One of the local brothers was sent to warn de Guiscard about the finding. Approximately two hours after the "nave of the abbey" as Marcelo had called the room where they were, was occupied by a dozen people. Some watched for a while and then got out to allow the entry of those who were waiting outside. After photographic documentation of the crime scene for forensic purposes, Saiegh´s body was retired and the presents attempted to assess the findings in a provisional form. There were five bunkers of about eighty centimeters long by forty wide and the same height, filled halfway with gold and silver. As in the Patagonian chests, Templar coins were mixed with other old pieces showing the heads of princes and kings of various Christian nations, of Byzantine origin and even from Asia. There were objects made with gold and precious stones, knives, cutlasses, other weapons and other artifacts elaborated in noble metals, all mixed in the chests.