Chapter 5: Painful Truths

Chapter 5: Painful Truths


I watch as Jaxon, and Val stride out the door, a feeling of jealousy barraging my very being. She’s gorgeous. The kind of woman Jaxon should be with, and I hate her. Scotty steps around me and heads to the kitchen. “I’m going to finish looking through these files. If you need me, I’ll be in the kitchen.”

Heathen waves him away and stretches out on the couch with his phone in his hand. The way he’s distracted by what is on his phone reminds me of how my teenaged nephew acts when he visits my mom. We’ll all be talking, and he’d have his nose buried in his phone. It drives my mom crazy.

I roll my eyes when Phantom slides forward in his seat and mutters in a flirty voice. “Why don’t you come over here and keep us company, sweetness?”

Crossing my arms in front of my chest, I turn back to him and scowl. “No, thanks, Clint. I think I’ll go read a book or something until Jaxon and his little friend comes back.”

Phantom chuckles at my snarky tone. “Is that how it is then? I always thought young fratboys were your type. I should have known I didn’t stand a chance.”

Tossing my hair behind my back, I narrow my eyes and pucker my lips. “I don’t know what you’re talking about; you’ve never been my type.” Phantom rises from his seat and swaggers towards me. Contrary to what I said, I won’t deny that he is an attractive man. I just don’t like his cocky attitude. Not backing down, I cross my arms in front of me and face him. Phantom copies my stance and mutters. “Oh, I think you know what I’m talking about. You like the boss, man, huh?”

Not wanting to reply, I follow Scotty into the kitchen and dig into the refrigerator.

Scotty glances up from his computer and distractedly mutters. “There’s some fresh yogurt and fruit in the bottom drawer. And some meats and cheeses next to it.”

Phantom walks in a moment later and takes a seat on a barstool next to Scottys’. “It’s alright if you like Jaxon, darling. He’s a very powerful man. I suggest you don’t expect too much, though. Most of the Assassin’s say that he doesn’t do relationships.”

Scotty glances up from the computer screen with an angry scowl. “Don’t ye go thinking ye know anything about Jaxon, lad. Especially about his feelings. Jaxon has his reasons for why he is the way he is.” Phantom shrugs. “I’m just warning Maleah to not expect anything. Jaxon is a cold son-of-a-bitch, and he might not be interested.”

Scotty looks at me before he replies. “Who says Jaxon is not interested? Jaxon may be a private man, and a cold son-of-a- whore when it calls for it, but he also has a heart. No man is infallible when it comes to emotions. Not even a man as braw as Jaxon.”

Phantom holds his hand up in surrender with a snicker. “Well, then, I better back off. I was just looking out for Maleah.”

Settling a cup on the table, I pour some juice and give him a reproachful glare. “Thanks for the words of wisdom, Clint, but I’m a big girl, and I can take care of herself.”

Phantom waves his hand in defeat. “Alright, honey, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Without another word, he walks out of the kitchen and sits down next to Heathen.

“He does care about ye, you know?” Scotty says in an even voice. “Who? Clint? Hard pass!” I mutter humorously.

Scotty chuckles. “No, I meant Jaxon.”

My face heats at his earnest words. “What makes you think that? I mean, he seemed to be rather cozy with Val.”

Scotty closes his laptop with a sigh and rises from the stool. “That’s because Val is his niece.”

My mouth opens in astonishment. “What?”

Scotty nods. “Valkyrie, also known as Valeria Gentry, is Jaxon’s niece. She joined the Confradia a bit before ye and Jaxon met. Not with Jaxon’s blessing, I should add.” He mutters with a chuckle.

A relieved sigh escapes my lips. Jaxon is not with Val.

“Look, Maleah, I know about ye and Jaxon, and I know what occurred between both of ye in Vegas.”

I snort in reply. “Yeah, then you also know he left me.”

Scotty absently runs his fingers over the gleaming, white, countertop before he answers. “All I can tell ye, lass, is that sometimes things are not what they seem. Perhaps ye should go to Jaxon’s room and relax. He has some books on top of his bedside drawer and a few more interesting things inside of it that you can look through.”

