Chapter 47
Everybody keeps on telling me how fortunate I am to have Cleo in my life. My father , three of my best friends and oh my girlfriend's new
frielnd Clara Perelli. Brent is the lucky one. I can see why Carlo wastorn up when he broke up with Clara. I always pretend to be
independent emotionally and otherwise. I have never shared what's
mine until Cleo.
She taught me a lot of stuff. I normally would keep quiet and keep
anything that's bothering me inside; but she saw right through me and
got me to talk about what the matter was . With no fail I would always
open up but I screwed up badly
When I ran upstairs I thought I was alone and all I could do was break
apart, cry my eyes out , pray to God to give me the strength I need
stitch myself back together again with his help. When I looked up I
saw Clara Perelli; she somehow reminded me of my wife... girlfriend.