Chapter 43

Chapter 43


The Massa's are a very well connected family on the ground, and most recently I found out underground too. The shooting incident was Cleared up within an an hour . When Nicolai pulled me away from everything; he made sure I wasn't alone and that I was with him at all times. Angelo was air lifted to the hospital and Duncan was knocked out cold and taken away. I constantly worry and whether or not I hide it well, is another story. When Rosa joined me and Nicolai in the car she gave me a hug and a shoulder to cry on. The roads weren't that busy which made the drive to the hospital quicker.

The ride was quiet, until we made it to the parking lot of the hospital. As soon as Nicolai stepped out the care , I was left alone with a very calm but worried Rosa.

"Cleo are you okay?"

I shook my head and cried again.

"I'm sorry. This is all my fault."

" no it's not my angel don't blame yourself."