SKY 21: Katsudon

I'm not sure whether I can look inside, and I'm quite sure I can't, but something tells me I should twist the doorknob and peek inside.

'No, Hersheys,' I say. You are not permitted to enter his personal space. '

But there's this little demon in my ear whispering, 'You're curious, right?' So go ahead and open the door.'

So I entered his room after listening to that tiny devil's whisper. God, please forgive me for I have sinned.

His smell infiltrated my nose, making my cheeks flush, and his chamber reeked of his perfume. His room was nothing exceptional, yet it was nice and clean with a simple style. I knew Caylus was a neat person based on his appearance and the fact that I entered his condominium, but I didn't expect him to be this neat. There was not a single speck of dust, and nothing was unorganized.

I gently grabbed the picture frame from his nightstand and sat on his bed; it was a portrait of him and a girl, whom I thought to be his sister. They do have a striking resemblance, and if I hadn't known Caylus was older, I may have mistaken her for his twin. They were enjoying ice cream together and appeared to be in good spirits.

The photo appears to be quite old; perhaps it was taken three to four years ago? Caylus appears to be younger in the photo than he is now, but he is still as attractive as when I first saw him. 'Hersheys, stop being such a simp!' I slapped myself awake and put the picture frame back where it belonged.

His bed is very inviting, and if I give in to temptation, I feel like I may fall asleep at any time.

I'll just rest for a moment and then get out of his room.

For a little moment, yes.

It felt like I was on my bed, warm and comfy.


Caylus was seated on his solitary sofa with a book in his hands and an eyeglass when I opened my eyes.

Damn, he looks really hot with those on.

"Gorgeous your drooling," I snapped back to reality as he spotted me staring at him and immediately wiped my mouth, but he seemed to be making fun of me as he laughed out loud.

"I'm joking gorgeous"


"Anyway, lunch is ready gorgeous," Caylus said as he set down his book and moved over to me to assist me in getting out of bed. And, since we're on the subject of beds, oh sh*t.

"I'm very sorry for sneaking into your room and falling asleep on your bed; I swear I didn't touch anything; other than the picture frame on your bedside table and aside from that I didn't touch anything. I promise!"

"It's okay, gorgeous," Caylus caressed my head gently and smiled, "apart from that, you were sleep talking in your dreams, I had fun watching you sleep, you're quite cute when you're asleep gorgeous."


"If you keep chatting, the meal will grow cold, gorgeous," Caylus said as he took my hand and led me to the dining area. I could smell the freshly cooked katsudon even from this distance, and my stomach had to embarrass me in front of this man, "Your stomach tells me you're hungry."

I don't like to confess it, but smelling the kastsudon made me hungry, and I didn't want to be a b*tch who said something to cover up this humiliation when he cooked it for me and I would benefit from it.

"It smells extremely wonderful," I said as he brought me to my seat after preparing a lunch for two.

Caylus smirked at me while pouring me a drink, "Of course, since it's created with love," but Hersheys isn't Hersheys when she isn't clumsy. I really have to embarrass myself again in front of him.

I unintentionally knocked over the glass he was pouring into, spilling the drink all over me and the table; luckily, the glass didn't break, but it's still a mess. I'm sure his angr-

"Gorgeous you're all wet now," Caylus said as he took my hand and led me back to his room, handing me his extra clothing to change without allowing me to say anything. "I'm very sorry, Caylus; I should go clean up the mess I made."

"It's alright gorgeous"

"No, it's not like that; you've been so nice and welcoming to me, and I can't just let you go-"

"Gorgeous, hush now; no matter what I say, you'll still force yourself and feel awful about it, so go change now, and you can help me later when you're done."


"Gorgeous, do you want to clean while flaunting your hot body in front of me?"

What? What about my body? "

"I respect you gorgeous and I don't want to do anything you don't want me to do so I'm holding as much as I can but please don't torcher me like this," he said, as I looked down at my clothes and forgetting that I got wet from the drink as well, and now the underline of my underwear is visible, "I'll be at my wit's end gorgeous."

"O-kay, I'll get dressed then I'll help you out," I hurriedly entered his bathroom and locked the door as my knees felt like jelly, you're so embarrassing Hersheys. Oh, my God, I don't know how I'm going to face him now.

I hastily dressed in the clothes he given me and rushed outside to assist him, but he was almost finished cleaning up the mess, and it was just as I was going to assist him that his doorbell rang.

"Are you expecting someone?"

"Only you gorgeous but aside from that no one."

The doorbell rang again impatiently after another, "it seems important."

"Then can you get it for me gorgeous, please?"


I hurried to the door to greet the unexpected visitor, but it was someone I don't really wish to bump into.

