Joshua Kinsley

I never thought this day would come when my dad decided to marry agian yes well you heard right dad found himself a new wife. God why this torture? He knew I was happy with just the two of us since mom had passed away, it had been four years since that horrific day and he’d always said he wasn’t interested in finding someone new. So why now?

‘They’ll be here soon Joshua.’

‘Whatever.’ I shouted.

‘Don’t be like that.’

‘Like what dad? I didn’t ask for this.’

‘Just be polite that’s all I’m asking.’

‘What ever.’

‘They’ll be here in an hour.’

Fucking great now I’ve got to go and smile and be polite, welcome my new family welcome to my hell!

God I hope thieve people weren’t stuck up god I hate stuck up people. I can’t believe dad never introduced all of us before he decided to moved them both in here.’ Err..’

‘Try and be nice and make friends.’


Yes she had a daughter Hope Evans soon to be my step sister, she’s in so much shit. She won’t know what’s hit her.

‘I mean it Josh this is a new beginning for the all of us so be nice to Hope and her mother.’

‘For you maybe.’ Not so much for me. I thought I really didn’t want this.


‘Done I’ll try.’


I don’t need more people in my life I have my dad and my firends that’s all I need. I don’t need a new mother and I definitely don’t need a sister. I’d told my closest friends about having a stepsister they were all looking forward to meeting her except me I couldn’t wait for her mother to fuck up so I could get rid of her forever.

Dad opend the door to let them in. He kissed her cheek er gross. ‘Lauren this is my son Joshua. Joshua this is Lauren.’

‘Nice to meet you.’

‘You to I guess.’

‘This is Hope my daughter.’

I looked at her and scoffed. ‘Mmh.’

‘Ignore my son he’s in a bad mood. Show Hope to her room.’

‘Whatever. Come on it’s this way.’

She followed me up the stairs quietly good just the way I like it.’

‘Here’s your room. The bathroom is just down the hall.’



I turned heading away looking at her. I leaned forward. ‘Don’t get to used to it this is your living hell.’

‘Nice reception. She said stepping into her room slamming the door. Glad she understsnds me.

Hope Evans

God I hate this place already god please kill me now and for that imboceal son chop his cock off and stick it down his throat.

A knock came to the door.’ Yes!’

It opened. ‘Dinner is done your mom asked me to get you.’

‘I’m not hungry.’

‘Neither am I but we all have to be hospitable if it’s only for one night.’

‘Tell my mother I’m not hungry.’

‘You best come down. She said I had to stay here until you got your ass off the bed and down stairs.’

‘Fucking great can’t I jsut be left the fuck alone?’ She grumbled.

Joshua Kinsley

I guess she liked to curse, she’d be cursing a lot after today once I got her alone. She pulled herself up off the bed and huffed storming out of the room. I guess she needed to be brought down a peg or two and I’d be the one to do it. I smirked evily. Welcome to your hell sweetheart.