Chapter 2: Bittersweet Regrets

Chapter 2: Bittersweet Regrets


I never expected to see her again. Especially in such dire circumstances. Striding up the stairs, I lead Maleah to my bedroom and open the door. She looks so beautiful and sad that I have to tuck my hands into my pockets to keep from touching her. The woman has always been a temptation, and it’s even more blatant when she’s dressed like every man’s wet dream. I can’t take my eyes off her long legs, cut-off jeans, and a flimsy top that outlines her firm breasts.

I watch intently as she sets down her bag on the bed and sits at the edge. I might as well not exist by the way she’s ignoring my presence. Entranced, I watch as she slides her fingers through her lush hair. Her eyes are at half-mast as she checks the bandage on her knee.

Scotty’s warm greeting surprised me. I didn’t think he knew her. And when he brought up Hunter, my heart stuttered. It was only when I saw the pained expression on Maleah’s face that snapped back to reality. Clearing my throat, I gesture to the en-suite bathroom and armoire. “There are fresh towels and toiletries in the cabinet. You can also find comfortable t-shirts inside the dresser. Take whatever you need.”

Maleah’s caramel-colored eyes gaze into mine timidly before she nods. I don’t know why I ask. I know that it’s not the right time, but the words are out of my mouth before I can stop them. “Did you ever tell Hunter about us?”

It’s as if all of the air leaves the room. Maleah’s eyes harden at my words, and her lips tighten with rage. I remember she was always easy to rile, which to another man would have been threatening, but I found it very sexy. Maleah’s a very passionate woman, and it shows in her every action. Maintaining my ground, I watch expectantly as she straightens her spine and approaches me. “And what should I have told him? Hey, Hunter, you know your boss, Jaxon Maxwell? Well, nearly a year before we met, he and I had a whirlwind relationship until one morning he up and disappeared, leaving me heartbroken. Was that what I was supposed to tell him? Or maybe I should have told him about how we fucked in every corner of your hotel room?”

My heart aches at her words. She doesn’t deserve this. Not when I’m the one at fault. “I’m sorry,” I mutter repentantly.

I don’t know how to explain to her what occurred the day I walked out the door. It’s too late to apologize, but that’s all I have to give. Maleah’s lips tighten into a tight line as she crosses her arms in front of her chest and gives me a heated glare. “You’re sorry?” She utters incredulously. “Are you telling me that after two years, all you can say is sorry?”

Lifting her palm up in surrender, she shakes her head and scoffs. “You know what? It doesn't matter. This…” She waves her hands between our chests. “This is ancient history. We’re ancient history. And even though you shattered me, I was able to pick up the pieces and move on thanks to Hunter. I fell in love with him, and he loved me.”

My body flinches at her impassioned words as jealousy threatens to overwhelm me. I’ll never forget the day Maleah and Hunter walked into my office to sign their relationship disclosure. I was stunned. Weeks before, Hunter had called me asking for a contract because he had fallen in love. Not giving it a thought, I had Scotty draw up the contract. I never even looked at the name because Scotty would have told me if there were any red flags. I was genuinely happy for Hunter until I saw who the woman in question was. And I’m sure Maleah was as stunned to see me as I was to see her.

Up to that day, I had hoped that I would see her again. And even though I did, the little part of my heart that yearned for us to be together again died that day. And it’s all my fault. I couldn’t fault Hunter for taking what I wanted most. Because he was definitely the better man.

But the rational part of my mind is not reasonable at this point. All it wants to do is lash out over the unfairness of it all. “Did you love Hunter? Or was it that you were settling?” I gruff out angrily.

Maleah’s face twists into an incredulous frown. “What the hell do you mean by that? Hunter was the man I loved. He was kind, sweet, and giving. And he loved me with all of his heart.”

My lip curls with derision at her impassioned words. “I have no doubt that Hunter loved you, but did you love him? Because I’m standing here listening to you tell me how much Hunter loved you and how great he was, but it all seems so superficial considering a year before that you told me you loved me.”

I want to take the words back the instant they leave my lips. It’s unfair to hurt her because I’m hurt. Maleah stumbles back on her feet as if I slapped her in the face. Her eyes blurring, and her lips trembling. “Why would you say that to me, Jaxon?”

Guilt-ridden, I close the gap between us and reach for her hand. Maleah slaps my hand away and slams her palm against my chest with an impassioned cry. “I loved you, Jaxon. And until the day you left, I thought you…I thought you felt the same way. You blindsided me, and now you want to diminish my feelings for Hunter. What have I ever done to make you hurt me this way?” She cries mournfully.

