Things hadn’t changed over this year River was a sadistic asshole and tired to pin me every chance he got despite of Caleb’s many warnings he simply just didn’t care. We were coming to the end of our final year we’d all applied for university and we were all about to find out which ones that we were going to.

We all sat down tearing the envelopes open we al loot a few rejection letters but we got a few acceptance letters Caleb looked unhappy that we didn’t get into the same uni was this the end of us? I hoped not he’d helped me through so much, on the bright side me and Josh got into the same uni the guys were close by but it meant we had to either sleep in the dorms or get a place to stay.

Me and Caleb sat alone I knew what was coming and I was dreading it. ‘I’m sorry Hope I was kinda hoping that we were going to ge into the same uni.’

‘Me too.’