Chapter 5


I love running it clears my head and gets me into focus mode. There are times when you need to figure out if you are running away from something or to something. If I want to avoid conflict and I don't want to hurt anyone; I find excuses to run , if I believe what we have is worth fighting for and that you are worth the fight; leap, fall ,or jump... I will find every possible reason to stay.

I am able to exercise self control;given any situation I can way my options and react accordingly. I have never lost self control at work until Angelo happened.

Granted that I have a curiosity streak however my self control is always under siege when he is around.

Today he looked like he walked off a GQ best dressed shoot and came straight to the office. His voice sounded raspy and sexier than the night before, not to mention the kind of calm and surety he exuded when he turned my plans upsidedown , kissed me in the process, made me weak at the knees and dare I say my whole body was on fire including my heart .I have to admit it to myself before I tell him. I am falling head over heels in love for a guy who's out of my league . I have no business loving him but my heart won't let me stop catching feelings for him. I'm in denial and the safest option is to hold back. He has a an energy and vibe about him that is uniquely his .He's calm and intense and at the same time steadfast and mutable. I sensed his presence the same way I did when I saw him at the market...

Today was no different . He sort of snuck in by the door thought that I didn't notice , but I did and continued with my conversation with Brendan. He heard everything and besides I was leaving. Ruth Jenkins Locket wasn't going to be a problem anymore and I was going to travel... As soon as Angelo moved out of my way or better yet returned my keys and purse and let me walk out.

He was sitting in my chair and I was standing with my hands crossed all offended by his bold dare . Try not to kiss me. I mean really I slipped up once it will not happen again and I cannot handle a grapevine rumour . I'm not sleeping with him but I've canoodled with him twice ...

" Cleo what's it going to be?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and locked eyes with Angelo .

"Nothing ..."

I unfolded my arms and lifted my hands up in surrender and made my way to the door .

" Where are you going?"

Angelo sounded and looked panicked .

"I'm going to The Human Resources Department Mr Massa. When I return I will get my box, purse ,car keys and leave. "

I pressed the shutter screen button knowing that the office would have people and to my surprise everyone was in at eight forty five. I turned around and my breath hitched when I saw Jane , Brendan , Blake , Sue and the whole office . Brendan was holding a white and yellow bouquet of roses and he was smiling. I smiled back and waved.

Angelo spoke again this time with a calm and stern tone .

"I won't let you go . I will call legal. There has to be a way to keep you here . I need you working for me not some stranger . I'm not telling you again .If I haven't made myself clear and I've given you mixed signals I'm sorry. I can't stop how I feel about you. I don't like sharing what I want."

I turned around about to cry but I pinched the bridge and took a deep breath . I didn't want to look at Angelo , I was feeling all sorts of feelings and I just need to leave.

" Excuse me ."


"Then I'll excused myself . I am not some object or prize. I'm a human being ."

"I didn't mean it that way it came out wrongly."

" Then how else mid you mean what you said."

Angelo gave me a blank stare and said nothing.

I walked out to a surprise farewell party. I was given gifts and hugs but what broke my heart was Blake bursting in to tears and saying sorry. When I told him it was all okay and I gave him a list to do he sort of accepted his new role. When all was said and done I finally made it into somewhat safe arms . Jane had taken all my gifts and headed for my office and she had been in there for a while. I couldn't help but get worried .

Brendan had given me a hug and I ended up crying on his broad shoulder and he pulled me in for a hug.Thank goodness I didn't have any make up on .

" What's wrong Cleo. Didn't last night work?"

"It did bud. I just didn't expect all of this ."

I lifted my head to meet is brown dreamy eyes. Pointing to the party winding down because work was about to start . Brendan had gotten everyone cup cakes and coffee and got me flowers.

" What Ruth did was ruthless . She betrayed your trust , and bought you out."

"She hasn't yet and I might be saying goodbye to this department but not the company."

" What do you mean ?"

We stood by the window away from everyone but I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched.

" Even if Ruth fires me another department can pick me up and use my skills. The contract I signed has a clause that states that I can't leave unless the owner let's me go. He either has to find me a position similar to the one I had or upgrade the one I currently hold . Angelo isn't letting me go. He also found out I've been doing Ruth's work for her . "

Brendan put his hand gently on my cheek and gave me a lingering kiss on my forehead .

" Whatever happens I have your back angel . "

I leaned back stood on my tiptoes and gave him a peck on his cheek . He gave me a gentle bear hug.

I let go when I heard someone clearing their throat. I knew who it was and my heart sank.

"Thank you ... For everything ."

"My pleasure . I have to run. See you tonight for club night? "

" Yes . Where is Jane?"

" She sent me a text saying she had to run but we will be meeting up . See you later . Angelo."

Brendan shot him a stern look on his way out . He was a bit bigger than Angelo in terms of muscle and height but Angelo waved goodbye .

" Cleo my office now."

I turned to look at Angelo.

"MR Massa its my office . "

" Not anymore and I just talked to legal.

I have an important announcement to make concerning you. I've already ordered breakfast which was delivered to my office. "

"Wow you're feeding me ?"

"Yes. Last time you skipped a meal you scared me so please move it ."

" Oh yes Doctor Angelo. By the way my former boss didn't feed me. I now believe you're human."

"You bring out the human not beast in me. You've done that since day one."

I walked to the office with my flowers in hand, closed the door , and put my flowers in a vase . Angelo locked the door , activated the shutter switch and sat on the couch; when I sat down next to him he took my hand in his and looked at me with worried eyes .

" Cleo I'm sorry about earlier."

"Its okay."

"I can't express how I feel in words but I can show you...

Here is Toasted cheese and orange juice . I did what I could with what I had."

"You made it ?"

"Yes .Now eat."

I let go and took half the sandwich and he was looking at me eagerly ... Before I took a bite I looked at him.

"How do I know you didn't spike my sandwich hmm?"

Angelo rolled his eyes and broke half of the sandwich twisting the stringy cheese on his half and looked at me .He's eyes were calm and held affection .

" We can die together. "

"How poetic."

We both had the sandwich at the same time and after a couple of seconds Angelo half smiled


"Yummy. You're an amazing chef. I'm going to HR."

I stood up and Angelo stood up with me.

"You're not an object. However you're the object of my affection. I've fallen for you and I don't know how to love without possessing or being possessive."

"You do Angelo. You do it with Gio .I'm not going to pay for your ex wife's mistakes. I'm not her. I am my own person and I deserve to be wanted and loved. Do I think we have a connection ? Yes. I just can't help but feel that if I jump off the edge I will be compared to your ex. "

" You haven't given me a chance yet. I'm not Duncan. "

I face palmed myself and shook my head .

"You went digging in my past? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You brought up Nina. You're not her .You're not paying for her mistakes."

"What do you call the dinner that never happened last night ?"

"I'm sorry. I will make it up to you . How about we go out for lunch with my son. He won't talk to me ."

" Whose fault is it ? "

" Mine . "

Angelo lifted my face up and kissed me again and I pulled pack .

"I will go out to lunch with Gio and you and that's it."

"No .You'll be working with me from today. I've made a decision."

" No there are many girls who tick all the boxes."

" You tick all of them and you also come with a gift that keeps on giving."

" Angelo why did you hire me as your PA ?"

" Why are you so psychic? "

I felt light headed and started breathing rapidly. The room started spinning and everything went black.