Unable to take another moment of her tears, I pull her into my embrace. She stands stiffly in the circle of my arms, but she doesn’t resist. Pulling her closer, I inhale the sweet scent of her silken hair. Oh, how I’ve missed this. It’s like coming home. “I’m sorry, Maleah. I’m the one that’s wrong. You’ve never been anything but perfect, and Hunter was a fortunate man to have you. It was my loss.” Maleah clings to my shoulders weakly before she pulls away. “I can’t do this with you, Jaxon. I can’t go through this again. Right now, all I can deal with is what happened earlier.”

My throat tightens at her dejected tone. Coursing my fingers through her hair, I lift her face to mine and lean my forehead against hers. It’s time to be honest. Even if she still hates me after this, at least I can finally put all of my demons to rest. “Maleah, I─”

“Jaxon!” Scotty’s voice echoes from the other side of the door. Maleah and I jump apart and turn to face the door as soon as Scotty strides in.

His eyes narrow in question, but before he can ask, I interrupt. “What is it, Scotty?”

He gives us both a furtive look before he hands me his tablet. “I found the information ye wanted, and it’s not good. The man that Maleah saw murdered was Emmanuel Martez, son of─”

“The goddamn mafia boss, Rolando Martez. Fuck! Are you sure?” I ask as alarm reverberates through my body.

Scotty nods. “There’s no doubt about it, lad. The police fished him out of the ocean and identified him earlier.”

Maleah and I lean close as Scotty presents us with the information he found. “Yeah, that’s the man. And the man next to him is the one that killed him.”

Scotty’s eyes grow gimmer. “Unfortunately, if that’s the case, this tale has gotten a wee bit worse.”

“What do you mean worse?” Maleah asks with a hint of panic in her tone.

Scotty’s lips tighten. “This man…” He points to the picture. “The man you are saying killed Emmanuel Martez is none other than Rolando Martez’s right-hand man, Victor Alonzo. Over the past year, Martez has been warring with Miami’s crime boss, Carlos Lara. Alonzo is more than likely banking on Rolando, blaming Carlos for his son’s death and seeking retribution. This would be an all-out war between the two. I ken that Victor is hoping they’ll kill each other and be done with it. It’s a good plan if ye think about it. While Carlos and Rolando are at war, Victor can step in and take over.”

Maleah frowns. “Okay, so what does that mean?”

Scotty and I gaze at each other, thinking through our response. Scotty clears his throat and shuffles uncomfortably in place. “Why don’t ye tell her, laddie.” He mutters nervously.

The damn coward is bowing out.

Giving him my best glare, I rub my finger against my bottom lip and reply. “What this means is that you’ve accidentally stepped into the middle of a coup involving three very powerful and very dangerous men.”

Sliding my fingers through my hair, I take a deep breath and consider our next steps. “We need to get you back to New York,” I mutter distractedly.

Maleah nods in relief, but Scotty is not so optimistic. “We can’t risk sending her back. Victor, Carlos, and Rolando are all looking for her now. Each man wants an answer, and none of them will be too kind in askin’ if ye ken my meaning. All roads, trains, buses, and plains are being closely monitored. The moment Maleah shows up, they will take her.”

My heart shatters at the thought of Maleah being hurt by these men. “Okay then, I’ll have to talk to Carlos Lara and see if he is willing to help us get Victor. Do we have any men on our payroll that work there? Or know anyone in the Lara family?”

Scotty shakes his head. “Unfortunately, no. The last man we sent was found dead several years ago.”

Maleah’s face pales with every word. Taking a step back, she crosses her arms in front of her chest and lets out a disheartened sigh. “What am I going to do?”

Reaching forward, I place both hands on her forearms and look into her misty eyes. “We’re going to protect you, Maleah. We just need─”

The lights in the house begin to blink on and off at that moment, followed by the vibrating sound of my alarm. Scotty and I snap to attention and move towards the security monitor mounted on my bedroom wall. The security cameras instantly identify several shadows moving along my driveway. The sensors picked up their movement as soon as they stepped through my gates. “Someone has breached the perimeter of the house.”

I enhance the picture and see several men carrying guns as they move closer to the house. “How is that possible? No one followed us.”

Turning around, we both look at a panicked Maleah. Then a thought strikes me. “Where’s your phone, Maleah?” Maleah reaches for her phone and hands it to me. The screen is cracked, and the case is ripped. “It’s broken. I tried to turn it on, but it doesn’t work.”

Scotty and I look at each other. Swearing under my breath, I turn the phone over in my hand.

“It’s fine, Connor and I disconnected the GPS earlier. It has to be something else,” Scotty mutters, confused.

Searching through her purse, I take out a few things until I find her room card. Scotty’s face flushes to match his fiery beard. “Blast, noo jist haud on! I’m off my head to have forgotten that. I shoulda known they’d have traced ye through the card’s chip.”

