Chapter 2


The universe has a way of bringing you what you want ; not at the time you want it but at the right time when you need it the most. At a point in my life when I thought I couldn't fall in love , I fell hard and nothing could compare to being drawn to someone who just gets you in more ways than one. You just Click and snap out of pretend mode into authenticity mode. The real thing feels real and you don't have to fake what you feel or force anything... You just allow connections to strengthen and love to flow .

This by far has been the longest ten days of my life; and it's not because my father is deciding to call it a day and hand over the family business to me ,or the fact that my son is worried sick about me and doesn't want me to go to work. No ... This has to do with what happened two weeks back.

It was a normal Saturday and my son was with his grandfather for the weekend. Well he goes to him every weekend and It's going to be longer now because I will be busy with work.

I was at the Farmers Market when I saw her. She didn't notice me but I noticed her the minute she stepped out of the car with her friends. She had her hair up in a playful pony tail and she was in blue jeans, white canvas sneakers and a Juventus jersey. The team I support.

There was something about her that was different and unique; as in I've known her before but I couldn't shake the feeling I had in my heart when she locked eyes with me . I was overcome with calmness in a busy market. When I signed I love you. She signed back I love you too. My heart skipped a beat and fell. I was going to walk close to her but she was taken away from me by a guy who I suspected was her boyfriend.

After what happened with Giovanni's mother, I had come to the conclusion that love wasn't for me and that any chick I decide to date will help me pass time and have fun... until I saw Cleo. I recognized a girl who had seen me earlier in the week, for a party venue at the club I owned. She is Nicolai's girlfriend. She wanted a theme that was different and edgy . I would have said no but Nicolai said yes.

I own a club and the building connected to it. It was the only thing I had left after my ex did what she did and dropped us. I have full custody of my son and I'm piecing my life back together again, thanks to my father.

I am his only son and when I got married I wanted to give my wife everything , including my heart , which she ripped apart and obliterated to pieces. I ended up losing everything except for what my father didn't let me sign away, our family businesses. Even though we had our differences he always had my best interests at heart. When my ex was pregnant with my son, he flat out denied that he was a Massa. I didn't even bother to conduct a DNA test because at that time I thought that my wife would never cheat on me or sleep around even though I was busy , I made time for her and our boy. She still left me without a word. I later saw an article three months after our messy divorce that she was married again and was four months pregnant by a famous actor. She had also told a lie that the child was her first. She claimed I was abusive and she didn't love our son so leaving us both was the best decision she made.

After tracking her down, I made her sign papers that gave me full custody of my son , who didn't deserve to be left by his mother at the age of four. He is five years old now and continuously asks about his mother. He has a teddy bear named Cuddles. That sorry excuse of a woman gave it to him before she left without saying goodbye. I had to deal with a heart broken boy and it broke my heart to see my boy sad.

When I saw Cleo at the Farmers Market, I felt something different, when she was where she wasn't supposed to be in one of the tunnels of the club and I saw her via the security cam's, I thanked God for bringing her back to me.I had to "save her" or Nicolai would have held her against her will. First of all she heard something she shouldn't have and oh she had injured herself in the process. I know this sounds creepy but I wanted her so badly that evening; but truth be told as hot as I was for her I couldn't sweet talk her , have sex with her in one of the rooms and run out on her . I didn't want to ruin any of my chances with her. I honestly was trying to be a better man.

I allowed her into my Penthouse also known as home, let her take control when she kissed me and watched something with her. If I like you I will let it be known to you and when I saw her after the weekend at the office; she left without a word to me again at, I wanted to know why. However I had to wait three days to ask her. When I went to her department thinking she would be there she wasn't. When I was talking to Ruth she told me she just went out for lunch. I thought I wouldn't get to see her ,but it looked like my luck had changed when I saw my son asleep on her shoulder, when she walked in and pointed towards her office and I nodded my head. Listening to Ruth and not wanting to waste anymore time; I dismissed her ,Cleo's backup Blake, and told everyone else to go home. I also assured them that I would be spending more time in the department before I can make my decision. Truth be told I wanted to spend more time around Cleo. Ruth had nothing on her computer; which meant that Cleo was actually running things for her. I needed to hear her side of the story and ask her what happened to the rest of her. She was curvy just two weeks ago and now she almost looks like she lost weight. I could never forgive myself if I knew I was the cause of her not eating. I wanted to apologize to her too for swearing at her over the phone on Sunday morning and hopefully invite her to dinner. When the office had cleared; and I was the only one left, I made my way to Cleo's office. Knocking lightly and entering hoping to find Cleo I only found my son still sleeping with cuddles, he was slowly coming around and waking to the couch and kneeling next to him he opened his eyes and smiled.

"Hey champ. "


"Where did you find cuddles angel?"

"Cleo found him. Where is she, daddy where is Cleo?"

Panic started to set in Giovanni's eyes and I knew the look to well. He's eyes started to well up.

I gave him a hug trying to sooth him but he started crying harder. The same way he cried for his mother when she left us.

"What's wrong my boy?"

"Cleo, Cleo on the ground."

My son was pointing over my shoulder and when I turned around I saw Cleo lying motionless. My heart sank and I put Gio down on the couch and gave him a kiss on the forehead. Running to where Cleo was I tried to get her to wake up by shaking her gently but nothing worked.

"Bella wake up. I am sorry about Sunday. I didn't mean what I said." She wasn't responding and I hadn't noticed that she had a cut on the side of her forehead .

"Daddy nine one one ."

Taking out my phone I called someone who could help.

© #KCMmuoe