Chapter 49

Chapter 49



The past couple of months have been the hardest. I've tried to sleep,

but everything that happened; the week I did the unthinkable keeps

coming back to haunt me, and to make matters worse I miss Cleo and

she still doesn't want to see me . The week she gave birth our babies

were put in NICU I had to wait a while before I could see them but

I eventually got to see them . Our babies are Pisces twins born on the

16TH of March. Pio looked like Cleo and Pia looked like me. both

babies had the upper lip beauty spot; which surprisingly Cleo and

I had too . We still don't know what happened to Rachel but both my

parents moved to the lake house , leaving me with Giovanni who misses

Cleo more than I do but he still manages to call her using my phone

and they talk for hours but he gets to have weekly dinners with her

too and I'm not invited . Nicolai drives him. Paul and I are in

talking terms and we both