Maleah pats his broad shoulder with a sympathetic shake. “It’s okay, Scotty. I should have left the damn card behind. I’m so stupid, and now we’re in trouble.”

Taking command, I grip Maleah’s hand and nudge my chin for Scotty to follow. “There’s no use in beating ourselves up over this. Let’s go.” Maleah follows behind me, her face pale and forlorn. Once we reach the kitchen, I gesture to the pantry. “They'll be inside the house within minutes. Take Maleah to the underground hatch and load the Rover up with weapons.”

Scotty nods his head and takes Maleah by the hand, but she won’t go. “No, we can’t leave you.” She frantically cries out. Scotty’s eyes narrow further as he pulls her to the door.

“It’s fine, Maleah, I’ll be right behind you,” I call out with a reassuring tone. Maleah deflates, her eyes going dim as she reluctantly lets Scotty usher her away. I can tell by the expression on her face that she doesn’t believe me. Unfortunately, her mistrust is my fault, considering the last time I said I’d be back, I disappeared.

Turning back to the living room, I amp up my security, reach for my gun, and wait for the men to arrive. There are traps spread throughout the grounds and inside of the house set to disable any intruders. Nothing dangerous, but very inconvenient to those who try. For example, the windows, when shattered, will activate a glue-like substance that will expand and trap an intruder inside of it. The more they move, the harder it holds them. Of course, I have fail-safes for all of the traps, but they don’t know that. For now, I’m just giving Scotty and Maleah time to make it to the hatch.

A smile curves my lips when I hear a pained cry escape one of the men, followed by a few cuss words. The front door bursts open a moment later, followed by more screams. Two men writhe on the ground, moaning in pain, but one manages to make it in. The smell of tear gas permeates the air, but it’s too weak to affect me. A man rushes through the door, weapon ready, and falls lifelessly onto the floor when I shoot him in the chest. Another one follows him in, ducks away, then rushes toward me. But before he can reach me, I run to the wall, use the momentum, flip-up and kick him in the head. The man falls to the floor, lifeless. A shot rings out near my ear, followed by another. Two men approach on either side of me, ready to attack. Aiming my gun, I shoot one in the leg and kick the other one in the chest. The man points his weapon again, but I take the gun’s muzzle and aim it at his partner. The other man flies back from the impact of the bullet and slides to the ground. Ripping the gun from the man’s hand, I butt him in the head with the gun and shoot him in the chest.

Another cry resounds from the top of the stairs, warning me that the place is about to be overrun. Turning back to the kitchen, I place my hand on a hidden dial pad and open the door to the cellar. This is not an ordinary cellar, though. This is an underground garage that I had built years ago in case I was ever attacked. The bunker is built to withstand a bomb and has an underground parking terminal that leads to an exit on the other side of the mountain. The floors gleam with a metallic sheen, and the overhead halogen lights are bright. Weapons are adorning all of the walls, and several vehicles are stationed inside.

Once I’m inside the bunker, I lock the door and set a timer. I’ve placed explosives around the property to set off in five minutes. As soon as it goes off, the entire house and the grounds will be destroyed, but the garage will remain intact. Maleah’s frantic shout reaches my ears. “I’m not going anywhere, Scotty! We can’t leave Jaxon!”

Scotty groans with frustration and tries to push her into the back seat of my Land Rover, but she’s persistent. “There’s nothing we can do, lass, we’d only be in the way!”

Maleah struggles against his hold, pushing at the car’s door with all of her strength. It would be almost comedic if the situation weren't so dire. Striding forward, I lift Maleah into my arms and toss her into the seat. “We have to go─ now!” I yell out. Maleah blows a strand of hair from her face and scowls. Before she can chew me out, I close the door, grab my Ruger rifle, and slip into the front passenger seat. “Drive, Scotty!”

Not needing any more encouragement, Scotty starts the ignition and pushes down on the gas. The Land Rover takes off instantly. It takes us a minute to exit the garage and another moment for the house to go up in flames.

A gasp escapes Maleah’s lips as she glances behind her and sees the destruction. “Oh my god, your house!”

I shrug a shoulder in reply as I gaze around the darkened road vigilantly. “It’s fine. I have other houses. And the garage is protected, so not everything is lost.”

A shot rings out in the distance dinging against the car’s hood, followed by another. Maleah cries out, but I don’t have time to mollify her. Loading my rifle, I open the window and aim towards the vehicle shooting at us. Several shots wheeze by, but I manage to duck them and fire my own. The rattle of bullets hits the bulletproof veneer of the car and bounce off like rubber balls. Aiming my rifle, I focus on the vehicle’s light and shoot the tires. The car sputters and swerves as the tires flattened.

