Hope had fully recovered from Joshua’s beating but she was not at home Caleb had told her parents she was staying with him he hadn’t gone into detail but she was staying there until she had recovered.

He looked at her and smiled he really lied this girl they’d spent the last month talking, laughing and finding out about each other he hoped she would be his girlfriend though it could be difficult with Josh being his best friend but that wasn’t going to stop him. No fucking way he needed to protect this girl the best he could from Josh he was so hateful toward her and he had no idea why she was perfect thigh she was bigger built than the girls he usually went for she was extremely pretty and had all the curves in all of the right places. Today was the day he was regretting taking her home after school he feared what Josh would do to her once he left her. He hoped he’d calmed down since she was last there but only time would tell.

‘Come on angel we have to go school then back to yours.’

Okay.’ She said as her face fell we all knew she didn’t want to return. I placed my hand on her chin lifting her face my eyes connected with hers. ‘I know you don’t want to go back, but the doc gave you the all clear and your mom wants you home.’

‘I know.’ She sighed defeated.

‘Besides you can’t stay here forever’I cracked half smiling.

‘I wish.’

My smile grew wider. ‘Me to angle me too but my mom thinks there is more to it than meets the eye.’

‘And is there?’

I leaned closer to her. ‘I hope there will be.’

She looked lost on my eyes they were slowly sparkling like they had done the first day that I had met her. God o wanted her so bad even in these circumstances. ‘I need to ask you something angel you can say no I won’t be offended.’

‘Okay.’ She sighed again.

‘I want more with you a lot more. What I’m trying to say is will you be my girlfriend?’

I looked into her eyes they held many emotions ones I couldn’t decipher apart from she was unsure an:d afraid.

‘I don’t know Caleb I really like you.’

‘I feel a but coming on.’

‘I’m scared Caleb you’re josh’s friend and he hates me he’ll I’m not even supposed to be anywhere near you or any of his friends for that matter.’

‘He’l get over it.’

‘I don’t think he ever will.’

‘How’s about this I promise to try and keep you safe from him okay.’


‘So you’ll be my girl?’

She smiled and nodded.

I crashed my lips on hers kissing hungrily.

I moved away. ‘Come on let’s get to school.’

She nodded. I took her hand in mine and we stepped out of the house I close the dope and we were in our way to school to be honest I was going to miss her Boeing around we were like two peas in a pod and if I were Josh I’d be glad to have her as my sister.