It is Friday today, the whole week has passed. Phew! I can't believe I successfully spent the first week of my working.

Not to forget I did also act just like I decided, or we can say that I avoided Mr. Knight at any cost. Though it was hard as I had to work with him because come on I am his PA aren't I.

Although I avoided him and acted mature, a part of me was still feeling guilty. I did see him struggling with his work so much, he doesn't even get time to eat something. I even noticed how he keeps staring at his files or PC as if he isn't there in the present.

So not to disturb him further, I kept avoiding going to his office, I mean it will only add to his stress and tension. I even completed some of his files to decrease his load, after all that is my work right?

So as it was Friday I was ready to leave at seven in the evening for home after completing all the work, suddenly the door of my cabin snapped open causing me jump in fright with a short shriek.

I was even more surprised to see who it was. If you couldn't guess it was him. I stood frozen in my place, looking at him wide eyes. Did I do something wrong again that he had to come here himself. At least I had already arranged the file cabinet previously and my desk was also clear of all the waste that was here. So all in all it was looking presentable, or how embarrassing it would have been with all the mess scattered around.

All the while I was accessing the cabin for any mess, his eyes were fixed on me as if reading me, I have definitely done something stupid again and now he is here to scold me for my carelessness, now that I think of it I was so shameless that I didn't even apologize for the coffee whole week. Now I will not even get to say 'sorry' because I will be fired before that.

Yes he must be here to tell me to pack my things and leave the building. Oh my god! Why is it happening to me, I don't want to start working at my mom's office yet because I know she won't let me do anything, as according to her I am still young to start working and I should live and enjoy my life. But I seriously like to work, now I won't have any work.

My mental rant was interrupted by clearing of a throat, oh yes he was still here. Before I could say even a word, I was embraced in a tight hug by none other than my boss Roman Knight. Oh my god, not a single guy have ever hugged me like this in my whole fudging life. Just thinking about it made my face red. If you couldn't find me remember the tomato being hugged is me. But wait back to present why is he hugging me like this, is this his way to fire people after hugging them then saying "Goodbye, Don't come to office from tomorrow."

"I am sorry, beautiful." was whispered in my ear softly. Wow! What is happening? God shower me with some knowledge. Why am I still standing like this, oh wait, I know because it is so comfortable and warm, my heart is beating wildly and I am feeling tingly all over, not to forget my face is still feeling hot. The way he said it in my ear feels so good.

Wait WHAT???? Please rewind a little back...

Why is he saying sorry to me?

Shouldn't it be me who say so?

"No no no no, I am sorry, I keep messing thing up. First I came to your office uncalled, then also brought the coffee you hate and then didn't even apologize for spoiling your day. And I also completed those files without asking and that meeting also that I attended on your behalf when you were not there. I am so sorry, I shouldn't have done that. But I was feeling so guilty and sad for you that I decided to decrease your work but I promise this will not be repeated. Don't fire me. I don't want to sit at home idle doing nothing I love to work, Please." As always I started ranting and then I realized that he was looking at me with wide eyes and surprise.

What did I do, I promised myself not to speak so much but I never listen do I???