Chapter 11: Hopeful or hopeless
It doesn’t take me long to get to the building’s empty rooftop. I’m guessing that the intruders haven’t come to the rooftop because the door is padlocked. Luckily for me, I’m an expert at picking locks. It takes me seconds to unlock the door. The entrance is silent, but I can hear the sounds of bodies rushing around downstairs.
As careful as I can be, I walk down the stairs and stop when a figure passes by. The intruder is wearing the colors of the local gang and holding a gun. Before he can spot me, I flatten myself against the wall and wait to see if there are more men. Once I realize that he’s alone, I sneak up behind him and grab him in a headlock. He struggles within my hold, his body flailing as he tries to catch his breath. But it’s a futile effort, and he quickly falls into unconsciousness.