The sound of screeching tires and metal follows as the car turns over and veers off the road. Sliding back into the safety of the Rover, I check my ammo. That’s when I hear the desperate mewl coming from the back seat. Scotty looks back with concern as Maleah holds her palms against her ears, rocks back and forth, and lets out pitiful cries. She looks like she’s in a trance. Her face is as white as a sheet, and her eyes are as wide as saucers.

“Maleah,” I mutter softly, but she’s unresponsive.

“What’s wrong with her?” I ask a wide-eyed Scotty.

“Ah, dinna ken. She just began wailing like a banshee when the shots began. I think her head's minced.”

Swallowing hard, I gaze back in horror when the realization sets in. “Fuck! She and Hunter were on their way home when Casper and Smiley shot up the car. She saw Hunter die. I remember reading it in the report.”

Scotty’s face pales further. “Ach, the poor lass.”

Settling my gun down, I jump into the back seat and pull a whimpering Maleah into my arms. Her body is trembling, her lips are chattering, and she’s panting. Pulling her close, I rub my hands up and down her body.

She’s as cold as ice, definitely in shock. “Maleah, listen to me,” I whisper firmly as I place my hands on her cold neck. Her eyes are glazed as she looks through me.

“It’s okay, Maleah, the Rover is bulletproof. No one is going to hurt you here. They’re gone.”

Her eyes clear as my voice comes into focus. “Hunter.” She whimpers out as tears rain down her face. “He’s dead. Hunter’s dead. Those men shot him.” She hiccups out. “There was so much blood.”

Holding her close, I grit my teeth and listen as the woman I love mourns her dead lover.

Her body heaves as the tears expel from her body, and her arms cling to my shoulders tightly. “It’s okay, Mal. I’m here.”

There have only been a few times in my life where I’ve felt this helpless, and most of those times have come about because of this woman.

Leaning forward, I place a kiss on the top of her head and make soothing sounds.

“Jaxon.” She mutters brokenly. “I can’t watch you die too. I can’t.”

My body stiffens at her distraught confession. I’m sure she hasn’t realized what she’s saying. But at the sound of her soft plea, a kernel of hope flares to life inside of my chest.

Scotty’s voice interrupts the stillness of the night, reminding me that we’re not alone. “Where do we go, Jaxon?”

My eyes meet Scotty’s suspicious ones from across the rearview mirror. “Head to my condo in West Palm. We should be safe there. Like the house, it’s listed under a forged name.”

Scotty nods his head and focuses back on the road. It takes a little over half an hour to arrive at my condo. Scotty stations the Rover inside the private parking and makes his way to the elevator’s door.

Tears spent, Maleah falls asleep in my arms. It was discomforting to see her so wretched.

It was almost as if she purged herself of all her sadness. Sliding out of the vehicle, I carry her to the elevator. Scotty remains stoic, but I can tell that he has something he wants to say.

The elevator dings once it hits the penthouse suite, and the door opens, revealing a large apartment with gray wooden floors, large windows, and leather couches. Scotty moves down the hallway until he reaches my bedroom and opens the door. Maleah clings loosely to my neck as I step into the room and lay her on my bed. The plush mattress envelops her body as she rolls up into a fetal position and continues to sleep.

She was always a heavy sleeper. Sliding the covers over her shoulders, I give her tear-stained cheeks one last look before I turn around and walk out of the door.

“What’s going on between ye two?” Scotty asks.

Before I can answer, he stands in front of me and gives me a penetrating glare. “I need ye to be honest with me, lad. Where ya and the lass messing around while she was with Hunter?”

I shake my head at his question. “No, Scotty, Maleah never cheated on Hunter with me.”

His brow quirks with disbelief. “Pardon me if I don’t believe ye, lad. Ye two seem to know each other as more than passing acquaintances. I know yer an honorable man, but she’s also a verra bonny lass.”

My nostrils flare, and my jaw ticks with anger. I know that Scotty is just reacting to what he’s seeing. But I don’t like my honor being called into question. And it bothers me that he’d think that way about Maleah. “The truth is, I knew Maleah before she met Hunter─ intimately.” Scotty’s eyebrows rise past his hairline. “Are ye jesting, lad? How is that possible.”

Looking back at Maleah’s still form, I close the door behind us and lead Scotty back to the living room. “Do you remember when I decided to have an extended stay in Vegas two years ago?”

Scotty nods. “How ken ah forget lad. Ye was gone for three months, then ye come back and get yerself shot.”

I nod my head and clench my teeth at the reminder. “Yeah, well, that’s where I met Maleah.”

Scotty paces in place with a stunned expression. “No jist haud on! Did Hunter know?”

I shake my head. “No, she never told him, and neither did I.”

