
Chapter 20: It’s all true

Chapter 20: It’s all true


It doesn’t take us long to get to the witch’s house. Thankfully, she lives ten minutes away.

I have to admit, Evian is not quite what I expect a witch to look like. I mean, over the past couple of years that I’ve worked with Azazel and our Halo, I’ve run into several witches, but I can honestly say that Evian is nothing like them. For starters, she doesn’t wear quirky hippy dresses or spout about nature, and she doesn’t dress like an emo goth. No, Evian is a station wagon driving, cardigan-wearing, soccer mom. Her house has a white picket fence, for goodness sake.

Her short blond bob rustles with the breeze, and her pale skin glows as she leads us to her greenhouse. “So, Azazel sent you. It’s been so long since I last saw him. How is that old demon?” she asks with a sugary sweet voice.

I shrug my shoulders. “Uh, he’s fine.”