Caleb Harper.

I stood waiting for Josh and his new step sister to my dismay it’s only Josh who approached me. Where is she? I thought she was coming to our school well that’s what he told me a few days ago unless he was wrong or she changed schools at the last minute but highly doubtful.

‘Caleb my man.’


We fist each other. ‘Where is she?’

‘Who?’ He asks confused.

‘Your new step sister I thought she was coming to our school?’

‘She is.’

‘So where is she?’

‘She left early.’

‘What did you do Josh ?’

‘Who me?’ He grinned.

‘Yes you.’

‘Nothing. Nothing at all she didn’t want to be seen dead with us. She’s a bitch.’

‘You really expect me to believe that after everything you said?’’

‘Believe what you like it’s the truth.’

‘Can we just go.’


We walked down the street meeting with our other friends.

After registration and getting our timetables we parted for lessons. I really wanted to meet her to see why he hater her so much. Then someone bounced off me.

‘Shit I’m sorry.’

I looked down at her Fuck she was beautiful. ‘It’s fine. Are you lost sweetheart?’

‘Yeah it’s my first day . I’m so fucking lost I asked for directions but people are so fucking ignorant here.’

‘They are.’ I admitted. ‘So what room are you looking for?’


‘Cool I’m heading there too come on sweetheart.’

She smiled fuck that smiled I could drawn in it her voice was like and angels.

She walked by my side. ‘Oh I’m sorry where’s my manners I’m Caleb Harper.’

‘Hope Evans.’’

Shit it’s Josh’s sister. Play it cool Caleb play it cool. I put my hand out she took it and I shook it. ;well it’s nice meeting you Hope Evans I hope we can be friends ?’

‘I’d like that.’ She smiled and Fuck I melted right then. I don’t understand why Josh has got it in for her she’s not seeming like a bitch to me.

I dropped my hand form hers as we walked down the corridor. ‘So why did you come here hope?’

‘My stupid mom decided to get married again.’

‘I see.’

‘I didn’t want to leave my old school but she insisted we moved in to their house when they could’ve easily moved into our. Mom said their house was smaller but who gives a fuck on size right when you loose every thing because your mom decided it’s time to move on. We’re not exactly rich or poor but I liked it there I had lots of friends there I’ll doubt I’ll find any here.’

‘I’m sure you will.’

‘Not if it has anything to do with Joshua Kingsley it won’t.’ She seethed.

So that’s what he pulled in her this morning no wonder she didn’t want to walk with us.

‘Well you’ve made one new friend’ Hope.’

She smiled. ‘Thanks that means a lot.’

‘Well here we are.’

‘Thanks for showing me where the room was.’

‘My pleasure I’ll show you around you’ll love used to this place by the end of the week.’

She smiled.

‘So are you ready for a hour of torture?’

She laughed.

God she’ll be the death of me. Her laugh was so sweet to the ears. I opened the door. ‘Alert you my lady.’

‘Thank you kind sir.’

We laughed as e]we entered the room. I could sense this being the beginning of a beautiful friendship. May be more?