Scotty scratches at his bushy beard in confusion. “I donna understand, lad. Why are ye not together then? It’s obvious that ye both still have feelings for each other?”

My lips tighten with grief as I recall the day I left Maleah. “It wasn’t supposed to happen that way, Scotty. I had it all planned out. I was going to fly to Los Angeles, hand in my resignation, and go back to her.” Scotty’s mouth falls open. “What? Ye was going to resign?”

I nod my head. “Yeah, I was. I was going to give it all up for her. But before I could─”

“Ye were shot.” Scotty finishes for me.

I shrug my shoulders, feigning a casualness that I don’t feel. “And that was the end of us. Anyway, there’s no point in thinking about this anymore. What’s done is done.”

Scotty furrows his brow in disbelief. “What do ye mean, lad? It’s no too late.”

“It’s impossible. And let’s not forget that Maleah moved onto someone else.” I emphasize grimly.

But Scotty is not one to be shut down easily. “Of course it’s possible, lad. If Hunter was still in the picture, I might have disagreed, but he’s gone. Don’t get me wrong, I liked the lad, but he’s dead, and yer not. Perhaps fate has something in store for ye. The lass seems to still carry some affection for ye. Perhaps ye should try.”

My mind whirls at his words. However, doubt still crosses my mind. “Even if Hunter is out of the picture, I don’t think Maleah would want me back after all of this time.”

Scotty places his palms on my shoulders with a commanding shake. “Listen to me. Yer, a braw lad who kills people for a living. Don’t tell me that yer scared of expressing yer feelings for a wee lass. Yer head is full of mince if ye don’t try.”

Exhaling deeply, I remove my suit jacket and roll up my sleeves. Scotty follows me with an intent stare. He can be stubborn when he gets an idea in his head. Quirking a brow, I gesture for him to take a seat on the black leather couch while I try to decipher his words.

“You know, half the time I don’t know what you’re saying, right?” Scotty chuckles in reply. “Aw laddie, ye know what I mean. What is that saying ye yanks like ta use? Grow a pair! The lass is available. Whit’s fur ye’ll no go past ye. Ye know what that means?”

I shake my head. “Not a clue.”

Scotty takes a seat and claps his hands with a knowing smile. “It means that whatever is meant to happen to you will happen to you. Whatever will be, will be. Wouldn’t ye rather know than live a half-life wondering if it would have made a difference?”

His words give me pause. I don’t know what to think about all this. “I know you’re right, Scotty. And I do still care about her. Hell, I still have a picture of us in my bedside drawer. I guess I worry that she might not believe me. And with all that has happened over the past couple of hours, all I can focus on is getting her out of danger.”

Scotty nods. “Yer right. We need to get the lass out of danger before you can set things right. What should we do.”

I run through possible scenarios until a specific memory niggles in the back of my mind. “I just thought of something. Didn’t Priest work with someone in New York after his wife, Sage, was nearly kidnapped?” Scotty’s brow furrows as he searches his mind. “Ye, he did. He was the one that killed Armando Rubio.”

Reaching for my phone, I dial Priest’s number. “I’m going to call Priest to see if he can put me in contact with his connection. Perhaps his man can help us.”

Scotty nods. “While ye do that, I will see what else I can dig up on Victor and the others.”

I nod in agreement and observe as he rises from the seat and searches for his laptop. I just hope that Priest can help me find a way to protect Maleah.

Priest answers on the first ring. “Jaxon?” His voice reverberates across the receiver.

Priest has been an Assassin with the Confradia for over ten years. We don’t really have a friendship because I’ve been the East Coast’s Director for nearly that long, but we do have a working relationship based on respect. “I’m sorry to be bothering you, Priest. I’m not sure if Savage has apprised you of what recently occurred.”

Priest responds. “Micah called me earlier and told me what happened to Maleah. Is she alright?”

I take a deep breath before I reply. “She’s fine, but the situation is not looking good.”

His voice has an edge to it when he replies. “What do you mean?”

I impart him of everything that has occurred that evening. “If I can find a way to meet with Carlos Lara, I can clear Maleah and find a way to pin Victor. That’s why I need to talk to the contact that helped you kill Rubio Jr. Can you get in contact with him?”

Priest sighs. “Of course, Jaxon. Maleah is Sage’s best friend. She would kill me if anything happened to Maleah, and I didn’t do anything to help. My contact was Dominic Servin. Dominic’s the boss of his own outfit up here. I wouldn’t say he’s a good man, but he has his own moral code, and lines that he won’t cross. He’ll definitely stand against anyone that will hurt a woman or child. Tell you what, I’ll give him a call, set something up, and call you back within the hour.”

