Chapter 10: Not living with regret
“I'm so excited, girls! I'm getting married!” Sophia throws her package laden hands up in the air and waves them around excitement. I smile, ducking her swinging bags to avoid getting knocked unconscious, and Maleah makes a whooping sound jumping up and down excitedly. Thankfully, none of them notice my sad visage because they're just as excited to be here. Ivy chuckles and Santana gazes around the dress shop with equal parts fascination and horror. We're all here to pick our bridesmaid's dresses.
Taking the lead to speed things up a bit, I step in the middle of the carpeted floor and gesture around the room. “Okay, ladies, we decided that the color is going to be any color we want unless Sophia wants emerald to match Micah's beautiful eyes,” I say, fluttering my lashes with a dramatic sigh.