"What are you doing here in Caylus' place?" she said, raising an eyebrow and inspecting me from head to toe, clearly annoyed by my sudden appearance. "And why are you dressed in his clothes?"

"Gorgeous who is it?"

"Caylus? Caylus, I brought lunch!" she exclaimed as she pushed past me and ushered herself in. I was taken aback by how she acted in front of me, but I shrugged it off because I don't have time to for her.

"I made you your favorite!" she exclaims as she walks into the dining room.

Caylus' favourite?

"I made you katsudon!"

So he prepared his favorite cuisine for me? I'm embarrassed that Caylus knows so much about me, but I have no idea what his favorite dish is.

"Oh you can cook now?" Elzay asked, looking at the table and seeing Caylus' katsudon.

"Well, I had to learn how to live on my own, so I learnt to cook," he says.

"Reminds me of when you were a kid and tried to cook for your parents' anniversary and nearly set the house on fire."

"Yeah, I have to admit that I was terrible at cooking back then, but I've come a long way since then," Caylus said as he scratched the back of his ear, avoiding my gaze. "That's why I made my favorite dish, the first dish I mastered, and this is the first time I've cooked for someone, so I made sure to cook it with all my heart."

His ears were turning red, and I only realized what was going on when he gave me a shy expression. Is this his first time preparing a meal for someone? And it's for me?

Ghad he is so cute, I struggled to hide the smile that was trying to leave my lips.

Elzay turned to face me and stared at me for a time before getting the utensils that Caylus had prepared and helping herself from my portion. As Elzay touched my plate, I could see Caylus' surprised expression, but Elzay didn't seem to mind and groaned as she ate the katsudon Caylus had prepared, "you're right Cay, it's amazing. You've really improved over the years!"

"Elzay that's for-"

"Oh that reminds Cay I'm also here to get the things I left last time."

"You left something? I don't recall you leaving anything the last time I cleaned."

"Silly I left it in your bedroom, actually in your bathroom."

"You did?" Caylus cocked an eyebrow, perplexed by what Elzay said.

"Yeah, remember my lipstick?" Elzay insisted that she had left her lipstick in Caylus' bathroom and urged Caylus to check for it there. So she stayed over last time? And she used his bathroom? Did something happen? I'm really confused now as to why Elzay would be staying at a man's house and maybe staying over.

Elzay's masked slid off as Caylus exited the dining area to look for the lipstick Elzay had requested. "I don't want you near my man," Elzay said.

"Since when has Caylus been your man?"

"Well, he'll be soon enough, because I liked him even before you entered the picture."

"Does Caylus, on the other hand, like you?"

"He genuinely cares for me."

"Perhaps he's just very kind, and you're confusing it for his affection for you?"

"No, he really does. He's only distanced himself because of you, but he'll come back to me eventually, and I'll embrace him with open arms, and you'll see that he cares and loves me."

I took a breath and looked her in the eyes.

"I'm in love with him."

"You're not meant to be, honey."

"Why? What will you do if I confess to him and we start dating?"

"Then I'll do whatever it takes to keep him on my side, even if it means playing dirty," Elzay said, her face darkening as her fist clenched.

"Bring it on, Elzay. I'm not handing Caylus to a woman like you."

"Hey Elzay, I looked for it but I really coul-"

I rushed to the living room and grabbed my things and hurriedly left his condominium but Caylus caught up, "Gorgous why are you leaving already? You haven't tried my katsudon?"

"Uhm, an emergency came and I had to go home now," I lied.

"Then hold on a second as I go get my ke-"

"No Caylus, you have a guest over and it's rude."

"But it's only Elzay."

"A guest is a guest Caylus, and I'll be fine. I'll text you when I get home safe."

"All great, but can you text me the license plate number of the cab you're in?"

"Yes sir!"

Caylus whispered, "Take care gorgeous," as he slowly let go of my hand.

I walked away and waited for the elevator door to open, but I suddenly have the urge to rush over to him and say, "Thank you for today, and I'm so sorry I couldn't stay over to taste your cooking; maybe next time?" I kissed him on the cheeks and rushed inside the elevator just in time for my daring move to sink in. Oh my god.

I pressed my lips together and gently touched them as I recalled the moment I unconsciously kissed him on his cheeks.

Caylus POV

I stroked my cheek to where Hersheys' had kissed me. I couldn't help but smile, and I couldn't stop myself from replaying it in my thoughts, "yes next time."

"Oh she left?" Elzay's voice came out the door and brought me back to reality.

Oh, I didn't realize she was still here.

"You didn't leave anything in my place, did you, Elzay?"

"Next time don't do it again, especially when Hersheys is around," I said as I walked by Elzay, who had shut her mouth because she had been caught in her little act.

"Why do you care so much about her?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"I love her, Elzay."