I disconnect that call with a renewed sense of relief. Resting back on the couch, I rub my palms across my face feeling exhaustion overwhelm me. I know I should get some sleep, but there’s too much to do. My mind wanders back to how distraught Maleah was earlier. She’ll always be a beautiful woman to me, but now I can see the shadows beneath her eyes and the wary expression that wasn’t there the first time we met. She was always so lively and direct. And now she seems more closed off and distrustful. I can’t blame her, though. I’m sure I have a lot to do with how guarded she is now. If only I hadn’t left that day. Things would have been so different. My throat constricts with emotions as I recall that day.

“Do you have to go?” Maleah asks as she clings to me and gently nips my bottom lip. Pulling her barely covered body close to mine, I caress her backbone over her silken robe and kiss her chin. “I just have to go and take care of some last-minute business. I’ll be back before you know it.” Maleah sighs in resignation and kisses me harder. I don’t know how long we kiss. Wrapping my fist around the thick rope of her hair, I tilt her head and suck her tongue. Maleah’s body instantly melts against mine. She fits into my embrace perfectly─ like she was meant to be there. I’ve only known this woman for nearly three months, and I’m completely lost to her. I’ve never felt this way about anyone. It’s as if fate has gifted me with my key to happiness, and I intend to keep her.

Releasing her from my hold, I take her hand in mine and stride towards the door. “I’ll be back this evening. In the meantime, why don’t you have some breakfast, get a massage, and do all of those things girls do when they're on vacation.”

She holds my hand tightly, a pout adorning her luscious lips. “I love you.” She mutters sincerely.

My stomach flips at her confession. Moving close, I place her hand on my chest and whisper against her lips. “You feel this heart?”

Mal bites her bottom lip and entwines her fingers with mine.

Laying another gentle kiss on her temple, I rub her hand up and down my beating heart and whisper. “This beats for you.”

Her eyes light up at my words.

Before she can reply, I untangle our hands and step out of the door. I knew that if I stayed another moment, I would never leave.

As soon as my plane landed, I stopped at a nearby Jewelry store and picked up the engagement ring I had special ordered for Maleah. A good friend recommended the shop, and it didn’t disappoint. The ring is a cushion-cut stone encircled by a halo of pink and white diamonds. I had them engrave it with the words, “My heart beats for you.” The shop’s owner assured me that Maleah would love it. I was on top of the world when I walked into the, what I assumed, a secured Confradia office.

As someone who had never truly loved a woman in his life, I knew that Maleah was the one. I felt it to the very marrow of my soul, and I was ready to start a life with her.

I could never predict what would happen next. I was walking toward Logan’s office when a loud zing followed by a burning pain in my back stopped me. My vision wavered, and my chest burned. Horrified, I glanced down and saw blood spreading across my chest before I began to choke on my own blood. I remember Logan running out of his office, his face paling as he was shot in the arm. The last thing I saw before I passed out was Logan killing the gunman.

My vision blurs, and my head pounds painfully. Opening my eyes, I blink and try to gain some focus. Shadows dance before my eyes until my vision finally adjusts to the dim lighting. The first thing I see is the sterile white walls of the hospital room and the machine attached to my arm. Swallowing hard, I struggle to breathe, but there’s a tube of some kind inside my mouth and something wrapped around my chest. My breathing quickens, followed by my horror when I realize that I can’t move.

I’m about to freak out when a familiar voice snaps me out of my panic. “It’s okay, Jax. I called the nurse. Just take a breath.”

Glancing up, I meet Logan’s concerned eyes. I want to talk, but the obstruction in my throat won’t let me. After a moment, a large woman in hospital scrubs walks into the room and gives me a big smile.

“Hey, there handsome. It’s good to see that you’re finally awake. Just hold on a moment, and I'll have you out of this in no time.”

I watch as the woman removes a few pieces of tape and begins to unstrap the contraption. “Okay, honey, take a deep breath. This might be uncomfortable, but you’ll be fine as soon as it’s out.”

As soon as the nurse is done, she gives me the once-over, winks, and mutters. “All clear. I’ll let the doctor know you’re up and ready to chat.”

My throat burns painfully, so I simply nod in reply, which doesn’t seem to bother the nurse. Once she’s gone, I turn to Logan. He must see the question in my eyes because he takes a deep breath and asks. “You probably want to know what happened, huh?”

I nod my head.

For a moment, I don’t think he’s going to respond, then he takes another breath and explains. “Well, from what we were able to gather, Kazik sent in one of his men to kill us. He shot me in the shoulder, but it was just a graze. Unfortunately, the bastard killed my assistant Sam, and my Assassin, Drex. Obviously, it was an ambush because he did some damage.”

I swallow hard, trying to lubricate my throat before I croak out. “What happened to me? How long have I been here?”