I lift a curious brow at his suggestive tone. But before I can ask what he means, he sits back down, opens his laptop, and begins to type away.

Glancing back in the direction of Jaxon’s bedroom door, I look at Scotty, then look back. Not thinking any further about it, I head to Jaxon’s room and sit by his bedside table. Like Scotty said, there are books on his table. To my surprise, the books are medical texts. Reaching for one of the books, I look it over and frown in puzzlement. A Treatment On Paralysis, Neuralgia, And The Human body. How odd, I think, as I turn the book over in my hand. Placing it back on the table, I open the drawer and sort through it. Scotty said there were interesting things inside of it. I know I shouldn’t be snooping around Jaxon’s things, but Scotty’s cryptic words piqued my interest.

Reaching into the drawer, I find a knife, a cell phone, mints, and…my heart stops when I spot a picture that was placed beneath the cell phone. My vision blurs, and my heart beats wildly inside my chest.

Picking it up, I glance down into the happy faces of the couple in the picture. Jaxon has his usual trademark smirk, and my grin is a mile long as we gaze into the camera’s lens. Running my index finger across the glossy surface, I stifle a sob, but I don’t stop the teardrop that glides down my cheek until it lands on the picture with a spatter.

I remember this picture. I recall how happy I was to be in his arms. It was the first and only picture we took together. I remember Jaxon was camera shy, but he relented when I asked. We were in his suite’s balcony drinking wine and enjoying the beautiful starry night.

I was sitting on Jaxon’s lap with my arm around his neck when I took it. In the picture, I’m wearing one of his white dress shirts and nothing else. Jaxon was bare from the waist up. It was the night we confessed our feelings for each other. I’ll never forget that conversation.

Closing my eyes, I lean back against Jaxon’s chest and take a deep breath. His muscled arms wrap tightly around me as he kisses my temple and asks. “What do you want to do tonight.”

I shake my head. “Nothing. It’s so beautiful that I just want to stay here forever.” Jaxon smirks in reply. “Your wish is my command.”

Caressing my hand across his jaw, I kiss his bottom lip and softly whisper. “Do I make you happy, Jaxon?”

His brow furrows. “Of course you do. Why do you ask?”

I bite my lip as I try to formulate an answer. “I know it’s stupid, but I notice you never smile.”

He doesn’t respond at first. If anything, he looks surprised by the revelation. Almost as if he never considered it. “I…I don’t know what to say about that. But I promise you, I’m happy. More than I’ve ever been in my life.”

Hearing his sincere words, I straddle his waist and place my hands against his chest. “I love you,” I mutter against his lips.

To my surprise, Jaxon’s lips tilt up into a smile. I’m awed by his beautiful smile. It’s as if the sun has risen. Leaning close, he slides his fingers through my hair and whispers. “You’re my soul.”

We make love for hours the rest of the night. There are no barriers between us. We know we’re meant to be and that our love is real. That was the night he promised to only smile for me, and I believed him.

The picture is creased and folded as if it’s been taken out and held in his hand many times. Sliding my thumb over the sides, I wonder why he kept it. It just makes no sense considering he’s the one that left me.

I jump up when a male voice interrupts my absorption. “It was the only picture I had of us. After you took it, I made a copy of it.”

Looking into Jaxon’s cobalt eyes, I gaze back down at the picture.

Standing close, Jaxon reverently takes the picture and gazes down at it with a wistful frown. I’m so confused. But I’m also tired of feeling this aching pain in my heart. These past few days have been such a whirlwind of emotions for me. From my family pressuring me to move on, to the murder, and finally seeing Jaxon again─ I’m emotionally drained.

