Chapter 17


Song #Years&Years #Shine

Iris pulled up the sleeves of the hoodie and looked at him. His eyes looked like the ocean blue and beautiful. They somehow had a calming effect on Iris and she couldn't explain why she felt at home.

As fast as her heart was beating before it was beating faster and in a good way.

For Javier it was a totally different feeling ; he was captivated by Iris in more ways than one...

The flight was an hour and a half long and given the time they left ,they would be in Madrid by nightfall. For the first half of the flight, Javier filled Iris in on the night they first met at the new years party in Bilbao.

Javier brushed a lock of hair off her face and continued to help her a very unconventional way.

"You know; ever since that night you disappeared I've wondered where you were?. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw you board the were here on assignment but left without saying goodbye."