformed.

first, though, as usual for those who get here far ...

I will tell you the tragic story of our people.

it all started a long time ago ...


no, you know what?

damn it!





you are on the path of everyone's dreams and hopes

alphys history books made me think that humans ...

... were so cool with their giant robots and flowery swordsmen.


you are just a coward!

hiding behind that child to escape me again!

and let's not forget that soft-hearted attitude!

uuuu! I'm making such a difference hugging people I don't even know!

you know what would be most valuable to everyone?


that's right, human!

its continued existence is a crime!

your life is all that remains between us and our freedom!

at that moment, I can feel everyone's heart beating together!

everyone has been waiting for this moment their entire lives! but we are not nervous at all.

when everyone joins their hearts, there is no way to lose!

now, human!

let's put an end to it, here, and now.

I will show you how certain monsters can be!

take a step forward when you're ready!

fuhuhuhu! "with that a savepoint appeared

(the wind is howling

you fill up if determination ...)