Chapter 14: One way or another

Chapter 14: One way or another


I hate leaving Maleah looking so sad, but there’s nothing I can do. This is who I am, and she will have to become accustomed to it. I’d love to tell her I’ll retire from the Confradia as I planned before. Unfortunately, I can’t. Logan and I are the only ones who we trust to help maintain order between our people since there are too many doubts mounting within our ranks. Logan and I have noticed a lax in control between our leaders and have become distrustful of their motives. I guess a lot of it has to do with how the Kazik situation was handled by the board. There were too many questions and suspicions. The heads of the Confradia gave in too quickly to his demands, which created an irreparable rift between our Assassins and the authority. Logan and I were the only ones who sided with our men. Thankfully, we were able to preserve our professional working relationships.