
It’s been four fucking weeks, four fucking weeks since she left with him, her ducking brother. I’m going in fucking sain. I’ve been working out at the gym constantly fighting who ever dared to fight me I’ve got stronger and quicker. I’ve been doing my self defence more and more and my reflexes have improved dramatically. I’ve got to be ready for when she returns home fuck knows what they’ve put into her head what shit they’ve filled it with. But know this she will bow down to me when I’m showing her who is boss. ‘Ergh.’ I scream in frustration as I throw what I can across my room until it shatters into tiny pieces. I’ve punched many holes in my walls my dad thinks I’m going insane he maybe right cause I’m going insane because she’s not here and I can’t torture her like I always do cause he took her away from me.

‘Whowh dude what the fuck happened in your room? It looks like a bomb went off.’

I scowled at Caleb he knew not to disturb me when I was like this, yet he still did. ‘Go home Caleb you should be here.’

‘Your dad invited me over.’

Corse he fucking did.

‘He thinks your loosing it bro.’

‘Well as you can see I am not. I’m just letting out a little steam.’

‘She’ll be back in three weeks.’

‘Who said it was her making me do this?”

‘Isn’t it?’

It was but I wasn’t going to tell him that.

‘No.’ I said bluntly.

‘Whatever. So how’s about we get out of here for a while get your mind of what ever it is that’s making you trash your room.’

‘I’m fine Caleb as you can see this is threroputic.’

‘It won’t b wot your dads game balance. Come on bro we can take the bikes to the track and you can burn some rubber it will make you feel better.

What the hell.

‘Sure whatever .’

He smiled and we both headed out.

‘So you’re finally out your room ?’

;head dad me and Caleb are going to the track.’

‘Sure enjoy yourselves.’

‘We will.’

‘And try not to trash your bike like you room okay.’

How the fuck did he know what my room looked like?

‘Sure dad.’

‘I’ll see you boys later we’re going out for dinner.’

‘Sure day.’

‘Later Mr. K.’

‘Bye Caleb .’ He said shaking his head.

‘Later dad.’

‘Later son.’

We headed out and closed the door behind us getting out scramblers heading towards the track to spend a few hours on our bikes and getting dirty before we had to head home to change before we went out for dinner. At lest riding across all to uneven track and hi;Le made me forget how angry o was and to forget about her.