Hope Evans

It’s been little over a week since Jaxon and Scar brought me here to the camp and I’ve been under surveillance ever since. I’ve been in the infirmary recovering from the beating Joshua had given me. I had a few cracked ribs which were very painful. I had a black eye, bust lip and bruises all over my legs I don’t know what would have become of me if Jaxon and Caleb hadn’t came when they did. I’d probably be laying there unconscious or dead. I really needed to know how to fight back or keep my trap shut . I was going with the first seen as my big bro had brought me here, he must’ve Semtex that there was something wrong either that or he saw my bruises that Josh had inflicted on me beofre he’d arrived.

I made myself a promise to become stronger, not to be weak and fight back when ever he bullied me. I had no clue why he was doing it apart from the fact he was jealous that Caleb had taken an interest in me or the fact his friends preferred me to him, other than that I had no clue. I know neither of us wanted this but I just wanted my mom to be happy and she was with his father, pity he was a dickhead with a grudge on his shoulder.

I’d been watched over this past week by the nursing staff as well as my brother and this Scar dude he seemed harmless enough hence the scar that run the full length of the left hand side of his face which made him intimidating. And her he is now. ‘Hey angle how are we today?’

‘You asked me that yesterday and the answer will be no different today Corporal Stevens, I’m fine part from my bruised ribs that are giving me some jib.’

‘Have you taken any painkillers?’

‘Yes doctor.’ I grinned hem could give as good as I threw.

He laughed. ‘You wish I was mon amour.’

I laughed. ‘Pleas Edmonton make me laugh Corporal Stevens. It hurts too much.’

‘My apologies me petite.’

‘Hey I’m not little.’

He smirked. ‘To me you are mom amour.’

‘Quit the French dude speak English.’


‘Merci beaucoup.’

His grin widened.

‘You speak French well.’

‘Well I done French for five years I’m almost pro.’

‘I picked it up touring France.’

I smiled.

‘Do when do you think I’ll be out of here?’

‘The doc says your healing well maybe in the next week or two. Are you anxious to get into the training honey?’

‘I’d prefer it to been stuck here all day everyday boarded out of my wits.’

‘I think we can think of a few things to pass the time.’


He wriggled his eyebrows and I burst out laughing. ‘Owe owe your killing me.’

‘I hope your not distracting the patient Corporal Stevens.’

He looked at my brother and grinned.’ Who moi? Never.’

‘How are you sis?’

‘Will you stop asking.’

‘I will when your back to your old self.’

I smiled. ‘I’m cool Jax just a little pain in my ribs.’

‘I’ll get them to give you some pain relief.’

‘They already have.’

He looked at scar frowning. ‘What?’ He asked Shapelessly.

‘I told you not to make her laugh until she’s fully recovered.’

‘I can’t help it it’s his face.’

Jax burst out laughing.

‘You wound me mom amour.’ He said clutching his heart dramatically as me and Jax fell into a fit of hysterics.

The entire meat went like that and they cheered me up no end until my meds came around making me drowsy they said their goodbyes as they had to get back to training the new recruits as I closed my eyes into complete darkness.