It was not easy to convince the horses to follow the new course, very tortuous, strewn with fallen trees, rocks and giant roots, which forced the travelers to slow progress with numerous setbacks and the need to seek more practicable paths forward.
“In spring this torrent surely carries meltwater to another creek downstream, which somehow empties into the Pacific.” Observed Emil. “I reckon we should not be far from the border with Chile.”
The march continued for another hour, after which they decided to dismount to let the horses rest and prepare some food. Silence reigned in the place, only broken by the chirping of birds and some mild breezes waving tree leaves. The barbas de viejo (old man's beard) epiphytes that appear in these places, hanged from tree branches attesting to the purity of the air. As they sat eating, Marcelo, who had an excellent ear, stood up suddenly and said.
“Hear that?”
“No, what do you mean?”