Jaxon’s lips are tight as he gazes down at the picture. Throwing caution to the wind, I take the picture from his hand, toss it on top of the dresser, and wrap my arms around his neck. The kiss is hesitant at first. Sighing against his lips, I nip gently at the plump bottom one and lick him. Jaxon stands still, his breath caressing my face as he gently kisses me back. Our breathing quickens as the kiss intensifies, and our tongues tangle together. His arms wrap around my waist, and his chest flattens against mine. Sliding my hand up to his neck, I sift my fingers through his hair and grind my hips against his.

Somehow we both end up naked on the bed with our clothes scattered around the floor. Wrapping my legs around Jaxon’s hips, I arch my back and mewl when his lips suckle my nipples. Zings of pleasure shoot through my womb and make my clit throb. His firm chest rubs enticingly against the hard buds, and his hands caress the velvet skin of my backbone. My legs shift as I try to get closer, and my folds weep with want as Jaxon slides his hard cock against my clit.

“Jaxon,” I mutter ecstatically as he kisses his way down my breasts and stomach until he reaches my wet center.

“You’re so beautiful.” He growls out as he nips at my hipbones and slides his index finger between my folds.

I almost explode when he rubs my throbbing bud and slides a finger inside my sheath. My eyes roll to the back of my head, and my hips rotate as I slam my pussy harder against his finger. It’s been so long.

A loud groan escapes my lips when his tongue swirls around my throbbing clit. “Oh, Jaxon.” I cry out as he licks me to an ecstatic peak. Gripping the edges of the pillow, I dig my legs against his shoulders and hiss when wave after wave of pleasure bursts through me. My stomach contracts, and my tight walls pulsate around his fingers. I swear I see stars. My legs shake and shudder as ecstasy bursts through my body.

After a moment, Jaxon rises above me and places my arms over my head before he slides his hard cock into my body. My walls tighten around his hard shaft, and my legs wrap around his thighs. His hips pump purposely against mine, grinding and pumping his shaft with an intensity that I remember. Clinging to his shoulders, I slam down against his shaft and swirl my hips to adjust to his thickness.

Growling, Jackson grips my hips as he rises to his haunches and pounds inside of me. The heat that kindled inside my womb is stoked by his movements until a molten fire spreads through me and explodes like simmering lava. Biting down on Jaxon’s firm shoulder, I cry out as another powerful orgasm envelopes my body. Jaxon follows me with his own passionate cry as he pumps his essence inside of me until he’s completely spent. It’s a perfect moment filled with delicious pleasure.

Resting my head on his shoulder, I take a couple of deep breaths and will my heart to slow down. Our glistening bodies lie entwined across the carelessly strewn sheets as our bodies cool.

I’m basking in the aftermath of my orgasm when Jaxon’s gruff voice penetrates the silence. “I was shot.”

Frowning at his offhand words, I glance up and meet his smoldering eyes. “What?”

His jaw ticks as he caresses his hands up and down my shoulder. “That day that I was supposed to come back to you. I had gone into the office, and a gunman shot me in the back. I woke up three weeks later strapped to a gurney with machines all around me to keep me alive.”

A gasp escapes my lips as he recounts his traumatic experience. Covering my mouth, I sit up on the bed and face him. But he’s too caught up in his story to notice my shock.

“One of the bullets hit my spine, damaging the nerves, and one my lungs collapsed. The other bullet went through my kidney.” He points to the scar that ends at his back and turns to show me a long thin scar on his spine.

“I woke up paralyzed from the neck down. The doctors said they could do spinal surgery but that there was very little hope that I would recover. Logan was there when I awoke. He tried to convince me to call you, but I couldn’t. I was a fucking cripple with no control of my body, who just saw his future go up in flames. I just wanted to die at that point. But somehow, Logan talked me into undertaking the surgery anyway.”

Jaxon slides up against the headboard and rests his elbow on his knees as he gazes into my eyes. His lost expression is of a broken man who has been through a lot of pain. “He told me to do it for you. To walk for you, so I did. The doctors called it a miracle. They couldn’t understand how I recovered so easily. It took me nearly eight grueling months of physical therapy and procedures, but soon I was able to walk and move. Unfortunately, I was too late because─”

“Because I was already with Hunter.” I finish brokenly.