Logan’s lips tighten at my question. “It’s been three weeks, Jax. I’m so sorry.” Just then, the door to my room opens. A man in a lab coat walks in, followed by the nurse. The doctor gives me an even smile and moves closer to my bed. “Mr. Maxwell. I’m Dr. Sheridan, it’s good to see that you’re awake.” I nod my head in reply and try to extend my hand in greeting, but nothing happens. Fear overwhelms me at that moment.

“I can’t move.” I rasp out evenly. Dr. Sheridan eyes Logan before he turns back to me. “Here’s the deal, Mr. Maxwell. The bullet hit your spine, one of your lungs collapsed, and one of your kidneys was damaged. Unfortunately, the injury to your spine was extensive. There’s a lot of swelling in your neck and spine. With all of the trauma that your body has experienced, we believe that there might be some permanent paralysis. We won’t know the extent of the damage until all of the swelling goes down. Right now, we believe that you’re paralyzed from your neck down. We’ve run tests, and there’s no musculatory response on your arms or legs.”

As if a bomb has been set off in my body, I close my eyes and stifle a cry. Swallowing down my pain, I take a few deep breaths and manage to warble out. “Will I ever be able to move again, Dr. Sheridan?” His mouth puckers in response. I can tell that he’s trying to be kind, and it’s pissing me off.

“Just tell me!” I hiss out brokenly.

Logan settles his hand on my head and gives me a patient pat. “Settle down, Jax. Let the doctor talk.”

Dr. Sheridan takes an even breath, then replies. “I’m going to be honest with you, Mr. Maxwell. There’s a surgical procedure we can do. Due to all of the damage you’ve sustained and your fresh wounds, the procedure will be a lot more complicated. The chances that all of the nerves will be repaired and that you may be able to walk are minimal. However, right now, you have nothing else to lose.”

He waves a hand towards the awaiting nurse, then turns back to us. “Amanda here is going to give you a rundown of what this surgery entails. Take your time and think it through before you decide. As soon as you’ve made a decision, let her know, and I’ll come back to answer any questions you may have.”

Unable to answer due to my emotional state, I close my eyes and let Logan respond. “Thank you, Dr. Sheridan. We’ll let you know when a decision has been made.”

The doctor makes a non-committal sound and walks back out the door while the nurse begins her explanation of the procedure. Unfortunately, I’m too distraught to listen. All I can do is sit there and fight the agony warring inside of me.

Once she’s gone, Logan leans close and mutters in a firm tone. “You are going to fucking get through this, Jax. You’re fucking Jaxon “Ares” Maxwell. This is not going to beat you. Do you hear me?”

I open my eyes and look into my friend’s onyx colored eyes. “What if it doesn’t work, Logan?”

Logan narrows his eyes. “It will, man. Don’t give up.”

My thoughts are running a mile a minute at this point. Then I recall what Logan said earlier. I’ve been in this hospital bed for three weeks. Maleah!

Longan’s head snaps up.“Who’s Maleah?” He asks with a questioning frown.

I blink my eyes, realizing that I said Maleah’s name out loud and think about my answer for a moment. I trust Logan. He’s always been like a brother to me. So, I opt for telling him the truth. “I fell in love, Logan.”

Logan’s eyebrow quirks. “What?” He shakes his head and digs an index finger into his ear with an incredulous frown. “Did I just hear you say you fell in love?”

I nod my head with a sigh. “Yes, and her name is Maleah.”

Logan doesn’t say a word for a moment. As if pulled by a string, he flinches back and nods his head when he comes to a conclusion. “The resignation letter and the ring in the box make sense now. When you were brought in, they handed me a letter with my name on it and a ring box. You were going to quit. Is that why you were in Vegas for so long?”

Gritting my teeth, I nod my head. “I was only supposed to be gone for a day. She probably thinks I abandoned her.”

Logan’s brow furrows. “Do you want me to call her for you?”

Dismayed, I shake my head and manage to croak out. “No! Don’t call her!” Logan flinches back in surprise. “What? Why?”

Grimly gazing down at my unresponsive body, I look back at my friend with an anguished cry. “What use would I be to her now? I can’t fucking move, Logan. I’m a goddamn cripple! I would never ask her to go through this with me. It wouldn’t be fair to her.”

Logan’s eyes dim at my response. “Don’t say that, Jax. You’re going to be fine. The Confradia doctors are going to fix you. You can’t give up, man. Even if you don’t call her now, you can still recover from this and find her later. Do it for her, Jaxon. If you love her, you’ll fight for her!”