Jaxon nods solemnly, which surmounts my guilt. A sob escapes my lips as I slide close. Wrapping the sheet around my naked body, I swallow hard and solemnly reply. “Why didn’t you tell me? I would have been there for you. I would have helped you get through it.”

Jaxon slides his fingers down my arm and leans his face close to mine. “I know, but I couldn’t do that to you, Maleah. I would have rather died than have you waste your life taking care of a cripple. You deserved more than that.”

The dam of my tears spills from my eyes as sobs wrack my body. “Oh, my God.”

Jaxon wraps his arms around me and pulls my body onto his lap, rocking me like a child as my anguish overtakes me. “While you were fighting for your life, I was with someone else.” I croak out in distress.

Jaxon shakes his head and wipes my tears. “No, no, Maleah. None of this is your fault. Don’t put that guilt on yourself. You only did what anyone else would have done. You thought I left, so you moved on. There is no shame in that. And even though it killed me to see you with Hunter, I was glad that you found someone like him. Hunter was a good man, and he loved you a lot.”

I close my swollen eyes and take a ragged breath as I process his confession. This whole time I thought he had left me, and I hated him for it, but none of it was his fault. He may say that I’m not at fault, but I do blame myself. I should have known that something was wrong. I should have been there to help him through his suffering.

“I never stopped loving you, Jaxon,” I confess weakly. “I did love Hunter. But a small part of me was always reserved for you. I would fight it because Hunter was so devoted to me. But while I was with him, I always felt something was missing. And it became worse when I saw you the day we signed the contracts. It was as if something clicked. I looked at you, and I felt the connection, which made me angrier. My friends would tell me that I was wary of relationships due to my past, but I knew that it was something else.”

Jaxon’s eyes soften at my words. Leaning close, he kisses me gently on the lips and whispers. “I never stopped loving you either. I was angry, but mostly at myself for not calling you. I guess I was afraid. Can you forgive me?”

Kissing his lips, I lean my forehead against his and whisper. “Yes. Yes, I forgive you.” The kiss is gentle after that. As if we’re mending our hurts. Straddling his waist, slide my hands down his firm chest and carved abs as his hands settle against my hips. Without another word, he slides my hips up and slips his hard cock into my tight sheath. I gasp as he penetrates my body and undulate my hips for deeper penetration. Rising and falling steadily over his hard cock, I let my hair flail wildly around me as my body prepares to go over the edge again. Jaxon's eyes glaze with passion as he gazes steadily into mine. His lips grazing my hardened nipple before he licks and sucks it into his mouth.

Riding his hips faster, I moan as my womb knocks against his swollen tip. “Oh, god, Jaxon,” I mutter breathlessly.

Jaxon’s warm mouth travels up my chest as his lips nip at the tight skin of my throat and chin before he lowers my mouth to his for a delicious kiss. The friction of our bodies builds in tempo, sweet vibrations of pleasure coursing through my bucking hips until ecstasy explodes inside my body, followed by hard convulsions and spasms.

“Fuck!” Jaxon gives one last thrust and stiffens with an animalistic groan.

I don’t know how long we lay on the bed touching and kissing when suddenly, Jaxon stiffens, covers my body with his, and withdraws a gun from behind the pillow. My eyes widen with shock at the sight, but I remain silent.

Turning around, Jaxon keeps me beneath him and aims his gun at someone behind him. To my surprise, he lets out an irritated growl, lowers the gun, and grits out. “I should shoot your ass for sneaking around my room, you asshole.”

An amused chuckle followed by a husky male voice replies. “I would say you’ve lost your edge because you did not hear me come in, but I can see why you’re distracted, Ares.”

I must let out a sound of distress because Jaxon turns back to me, covers me with the sheet, and whispers. “It’s okay. It’s just Logan being an ill-mannered fuck.”

Holding tight to the sheet, I watch as Jaxon wraps the other one around his waist and faces his friend. “You know you can leave now, Logan?” He utters in exasperation.

Keeping the sheet against my chest, I sit up and face our unwanted visitor.

Logan “Hades” Blake is a very attractive man. He’s tall with dark hair, dark as sin eyes, and a thickly muscled body. Like Jaxon, he has a closely trimmed beard that emphasizes his high cheekbones, intense eyes, and lush lips.

Right now, those intense eyes are appraising me. “Why would I leave when the view is so interesting? I have to say I’m glad to see that you’ve finally gotten laid. Now, are you going to introduce me to this lovely creature or not?”

A smile stretches across my lips at his comment.

Jaxon rolls his eyes with a sigh and waves a hand back and forth between us. “Logan Blake, meet Maleah Lopez. Maleah, this idiot is Logan.”

Logan’s eyes widen in surprise. “Wait…Maleah? As in the Maleah?” He asks gruffly.

Jaxon nods his head. “Yes, this is my Maleah.”

A blush spreads across my lips at his possessive use of the word “my.”

To my consternation, Logan moves closer and smiles. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Maleah. You’re even more beautiful than Jaxon said you were.”

Lifting my hand, I shake his. You can ask any of my friends, and they’d tell you that I’m not very shy. But sitting there as Logan scrutinizes me is a bit awkward. Jaxon must see my discomfort because he grips Logan by the arm and ushers him to the door. “There’s a fifty-year-old bottle of scotch in my bar calling your name, Logan. Why don’t you go have a drink, and I’ll meet you downstairs in a moment.”

Logan smirks and throws me a wink over his shoulder as he makes his way out the door.

“Alright, I’m leaving. But you better hurry, or I’m coming back.” Without a word, Jaxon pushes him out and closes the door on his face. I giggle at Jaxon’s childish actions and rise from the bed to face him. “He’s…interesting,” I mutter.

Jaxon snorts. “Yeah, that’s Logan in a nutshell.”

Rising to stand before him, I caress my fingers across his golden chest lazily before I ask. “What are we going to do now? You still haven’t told me what happened between you and Dominic Servin.”

Jaxon rests his hand on mine and kisses my lips. “Well, Dominic was kind enough to set up a meeting between Carlos and me. I’m going to see him tonight. Hopefully, he can help me get Victor out of the picture and clear you.”

My hand stills, and my body grows cold at the thought that he’s going to be walking into a dangerous situation. “I’m scared, Jaxon. What if this doesn’t work?” Jaxon’s eyes smolder with intensity. “It will work. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you. If I have to kill every single man in Alonzo’s service, I will protect you.”

Settling my head on his shoulder, I run through terrifying scenarios in my head. “I just wish there was something I could do.”

Jaxon’s chest expands as he slips from my arms and tosses the sheet onto the floor. His glorious body glows like honey beneath the window’s light. “I’m going downstairs to apprise Logan on what has occurred. Scotty and the others will be here in a couple of hours too. We’ll talk about our plans as soon as everyone gets here.”

Sighing, I walk to the chair and sift through the clothing Scotty gave me. My cut-off jeans and t-shirt are balled up on top, a reminder of the last night’s events. It feels like everything that has happened has happened so long ago. You’d never think I’ve been here such a short time. Reaching for the clothes, I lift them up and move them to another chair when something falls out of my jean’s pocket. I look down to see what it is and frown when I find a small plastic case of some kind. It’s about the size of my pinky.

Lifting it up, I inspect it, then turn to Jaxon. “Is this yours?” Jaxon zips up his jeans and rests his shirt over his muscled shoulder as he approaches me and takes the case from my hand. “It’s definitely not mine. I don’t use thumb drives. Are you sure it’s not yours?”

I shake my head and turn the thing over in my hand. “I’ve never seen this thing in my life. What’s a thumb drive?”

Jaxon snickers at my question. “It’s a memory drive for a computer. You keep files in it.” My heart stutters at his words as a memory niggles in the back of my mind. Emmanuel was pulling at my jeans before he died.