Logan’s orders cut through my self-pity that day. Several weeks later, I went under the knife and spent months recovering and reteaching my body how to move. Logan was by my side throughout the whole process, encouraging me and challenging me through every painful step. The doctors were amazed by how quickly I was able to recover. They called it a miracle, but I knew it was determination. Logan and Stryker Owens, one of the Confradia heads, decided to keep my accident under wraps from the Assassins and the other board members. The only ones that were allowed to know about my accident were the doctors, Valkyrie, and Scotty. They knew they had to be close-mouthed about it. Once it was definite that I was going to recover, Logan tried to convince me to contact Maleah, but I couldn’t.

I hate to admit it, but I was scared that she might tell me to go to hell. It had been so long since I saw her, and I didn’t know how to approach her. While I recovered, I carried her ring in a chain around my neck, and a picture of us on my phone as a reminder. I now carry that picture and the ring in a special compartment inside of my wallet. I also have a copy of the picture inside the bedside drawer of all of my homes. I look at it every night. I guess I’d hoped that I’d eventually be able to muster up the courage to talk to her.

Unfortunately, the choice was taken out of my hands when a couple of months later, she and Hunter walked into my office and declared their love. Maleah says that I broke her heart. Well, if only she knew how I felt after seeing her newfound happiness. My heart shattered into a million pieces that day. That night, I called Logan and told him what happened. He showed up hours later and got me piss-poor drunk. One thing about Logan, he’s a great friend, but he sucks when it comes to talking about relationships. He’s the epitome of a confirmed bachelor. Over the years that I’ve known him, he has never been in a relationship or fallen in love. And he’s perfectly content being that way. Even though he’s not very good at giving relationship advice, he was good at keeping me from wallowing in my heartbreak.

My phone rings a moment later, snapping me out of my sad memories. Shaking my head, I rub the bridge of my nose and answer the phone.

Priest’s voice echoes through the receiver. “Dominic Servin said he will meet with you. He’s flying to Miami as we speak. He has some business to take care of and said he’d give you a couple of hours. I just emailed you his hotel information along with a profile that I compiled on him. It’s always good to brush up on your allies. He said he can meet you at noon in his hotel room. I told him that you’d be there.”

Wiping my lip, I stride to the bar and pour myself a scotch. “Thank you, Priest. I’ll call you as soon as I’m done speaking to him.”

Priest hums in agreement. “No problem, Ares. Do you need any backup?”

I take a sip as I gaze out the window and trace the star-filled sky with my eyes. “I’m fine. Valkyrie, Heathen, and Phantom are on their way. I had Scotty call them up. I’m also calling Logan in case I need another lead.”

Priest lets out an affirming sigh. “Okay, then, take care of yourself, and take care of Maleah.”

Giving him a non-committal response, I cut the call and finish my drink.

Scotty walks in a second later. “I got all the information on Victor and his men, and I’ve passed all of the data into your personal tablet. Valkyrie and the others should be here by morning.”

“Thank you. Priest just called me back. He set up a meeting with Dominic Servin. I have to meet him in the afternoon. He also sent me a dossier with information on Servin. I want you to look it over and run a profile.” I mutter with an exhausted yawn.

Scotty snickers. “Verra, well, I will look into it. Perhaps ye should go and get some sleep, lad. Ye look like yer about to pass out in yer drink, and what a sad waste of scotch that would be. Why don’t ye go upstairs and lie next to yer lass.”

I quirk a brow at his sly recommendation. “I can’t just sneak into bed with Maleah. She’d kick my ass.”

Scotty shrugs. “I didna say ye had to get bare-assed. Just go and lie next to her with yer trousers on. Oh, and before I forget…”

He lifts a stack of clothing and extends it to me. “Abby left some clothing in the guest room last time we were here. She and Maleah are about the same size. Maleah is welcome ta it.”

Taking the fresh clothing, I consider his words for a moment. I don’t know if it’s the exhaustion, but Scotty’s suggestion actually sounds reasonable.

Not giving it another thought, I tuck the clothing beneath my arms and make my way upstairs. Maleah is now lying on her side, with her dark hair spread out on top of the pillow. Her lips look plump, and her body relaxed. However, despite her relaxed pose, I can see a tension between her brows.

Settling the clothing down on a nearby chair, I unbutton my shirt, remove my belt and shoes, and lie beside her. Almost as soon as I do, Maleah moves closer and rests her head on my shoulder with a sleepy whisper. “Jaxon.”

My body stiffens, and my heart nearly explodes out of my chest at her husky words. Never in a million years would I have expected her to whisper my name in her sleep. I remember when she used to lie next to me this way and caress my chest. She was always so openly affectionate and giving. Making love to her was a life-changing experience in many ways because of that.

Gazing down at her sleeping form, I slide my hand around her back, pull her closer, rest my head on my forearm, and close my eyes before I fall into a restless sleep.

As always, nightmares of my accident shadow me into the abyss. However, this time, I have Maleah to get me through it.