Excitement thrums in my chest as I wave the thumb drive in front of Jaxon’s face. “I think Emmanuel put this in my pocket when he was begging me to help him. Do you think it might have something in it.”

Jaxon’s eyes widen with comprehension. Tossing me his shirt, he takes the drive and rushes out the door. “I need my laptop.” He calls out excitedly.

Slipping his shirt on, I follow behind him until he reaches the kitchen. Logan quirks a questioning brow and rises to join us. “What’s going on?” Jaxon waves the thumb drive beneath his nose. “Maleah just found this inside her jean’s pocket. It’s not hers, which means Emmanuel Alonzo might have slipped it into her pocket before he died.”

“Then what are we waiting for? Plug it in.”

Jaxon plugs the drive into his laptop and begins to type on the keyboard. Standing behind him, Logan and I watch over his shoulder as he opens several files and skims through them.

“What’s that?” I point at what looks like a picture. Jaxon clicks the picture. It’s a video recording. To our surprise, Emmanuel Martez’s face appears on the screen. He begins to talk about Victor and all of the things he’s observed him doing over the past three months. Clips of Victor’s traitorous activities appear as Emmanuel points out how he has betrayed his father.

“It’s all there,” Jaxon mutters in astonishment. “All of the evidence we need on Victor is on this drive.”

He opens a few more clips and files detailing how Victor has been dealing dirty right beneath Rolando’s nose for nearly a year.

“This changes everything. I have to call everyone.” Jaxon says as he reaches for his phone and makes a call.

Logan takes the laptop from him and begins to open files. “Oh, this is good. We have the bastard now.”

While Jaxon talks on the phone, I wrap my arms around his shoulders and rest my chin against the crook of his neck. Jaxon inclines his head next to mine and wraps his arm around my neck. It feels good to touch him and kiss him again. Not only is the lovemaking as earth-shattering as I remember, but it also feels natural and right to be in back in his arms.

Once Jaxon hangs up the phone, he rests it on the counter, pulls me into his lap, and talks to Logan. “Change of plans; Val, Phantom, Heathen, and Scotty are on their way. We need to get this ball rolling, and I think I know how we’re going to get to Victor.”

Logan sits back on the island’s stool and asks. “What are we going to do?”

Jaxon looks at me before he responds. “We’re going to set a trap, but first, I need to meet Carlos.”

Everyone shows up an hour later and warmly greets Logan. They’re a close group, like the other assassins back in New York. Scotty reviews the files as the men plan their next step. Going into the kitchen, I prepare some sandwiches and drinks for everyone.

To my surprise, Val sidles up to me and begins to talk. “I hope Jaxon told you that we’re family.”

I shake my head. “Actually, Scotty told me.”

Val lets out a relieved sigh. “Did he tell you what happened to him after Vegas too?”

I nod my head. “Yeah, he told me earlier. I…” I swallow the constriction that blocks my throat every time I think about Jaxon’s near death. “I didn’t know what Jaxon had been through. If not, I’d have been there for him.”

“I know. We begged him to call you, but Jaxon was too deep into his desolation to listen. I know that he regrets it, though. Especially after he lost you.” I bite my lip at her sincere words and gaze back to see Logan and Jaxon deep in conversation with the other men. He’s wearing black jeans and a black t-shirt. He looks imposing and sexy as hell.

Before everyone arrived, I went upstairs and changed into a pair of blue jeans and one of his gray t-shirts. I didn’t want to meet the men in just one of his shirts. The look on Jaxon’s face when he saw me in Abby's fitted jeans was very stimulating.

His eyes meet mine from across the room, becoming nearly predatory in its appraisal, which makes my body instantly break out in goosebumps. Separating from the men, he gestures for them to follow and approaches us. “Did you bring the things I asked you to, Val?” He asks.

Valkyrie nods and waves her hand in the direction of several bags hanging on a hook near the doorway. “Yep, I got it all and a few things more. So what’s the plan, boss?”

Jaxon looks at Logan before he replies. “Here’s the plan…”